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Random number & letter generators as prophecy

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posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:10 PM
Princeton University is doing an ongoing study of random number generators, called eggs, around the earth & there. They noticed spikes in matches frequency the morning of 9/11, 2001-WTC event. They noticed spiking just before the Christmas tsunami on Thailand. Art Bell did an experiment on his radio show, asking people to concentrate on a mass affecting of the "eggs", which also produced a higher frequency. Not conclusive YET, but it's not over.

I don't believe that the public affected the eggs, however, because I've been using random letter generation for many years in the form of spelling dice, with the right balance of vowels & consanants.

I can ask a question mentally & roll the 18 dice which the vast percentage of the time will answer. The problem with the method is getting specific details about an event, like dates. Alternate arrangements of the spelling only apply if all the letters are used in context of message, by my rule of logic.

Spelling dice make for a great personal oracle for cautions for the day, etcetera.

I've noticed random precision in tragedies also. What are the odds of a jet supposedly crashed due to boxcutters used as shanks of crashing at Shanksville?

A few years back was a crash in Turkey at a place that sounds like my last name. Spooky, now it's talking to me, possibly! I had an e-book that got hacked offline about the random precision phenomena. OMENS in railroading efforts off track, and spikes in crash rates like the intense mid 1996 period of military and commercial crashes, and Clintons cargo plane.

If God could speak, it would be via something like random precision, unattackable and regardless of opinions.

Pay attention to omens of tragedy, & interpret any possible meaning to omens, like; Phucket Thailand hit by wave bye! I thought it was funny. If I list too many someone will put out a book before me about it.

The 15 million may've petitioned a response from the "Force", but they didn't actually control the "Force". I do believe the Force is real & intelligent & communicative, if we listen right. I get usgs quake omens sent to me regular for study.

Tornado season, funnel touchdowns can actually ad lib with me on the NSA/NRO phone tap the lawyer told me I have for life. Weather channel reports have submitted the ad libs, as I went, via picking up the phone for to report & make statements. My battle of words with gov is on the phone tap.

Years ago, terrorists left one of many harrassments on my doorstep; a proverbial rats behind was given about me. Within 24 hours a passenger jet crashed; a Surat airport downing. Another time was left a 45 caliber fed auto posted hollow point bullet, in the 90s, & soon a tornado hit Bullit Kentucky funnel done, 45 hurt. Kooky coincidences keep piling up like that, At what point is it not coincidence anymore, but evidence?

Yea, I know God. Huge! As the Bible said, "God is no respector of persons".

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 08:14 PM
hey, you're a prime candidate for google search.........'xenochrony' +'bob dobbs'.
there are others.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:12 PM
I'm unsure about this random generation thing, and what forces would cause it to convey such messages. But I'm willing to give it a shot myself if you will tell me how.

James, can you tell me the layout of these 18 dice so I can try to do the same thing myself? Did you construct them yourself, or are you just using a Boggle set or something? I'm interested to try it myself and see if I can get any results, and document the procedure in a scientific way.

I understand if you want to copywrite/patent them yourself, but I'd appreciate if you let me in on it to try. You can U2U me if you don't want to post it here. If you made the dice yourself, can you tell me how to do that too. If you still have the .pdf I'd appreciate that too. (Wow I'm a freeloader tonight
.) I will try to use the power responsibly

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
I'm unsure about this random generation thing, and what forces would cause it to convey such messages. But I'm willing to give it a shot myself if you will tell me how.

James, can you tell me the layout of these 18 dice so I can try to do the same thing myself? Did you construct them yourself, or are you just using a Boggle set or something? I'm interested to try it myself and see if I can get any results, and document the procedure in a scientific way."QUOTED.

I do use the Boggle set of 16 plus 2 number dice turned into vowel dice, to keep enough vowels in the message. One could paint number dice then paint letters over also. Some hardly used extra letters I've turned to vowels also on the Boggle set, with magic marker pen.

The mechanism of the phenomena is beyond rational explanation scientifically. The flight that crashed at Rockaway a few years back was on a day when the lottery numbers matched the flight number. It's coincidences like that, that if I give too many, my book can be stolen and rewritten.

