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Religion in School

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posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 04:16 PM
FaithDefender stated at the top of this post: "I think kids should be able to openly display their religious beliefs because, simply, that is what they believe and are probably raised on." Well, is that a kids beliefs or that of their parents? How many 8 year olds do you know who are born into the Catholic faith who go to the local mosque or synagogue? None, because they don't know their own minds. I strongly believe no religion should be taught at school, and would go further and say that no children should be given any religious instruction, or attend any religious ceremony until their free will leads them this way. The current situation is nothing short of brainwashing. Religion is the opiate of the masses and is promoted to keep us all in line.
All it is is old men arguing about which fairy story is the best. It's about time everybody grew up.

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 04:19 PM
persons can solve the issues facing them today and without using the bible as a tool for such...
live by it not the other way around...

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 05:12 PM
Really LOBO? Well, never heard of it, sorry I said you were still Wiccan, that is if it offended you. I wouldn't though, they believe in do what one wants as long as no one is hurt by it. Anyways, not a christian so I won't stop you from being a Jedist.

Also, good point with the singing. I can't stand up and start singing Devil Went Down To Georgia for it is distracting and rude and well, not everyone likes it. Can't stand up and go "Ooooga Booge Wooga Nooge" either for it is rude and distracting. Why can you go "Imaginary man that lives in the clouds, please don't send me to hell for eating meat on a Tuesday. Amen."

Silently, go ahead, but out loud? Why out loud? If your god is all powerful it will be psychic and be able to "hear" your prayer in your head.

Then, tried a little experiment. Most people know of my Pebble People theory. Me and JamesG came up with them. Why? Well, we said they all powerful, invisible, and eat your socks which explains why when you do laundry some always end up missing. We can't prove they exist, but no one can prove they don't, so going by religous logic, they must be real. Anyways, during english, I started a little prayer to the Pebble People. Got some strange looks, asked to be quiet, and so I was. Later on in history did a prayer to the christian god, the teacher did nothing. Now why was I able to preach to christian god yet when praying to Pebble People, I get told to stop and be quiet?

Oh well, all hail the Pebble People or you go to San Fransisco, you go to San Fransisco and get bent over and take it in the bum!(how christian leaders go you give me money or you go to hell, you go to hell and you die!)

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Satyr
Praying out loud in the presence of others, who may or may not share your religious views, is not only rude, it's arrogant! You're also disturbing other students who may also be trying to pray silently, or just study.
What if I was a satanist, and I decided to pray out loud right beside you? There's absolutely no reason you can't pray silently, unless you're just trying to be a troublemaker.
Give me freaking break!

BTW, you're also not allowed to sing in the middle of a class. Why?

1) It's distracting
2) It's rude
3) Not everyone may like your song

Yet, you don't see people raising hell about that, do you? I swear! Your logic is so one way, it's not even logic.

[Edited on 10-9-2003 by Satyr]

I don't think that Satanists pray. Who would they pray to?

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 09:08 PM
Religion should not be taught in schools.
In my opinion.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 09:40 PM
The reason, TC, christians are attacked, in this issue, is because its the christians violently cramming thier silly superstitions down everyones throats.

other religions are very content to keep thier faith at home and in thier personal lives, not rubbing it in everyones face.

Christians rub thier religion in everyones face, its almost a tenanent of thier religion, one i find sickening. If thier religion was so great, then everyone would join. But its not, hence thier funny marketing schemes to try and sucker in the converts.

Religious songs should not be sung as part of the school curriculum, period, unless EVERY religion will be represented. Christians simply cant grasp the concept of freedom of religion includes freedom from having your kids indoctrinated by the state with a specific religion.

If kids wanna have thier own religious clubs, good for them, let em. But dont put it in as part of state sponsered curriculum and teaching, it doesnt belong there.

As for the question about Evolution not being taught in schools, thats true, somewhat. They taught evolution in my school, but i have heard, mostly in small rural areas, the creation myth being taught. Most schools teach the theory of evolution, and you always have christian kooks screaming in protest about it. But we are taught science, believe it or not.

Dont believe all the myths. Were not that Christ Insane in this country. Only a surprisingly small amount of people are that fanatically loony. They give the impression that this country is run by black coated sexless puritans paranoid the devil is out to get them.

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye
I don't think that Satanists pray. Who would they pray to?

Who else?

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 07:36 AM
Religion is only a way of oppression, which should be eredicated across the world in all circomstances. Gets rid of all the wars at the same time!

F*ck God
F*ck the pope
and most of all
F*ck every religeous person alive today!!!

posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 07:47 AM
"Religion" is not illegal in schools.

What is against the Constitution is the organized leading of any religion by school(state) officials in taxpayer paid public schools.

Students may meet after school, during school like in a study hall, etc. However, duing official class time there should be no leadership or prayer given during the time. Why?

Very simple. The founding fathers did not want our country to innermix the state and religion for very obvious reasons. If you want an obvious reason look at the situation in the Middle East.

The purpose of our Constitution is to protect the minority from the majority. No one should be taught how to believe by the state and when prayer is introduced that is being taught.

The early Americans left Europe because they were being told what to believe. REMEMBER?

Say you had a child in school. The teacher started to lead a prayer however made the statement that those who did not wish to participate did not have to. Little Johnny decided he did not want to participate for he had different beliefs. After the prayer the students went to the playground for fun. Johnny was not having fun. Why? All the other children were picking and mocking him for not participating.

I saw a statement somewhere in this thread that someone stated why can't the religion that this country was founded on be taught in schools. WHAT RELIGION WAS THAT?

I have done this once without a response, and I'll do it again. I challenge any Christian or any other religion to show me in our Constitution, Declaration, etc. where the founding fathers used that religions name. THEY DID NOT. They used the all encompassing word of GOD. No Jesus, Muhammed, Confucious, Buddha. THEY USED GOD.

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