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Mysterious Fireball Goes Across Florida Skies

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posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:04 PM
Given the situation of our environment, and what is going on in Iraq, I would make the assumption,that a higher being is starting to be really ticked off at us. Between the Hurricanes,and the fireball, maybe thats a sign that were going to be burnt to a crisp.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by denial28
Given the situation of our environment, and what is going on in Iraq, I would make the assumption,that a higher being is starting to be really ticked off at us. Between the Hurricanes,and the fireball, maybe thats a sign that were going to be burnt to a crisp.

Oh well that was refreshing.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by zenlover28
[Oh well that was refreshing.

Don't mean to frighten you, I hope this isn't the case, but considering Gdubya, has said that God told him to go to Iraq, And God told him to Find Al Quaida, maybe he really made someone really mad, after all, it's his home state that is about to be damaged by Rita, and his brother does live in Florida.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 06:17 PM
A Higher being should be able to just use a lightening bolt on the guy who is evil.

Why would a higher being kill old people and children?

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
A Higher being should be able to just use a lightening bolt on the guy who is evil.

Why would a higher being kill old people and children?

If this is the wrath,Children are innocents, they are going to a place where they won't have to suffer. The elderly, have paid their dues and it is time to go home. They are being spared something that could possibly be exactly what the prophets, and revelations have been describing for all these centuries. If it isn't then It surely is a tragedy, but I honestly don't think we can comprehend what exactly the master plan is. Regardless of what religion you are, there is always talk of the end of time, maybe this is it. I know the world doesn't feel the way it did when I was younger, and over the course of the past 10-15 years things have seriously taken a grim turn. Maybe it's because my eyes are exposed to alot more, and Im wiser now that I am older, But still, just take a look around the world.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 06:47 PM
Dont think any aliens want to punish you for being bad with tornadoes and hurricanes, it is probably more due to the pollution if anything.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 03:26 AM
Hurricanes are not the acts of aliens, but this "fireball" is something that was buried under the news of the hurricane, and will likly never get the whole storey.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 05:08 PM
I read the following article on Reuters, and it made me think of this thread...

It looks like the US isn't the only place seeing these weird fireballs/meteors. Any ideas about what could cause such a huge upswing in meteor activity?

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 08:47 AM
Garden thanks for sharing. I've been reading about fireballs being seen everywhere too. If it's only a meteoroid shower then I guess that would explain it, but it seems to have been going on for months which is strange. Again, thanks for the info.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 02:14 PM
Well wasn't there something similar to this before the tsunami?

Which reminds me. Last night my dogs started going insane. Even the old fart dog that im babysitting that has bad back legs (can barely get up the stairs) RAN DOWN like crazy. This is creeping me out now.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Andrew, i've been witnessing odd animal behavior for months. Everything from the disappearance of birds to horses jumping fences and not eating. But, it's been happening over a long period of time.

The hunters aren't having any luck as deer & rabbit season has opened up. They aren't seeing very much life at all in the woods. Especially, with squirrels. There are no squirrels because there is no food for them. I think alot of the weird animal behavior can be blamed on the weather, however, my ears have been popping and other physical occurrences such as a tremendous pain in my bones and joints have been happening. I'm only 28 btw! So, no it's not arthritis.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I try to remain pretty balanced and not go over the top thinking that a disaster is looming, but my entire being is telling me that it is.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 04:08 PM
according to this site the fireballs have become very common over the eastern coast of America over the past weeks. This site goes onto explain how these fireballs could be linked the a flux in the earths gravity initially caused by the Dec 23,2004 Earthquake near the North Pole and the Earthquake and Tsunami in Sumatra the very next day that left a scar on the earths' rotation.... And goes onto predict that this year as a result of the scar, on or near the christmas/new years eve holliday season their will be a major earth quake in the New Madrid Fault Zone in AMERCICA !!!

I think this could be followed by a SuperVolcanic Eruption in America or Sumatra. Note: SuperVolcanic Eruptions are the Earths way of purifying / healing itself.

Read the Entire Article Here ...

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Where2Hide2006]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by zenlover28
however, my ears have been popping and other physical occurrences such as a tremendous pain in my bones and joints have been happening. I'm only 28 btw! So, no it's not arthritis.

My brother was diagnosed with arthiritis when he was 17 so you can get it very young and just as badly. But I agree over time since ive lived in Florida ive been low in energy etc... I dont know but since the December earthquakes ive had a horrible feeling a fault line may appear here in Florida and cause pure devistation. My dogs have been acting odd. Theres no denying that. Birds and squirrels on the other hand seem normal here.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 02:09 PM
I saw some things last night in the sky that I really dont like. I just hope whoever is getting ready to visit is friendly. Im being 100% serious.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 02:58 PM
Interesting link Where2hide2006. I guess the only question I have is, what is the correlation between the earthquakes and the fireballs? An earthquake wouldn't be able to disrupt a gravitational field, because gravity is a direct result of mass and density.

I don't know enough about seismology, of course, to make an educated statement, but I guess I just have trouble seeing a relationship between meteors which burn up in the atmosphere and earthquakes (other than random causality, or chaos theory).

Could some one please explain it to me, if there is a relationship?

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:15 PM
The relationship is that they are both being caused by the same disruption.
I think it is all related to the solar flares of the sun, these solar flares were reported a few years ago, and went directly over the earth, without causing the disruption to satilites and other electronics...which was expected. Since this never happened, everything thought that everything was gonna be ok.

My theory is that the solar flares penetrated the earth and had an effect on the core of the earth...possibly causing it to expand.

The expansion of the core is what caused the violent earthquakes at the north pole and in sumatra on December 25th and December 26th of last year which left a scar on the earths rotation. The scar is still there, and on or around December 25th we will once again pass through the scar.

The Earth Magnetic Field has been a littly wacky this year... i think the core instability is also the cause of this. the solar flares increasing the size of the core would create a stronger gravity field, and therefor attact near earth meteors to come crashing into the atmasphere.

Eventually I believe that the Earth will try to heal itself... which means that a Super Volcanic Eruption becomes a very likely senario in our near future.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
The relationship is that they are both being caused by the same disruption.
I think it is all related to the solar flares of the sun, these solar flares were reported a few years ago, and went directly over the earth, without causing the disruption to satilites and other electronics...which was expected. Since this never happened, everything thought that everything was gonna be ok.

My theory is that the solar flares penetrated the earth and had an effect on the core of the earth...possibly causing it to expand.

The expansion of the core is what caused the violent earthquakes at the north pole and in sumatra on December 25th and December 26th of last year which left a scar on the earths rotation. The scar is still there, and on or around December 25th we will once again pass through the scar.

The Earth Magnetic Field has been a littly wacky this year... i think the core instability is also the cause of this. the solar flares increasing the size of the core would create a stronger gravity field, and therefor attact near earth meteors to come crashing into the atmasphere.

Eventually I believe that the Earth will try to heal itself... which means that a Super Volcanic Eruption becomes a very likely senario in our near future.

Well, that's very interesting. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!!

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 04:40 PM
Im starting to freak out. BIRDS have been flying west all day. I drove down dale mabry and saw a huge line of birds that was at least 5 minutes long. Maybe my paranoia is getting to me but Ill just sit here and wait for something to happen.

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