I know I'm not in control of it. For example, I'd never heard of the city named Surat until I found the rear end of a rat in front, & the crash followed. What can choose a scene to use the name for an omen? I'm sure some will think it's Satan, which opens theological questions like, why does God then allow Satan to do this?

Random precision is the story of a tornado destroying a home in the south, but the baby was found tucked into a drawer safely, when it was over. Odds?

I do need a mathematician for scientific study of random precision. (Pink Floyd lyrics first used the term random precision). I've saved articles of spikes in military crashes, railroading wrecks (one at Vader WA), motorcycle deaths etc. Radical spikes happen, it's a question if it's coincidence or curse. Mathematician, where are you?

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 10:27 PM
How do you know where the vowels go? Do you roll them every other letter, or do you just randomly put them in with the other ones so they can go wherever they want too.

Do you think I should buy a Boggle game to use, or could I just use something like this online boggle

I opened it and my first randomization (left to right) contains the message:
Rark Poen R Hit E.F. Dunn To Ideho

Randomizing is pretty crazy stuff. Although that means nothing at all. lol. Comes out as a semi-logical message, although I have no idea what that could mean. Guess we'll see if someone named E.F. Dunn is hit to Idaho in the next little while

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by billybob
hey, you're a prime candidate for google search.........'xenochrony' +'bob dobbs'.
there are others.

If this be lalaland, why does it feel like the twilight zone?
BTW; the spelling dice gave us a sign prediction here in which other arrangements also spell the same message generally;

"I vow, bolt seen on feds"
"feds bow, I volt on seen"
"I sent dove blown, foes"
"I love new fed boss not"
"note I blow feds vs one"
"I belt down foes vs one"

My guess is lightning hits an aircraft.

As you see, it makes for an interesting daily horoscope, but pinning down the facts is where the automatic writing phenoma/(Ouija) or ancient sand table oracles comes in handy.

The Lord sent a lying spirit to the prophets of king Ahab, to lead him to defeat by false predictions, in 2 Chronicles 18:19-22 KJV. So it is with Ouija also. Use of sand table oracles was widespread before Jesus, in Zoroastrian times, and is referred to in Habakkuk 2:2. Jesus wrote on the ground while a hostile crowd awaited to see if he'd contradict the law of Moses, so they could stone him also. He needed a fast answer, and stooped down & ignored them while writing in John 8. The answer was brilliant; let he who is without sin cast the first stone (for the victimless offense).

Many get scared religious by Ouija boards. If you summon evil, yes, evil may arrive. If your faith is strong, & it's done in relgious context from whence it came, you're safer.

In 1993, I first started using Ouija for help in dangers. Little things t said about friends turned out to be true. The first major test it set for June 27, predicting a truck getting zapped on the Mercer span of Interstate 90. I told my legal handler and sent a registered notarized sealed letter to myself to prove I'd predicted it.

The day came & didn't look stormy enough to zap a truck. But, the mafia lawyer had borrowed 2 trucks from the city gov for a lesbian gay day parade, and as they approached the Mercer span, they were talking about the wierd prediction. Just then, an accident above on an overpass knocked down a high voltage line on the truck. So much power zapped it that the tires blew out, and they were stuck there while crews shut off the power and rescued them, blocking traffic as predicted.

News crews filmed them cursing the Ouija for predicting it, but that never made the news. Days later a local news station finally showed the truck blocking traffic, but skipped all details about why they with-held the story.

When the lawyer was released from the hospital she came & told me the story. Mafia got a lesson from the Force there, and gov.

What are the odds of a prediction that specific happening? I see the Force as a universal spirit that's within all, & so knows all and can impersonate the dead or perhaps really summon the dead.

I've been wrong before also,but the hits are amazing enough to keep me interested.

Sort of quantum entanglements are involved with something from the future passing info of the future to the present. NT says the spirit of God is the spirit of prophecy.

It's not divination, or familiar spirits, as I see it, but tapping into the universal Force anytime anyday, as with something that never leaves, not that is summoned.

