I'm was in an emergency foamed runway landing when I was little at JFK airport with my mom. I was too young to remember though but heard the story
many times.
There is a very high likelihood of them having a safe landing. I pray they get down safely.
I can't imagine the way they are feeling on that plane right now and family members watching.
I can see landing gear from the tv cams. Must have been stuck down on takeoff?
At least they were taking off and not inbound. They had enough fuel onboard to circle for however long they needed to. Inbound and they might have
been close to empty.
The wheels turned 90 degrees when they turned onto the runway to take off, and froze. Porbably a steering cylinder froze when they turned. There was
an o-ring problem with the nose gear on this particular aircraft type that would cause the gear to lock turned to the side.
And there is an ATSNN thread. The live tv coverage is mentioned in that thread too, but I didn`t notice that thread until now. Why are
ATS/ATSNN-threads never cross-referenced or linked? Competition? Everybody is not logged in 24 hours a day... Sorry for ranting ( I haven`t had my
coffee yet ) . Here :