posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:39 AM
"What I want to do is hear your thoughts on what time was more politically enlightening now or then. Were propel more
out spoken then or are they more out spoken now. Which was worse which were you more against the Vietnam conflict
or the Iraqi conflict? What are the similarities and differences between the societies? Were you considered "anti-American"
for disagreeing with Vietnam or the government?, Was the news considered bias? was there tons of anti-war propaganda,
did celiberties speak out about it? did people protest more?
I want to please hear this from someone who lived through the Vietnam era in the 1960's through 1970's." == iksmodnad
Without saying more than I like about personal things, I qualify for the time frame you are talking about, but you have phrased
the paragraph I quoted to seek out one side of the equation. That is not the side I am on. I was "playing war since I was
three" as the song goes. One of my college roommates and several of my high school friends are on "The Wall". I joined
about 70 percent of the military back then who VOLUNTEERED for Vietnam. I have a gut feeling for how and why that
war was lost and how the war on terror will be also. Unfortunately for us, the consequences will be far worse. So you
will probably be better off drinking the kool-aid from the Jane Fonda/ Kerry types. This tends to be a Bush bashing board
with some forums that even debate the meaning of patriotism. You should have plenty of takers drunk on kool-aid.