[edit on 21-9-2005 by James J Dierbeck]

[edit on 21-9-2005 by James J Dierbeck]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
How do you know where the vowels go? Do you roll them every other letter, or do you just randomly put them in with the other ones so they can go wherever they want too.

Do you think I should buy a Boggle game to use, or could I just use something like this online boggle

I opened it and my first randomization (left to right) contains the message:
Rark Poen R Hit E.F. Dunn To Ideho

Randomizing is pretty crazy stuff. Although that means nothing at all. lol. Comes out as a semi-logical message, although I have no idea what that could mean. Guess we'll see if someone named E.F. Dunn is hit to Idaho in the next little while

There's enough vowels there to make a number of arrangements into a meaningful message, I'm sure, the trick is to have all letters used in context. A woman I'd just met once noted that the word in the dice arrangement was her last name, which I didn't know.

There's more than 18 letters with that online boggle thing, which makes for too many alternative combinations to be sure of the exact message. Boggle in stores has 16, which is good enough, if they had the right balance of most used & least used letters. Enough vowels is the main thing.

Sometimes there's only one combination to use up all the letters, sometimes it's mostly consonants. You can always roll them bones again.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 01:01 AM

Pay attention to omens of tragedy, & interpret any possible meaning to omens, like; Phucket Thailand hit by wave bye! I thought it was funny.

Hello James.

Are you saying that the letters were spelled out in this order? Or did you just record the random letters from your ouija board and then arrange them after the quake?

I have never used a Ouija board, but I am intrigued by them. I would not want to communicate with deceptive or evil spirits. Are you saying there is a way to use this device so that it attracts good-intentioned spirits?

This is an interesting thread.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Pay attention to omens of tragedy, & interpret any possible meaning to omens, like; Phucket Thailand hit by wave bye! I thought it was funny.

"Are you saying that the letters were spelled out in this order? Or did you just record the random letters from your ouija board and then arrange them after the quake?"QUOTED.

The Christmas Thailand wave wasn't on my schedule. I was out of the loop. But the omen clues at random were there. I was busy with a busy web forum then.

QUOTE "I would not want to communicate with deceptive or evil spirits. Are you saying there is a way to use this device so that it attracts good-intentioned spirits?

This is an interesting thread."

I don't want to get anything evil either. I have the (maybe still) hard to get OAHSPE, traditionally only for masons, & it has mason footnotes. It's from "automatic writing" by trance in the 1800s. Apparently masons found it to be something to keep from the public.

The sand table oracles are spoken of in Oahspe (which means earth spirit). It was Zarathustra era popular.

Habakkuk 2:2 is about sand table oracle practice. The most sacred spot in Old Testament temples was the oracle room, where priests would wear the urim & thummin to receive prophecy. Urim & thummin are metal breastplates embedded with jewels, making it a crude photovoltaic device for a weak eletrical field around the wearer, once worn in the light, as was also done, before entering the oracle zone.

I'm saying the Force may've instructed it as a practice to affect the static field of the body to enable the control of hands with less "human factor".
The prophets of Ahab were given wrong info on purpose, meaning, it wasn't prediction based on trance visions, so another method had to be used, that could confuse those prophets also.

Todays mind controlled populace rejects anything supernatural as not real or not of God. God sent an evil spirit to Saul which possessed him with an extremely foul feeling, in 1 Samuel 16:14-23 KJV which is 1 Kings in other Bibles that have 4 books of Kings. David exorcized him with music.

Ancient temples were temples of music and oracles, basically, with Hebrews. The oracle at Delphi was considered sacred ground, in a religious context. A king tested all the oracles and Delphi won.

John 16:2-3 is bound to be true regarding this topic in the heads of the deliberately mindcontrolled people. I'm very religious, though very liberal.

The one thing corruption need fear is supernatural justice out of their control. One person, with preknowledge, can be as Moses vs pharoah. Obviously, freemasonry doesn't want the public to know how to martial supernatural forces by cooperation with the Force.

Satan is called upon to curse mockers to shipwreck in 1 Timothy 1:20. Calling upon Satan to bring a curse on the flesh, that the spirit may be saved, is in 1 Corinthians 5:5.
The source of that practice is hidden, reportedly censored from the Book of Jasher, according to a Rosicrucian I know.

