posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 12:07 PM
Assuming (yeah, yeah, I know about assuming) that these four countries were to somehow go to war with each other (rather farfetched, but who knows?)
I'm thinking that of the survivors, the North koreans and
the Russians would be most likely to recover first, as they are less tech-reliant, with the U.S. not far behind: the U.S. is not too far removed from
our westward expansion roots, and the toughness that it required to tame
the west. France would be the worst of the four because it doesn't seem to have the grit. and tough mindedness that it once had.
Of course we are working on the assumption that there would be anything left other than scattered, radiation poisoned, psychologically and
physically traumatized people left.
I would . however, like to see what kind of society would crawl and claw its way up from the ashes. Interesting indeed.