I cringe when I see a mullet head lol..much like in this one video. Michael Angelo
That is one nice circus act, I'm surprised he didn't play with his feet lol.
Guitar One Magazine voted Michael Angelo the no. 1 Shredder of ALL TIME... This just proves most guitar "poll ratings" you see or read is 100% bull
shiz! They don't even think about the other styles of shredding such as jazz, country ext....
I do like some of Michael Angelo music such as No Boundaries
when you listen to it you will noticed it is limited and no room for feel. It is cool fast stuff, just not something I would want to hear all
day....But I could listen to Jason Becker stuff all day... he had mucho feel in a neo classical fussion way
then again I could listen to Roy Clark
shred all day, just depends on what style of music I'm in the mood for lol.
It can be fun to play like a robot but some people just go over board with it. There can be a time and place for it.
I like the blues..and..blues is the blues and there shouldn't be any shredding in it, but some people just don't get it lol!
When I go to a blues bar to jam I leave all the shredding at home, even the effects lol..... I do like shredding more than anything and know when not
to shred.....But I think some people just don't get it. Some nights at the blues bar mullets do come in and....well you know the rest lol....
Thanks to the 80's and MTV "shredding" has been connected too mullet heads world wide and this is unfortunate lol.
Most styles like country, jazz, and classical music have shredding in it and is usually used in a very tastefull way..
The thread title is misleading
Should not connect shredding to blues, "Want to Jam like Stevie Ray Vaughan".....this is sooooo misleading lol
More like "Want to Jam like Stevie Vai"......