OT says God can referee curses into blessings, which is key metaphysical law there. What happens is for reasons. The opinions about Ouijas are handed to us, not our own. If guilty of murder, Ouija is not for you, but for your victim, likely.

A radio Ouija story; a guy defied the spirit of Ouija after a strange noise, saying a spirit can't hurt him expletive deleted. An unseen force broke his nose then. Sounds like a guilty evil guy there.

Another story had a guy call BS on what the board was spelling, & it spelled out that he'd die that night. BS he called again & left, & was killed in an accident that night. As Monty Python said; Must've been a board meeting.

It's not for everybody, for sure. It's no toy either. You can call air crashes with it.
It speaks in riddles and clues. I didn't know the mafia lawyer would be in the truck that was zapped, so I told her ahead of time about the repetitive prediction on board. I did laugh at the ruthless woman when she told me. She needed a reality check about God.

I began using it only after a PD nformant staged a shotgun "accident" on me, but the shells were duds (Ephesians 6:16). I needed to watch out psychicly.

A ladyfriend of mine was busted & pressured to set me up, & she broke down crying on the phone & I knew something was wrong, and she'd just been busted and car seized.

In rage at gov, I grabbed the Ouija, & it authorized calling a jinx on gov computers on behalf of Green River victims, & I did. News that evening said the entire Seattle city computerized phone system malfuctioned impossibly, according to computer experts. PD phones kept ringing all, with no-one on the line, and unable to call out on any phone. Last I heard, a year later is system replacement #2 had crashed also, costing millions of dollars.

Ghost power unleashed by a simple statement on the NSA/NRO tap. I've many stories too unbelievable to tell. Gov knows and I suspect the Princeton study was gov prodded, because I already showed them the force is real in my private war on corruption. Scientific basis needed to validate something wild as it gets, out of control, and against evil, and able to communicate.

I was into this before the Princeton study.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 02:43 PM
i see it everywhere. the truth, that is.
sine waves of energy at all frequencies smashing into one another and interacting. from the quantum to the galactic level.
it's cool.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by billybob
i see it everywhere. the truth, that is.
sine waves of energy at all frequencies smashing into one another and interacting. from the quantum to the galactic level.
it's cool.

Your signature is cool, BTW. I should get in the 9/11 debate talking about thermite grenades.

Yesterdays omen of the day; CFX (see effects) head on collision of railroading efforts, at Newsom (news omens or news omega) VA, a rock train, from Emporia.

"you wore out your welcome with random precision"-Pink Floyd from Shine on Crazy Diamond.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 12:07 AM

Yesterdays omen of the day; CFX (see effects) head on collision of railroading efforts, at Newsom (news omens or news omega) VA, a rock train, from Emporia.

James, can you explain this better? I'm sure readers of your thread would be interested to know what you get from your ouija board or sand writing or whatever. If there is a sequence of letters that you get, pass them on to us here and we'll see what happens.I am not sure if that's what you're doing with the above passage. How did you recieve this omen?

Are you saying I can actually have as much success with ideomatic writing or whatever where I just let my hand write automatically or let it write letters in sand, like Jesus? You're saying this may be more successful than a ouija board?

I am wondering if you have any opinions on lucid dreaming or the dream states/planes in general. Thanks for the info.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 02:17 AM
I presume you are speaking of the Global consciousness project:

Yes, I am familiar with this project and I agree with the issues and goals.
We are combining certain aspects of this project with the concept of Gaïa and Stochastic Analysis of infinite dimensional spaces. We have made leaps and bounds into the issue of singularity and transhumanism.

This type of crytography is to crack the "GOD" code.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by billybob
i see it everywhere. the truth, that is.
sine waves of energy at all frequencies smashing into one another and interacting. from the quantum to the galactic level.
it's cool.

Interesting, so do i....i belive there are answers in everything around us. Its the humans that are mostly out of tune...

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

"James, can you explain this better? I'm sure readers of your thread would be interested to know what you get from your ouija board or sand writing or whatever. If there is a sequence of letters that you get, pass them on to us here and we'll see what happens.I am not sure if that's what you're doing with the above passage. How did you recieve this omen?"

