posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 12:42 PM
I'm not sure whether I'm buying this one just yet, but it's worth looking into.
What follows is the original article I wrote when the news story first broke regarding the existence of a system to tap into any phone in America
built into the surveillance system used by law enforcement authorities. Several cases were cited where investigations ranging from drug running and
money laundering to the events of 9/11 had been compromised by leaks from the company that operated the phone taps as well as phone data from an
associated company that handles billing services for almost every phone in America.
The focus of the article was a single question. Could Israel be blackmailing the entire US Government and media.
The answer is now obvious. Fox News, the so-called "We report, you decide" all news network, has removed the four part story from their website. No
explanation is given except for the single Orwellian sentence at the end of one of the links, "This story no longer exists".