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Accurate assessment of the future, written in 1997 and revisited.

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posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 08:38 AM
I came across a VERY interesting article written in 1997 about where "we" are heading to as a nation. It's based on the idea that all one really needs to do is look at our past to see our future. The author has re-visited his article (sept. 8, 2005) to emphasize that while he made no overt predictions he wasnt far off in the thinking either.. infact here is one quote he said in 1997:

"The crashing of an airliner into the Capitol during a joint session. (Close, but not quite.) "

What I also find interesting is the focus on the repeating cycles of the generations (ie. Baby Boomers, Generation X, etc.) and their effect on the world. Since we here at ATS represent the gamma of generations I'm sure many will be able to identify with these generations..

Please read, I promise it will be worth it. It's not propganda, just a light assement done in 1997 holding true today.

Everybody wants predictions. The following article does a little better than that, in that I wrote it back in November of 1997, outlining several theories of history, and pointing to a logical way of anticipating what will likely happen to the world at large over the next generation.

As you will read, the methodology I relied upon for anticipating the events that are now unfolding – 7 years later – were uncannily accurate, confirming in my mind at least, that now is a time to be very cautious in your personal and financial affairs.

The article is unaltered in its text from the original, though I have added some current commentary in bold italics

Doug Casey
September 8, 2005



[edit on 23-9-2005 by Serum39]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 10:07 AM
Extraordinarily interesting read, Serum. I've read other works that echo this and my guess is that Casey has read them as well. This is scary but balanced. No agenda which is unusual on this board. As a '52 vintage Boomer I've seen alot of this pass. And I agree with his assessment. Damn.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 12:07 PM
Glad you thought it was a good read too. Shame others havent- but each to their own I guess.

I want to add, based on his four generational catagories, after Gen X, the cycle would repeat and begin again with the "Hero Archetype" generation.

Based on his characterization of this generation, do you really think we are now in the "Hero Archetype"? I have a teen and 12 year old at home, they are ANYTHING but, and i quote him....

" ... them to be civic minded, optimistic, regular guys who could be counted on to do the right thing, fit in, and see that everybody got a square deal. "

Honestly, I have never seen such self-serving detached kids/teens running around. I see a blurring of the line between right & wrong. With morality a NON-priority.

Maybe, there needs to be another "Generation" (Gen Y) added to the cycle.

Your thoughts?


[edit on 23-9-2005 by Serum39]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:26 PM
That was a very good read.

I would argue that the new generation is in fact at least part Hero type. They do work in groups together better then other generations. They don't have as many type A, leader personalities. They are a generation that will be commanded by others. Perfect for a war.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Serum39
Glad you thought it was a good read too. Shame others havent- but each to their own I guess.

I want to add, based on his four generational catagories, after Gen X, the cycle would repeat and begin again with the "Hero Archetype" generation.

Based on his characterization of this generation, do you really think we are now in the "Hero Archetype"? I have a teen and 12 year old at home, they are ANYTHING but, and i quote him....

" ... them to be civic minded, optimistic, regular guys who could be counted on to do the right thing, fit in, and see that everybody got a square deal. "

Honestly, I have never seen such self-serving detached kids/teens running around. I see a blurring of the line between right & wrong. With morality a NON-priority.

Maybe, there needs to be another "Generation" (Gen Y) added to the cycle.

Your thoughts?


[edit on 23-9-2005 by Serum39]

I'll add this, the last hero generation didn't have plasma TV, video games, and internet porn effecting their little brains

leave it to beaver - south park
playing baseball in the park - playing baseball on-line
playboy - xxx hardcore

I mean, have you ever done a google search for something like "hot water" ? just the adds and come-ons are disturbing.

its just a different world alltogether. I hate to say it, but I have strong concerns for our future generatins as a whole. There are always exceptions, but the hero generation may only rise from the rubble of our demise

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 01:48 PM
American Mad Man and syrinx high priest

Both excellent comments- I totally agree

I would imagine we will have to wait to find out how the distractions syrinx high priest has mentioned will effect the generational cycle.

The Information Age really has it's draw backs huh?


[edit on 23-9-2005 by Serum39]

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:47 AM
syrinx i do like ur analogies playboy=xxx internet porn etc, but it seems to me that although those things are much more extreme respectivley to their predecessor, so are (tear to my eye) our threats, tnt=suitcase bomb, mustard gas= vx(or someother chemical wmd)along with the means to distribute nad use them, i did also like ur comment on the hero generation acutally being those who rebuild and improve our civilazation.

Best thing I could hope for is that we are not cyclical or at least able to break out of it, though casey makes a good arguement for it(great read by the way serum thx for it), and although we do seem to have leaders here in america especially and elsewere who are more into political cronyism and wasteful spending and causing devestation. That all is not lost, still waiting for our generations martin luther king jr or ghandi, someone to rally the masses against the destructive forces and allow society to progress in a non destructive manner, though militaries are always necessary as a means to defend our planet(neither here nor there). thanks again for the insightful read


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