This omen I did not predict, it's from yesterdays news about the CFX railroading mishap in VA, interpreted according to "random precision" patterns I've noticed. I've been too busy posting to spend much time with Ouija. It's time consuming to re-ask until I'm sure I've got the answer intended by repetition. The human factor can be reduced this way. Occasionally the Oracle won't answer, & I can't force it. & I did post variations of the 18 letters of my official question via dice, and surmise it means a lightning strike on a jet with feds on board. When, I don't know, & the Force can make a man seem a fool or a prophet by answers right or wrong.

"Are you saying I can actually have as much success with ideomatic writing or whatever where I just let my hand write automatically or let it write letters in sand, like Jesus? You're saying this may be more successful than a ouija board?"

It's the same principle at work; automatic writing/Ouija/ sand table oracles. It helps to try to meditate your brain waves into a "alpha" state to attune with the universal spirit within ALL. I say that because Ouija has successfully predicted ufo events immediately beforehand, a few times, verified via local news.

Assuming ufos are alien, that means aliens can also access this Force that can spy on their acivity in advance. What can spy on aliens, transcend time/space limitations, bring forth the dead ghosts, and spy on the living? Something in the future while in the past. Mind boggling stuff.

"I am wondering if you have any opinions on lucid dreaming or the dream states/planes in general. Thanks for the info."

My visions always happen as falling asleep, or in the dream state, unless I'm altering my brain wave activity to a serene state, or what the Bible calls a "trance" in the vision of Acts 10:10-17. Office of Scientific Investigation & Research did a number of investigations on sleep anomalies. I know a woman who dreamed of being burned, and awoke burned, she says, although not seriously burned.

BTW, I was watching the tv documentary on discovery channel; "A Haunting in Georgia" about an investigation where "ghost scratches" were filmed occurring. I was laid back watching when I felt a scratch occurring to my lower left backside of the hip, where nothing could possibly be scratching me. I took it as a friendly confirmation of the phenomena, & it never reoccurred.
Med experts determined that ghost scratches are actually burns just under the skin, which takes ENERGY.
Science rules of conversion of energy don't account for what happens to the static field of dead bodies. Something to think about with orbs & plasm pix at

corrected BB codes

[edit on 24-9-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by MIB in Canada
I presume you are speaking of the Global consciousness project:

[b/ ] Now I feel lazy for not posting it myself. Thanks for the link up. I don't understand the concept of the term you used besides Gaia; please explain it. You said "WE" and you seem to know what you're talking about, so feel free to contact me publicly or privately. PS, I do believe it is God permeating our reality in a way we can study scientifically. [ /b]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 10:20 AM
you need to start codes without the forward slash, '/', but keep ending them with the forward slash '/', to get them to work.

here is some bolded text, look at the code by hitting the 'quote' button to see how its set up

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 01:14 AM
A helicopter crashed near Mexico city, said AP and Boston Globe. On board was the head of all Mexican federales, Ramon Martin Huerta. The wrreckage burned, no survivors. No foul play suspected, but the investigation is ongoing as to exact cause.

The test throw of the spelling dice I interpreted to predict a crash with feds due to electricality. Dice didn't say lightning or jet, it was human factor speculation, making me wrong, but the dice correct. Perfect example omen here. It can make you a prophet or fool, or both at the same time.

I hope the press covers the crash cause investigation results. It was cloudy.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 03:01 AM
edited cause i dunced out. blame the beeeeer!

[edit on 24-9-2005 by billybob]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 07:38 PM
Today a wildfire has CHATs WORTH flaming, California. I sure have been busy with this site, chatting.

Blackwell Missouri (blackwell misery), railroading effort derailed.

Ouija spells out a large death toll, by fire and stampede ahead. In the 90s, a gov military Ouija team went AWOL, & told their story. I suggest the team try separately to get the same answer about this. Some things are destiny, & the Force cannot be forced to tell the truth or details about it.

Again, I'll either seem a sage or madman for betting I can predict this via the board. But the board seems game for a public test.

Be my guest to try to prevent it, or place bets on what country & when. Step right up & try your luck at predicting news!

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