posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 02:51 AM
As the sun came up and I moved no further in my work than I had last night. I decided to take a walk in the park to clear my head. It was then that I
hit on a thought (unfortunately not for my essay) but for this thread.
There is much to be said about knowledge verus awareness and the perceptions it engenders as being dangerous. Some may even say evil. For me the
concept of original sin is the conscious struggle between man's physical nature, his more animal tendencies, verus his spiritual and enlightened
I'm fascinated by the idea of knowledge as a pulley, ever struggling toward the other side, away from the 'physical' man and separating him (by his
knowledge) from all living things.
Adam and eve's fruit for example, separated them from the gift of speaking or understanding animals.
The sex thing is a red herring. The true sin is knowledge and the blast of awareness it brings to the human mind; a liberation yes. But also a
responsibily and a struggle and ultimately, as many tyranical deposts knew, extremely dangerous.
This first to go in any revolution? Thinkers, poets, writers, philosophers and artists.
ATS is a powerful board in many ways because of the ideas, structures, analysis and debate about all manner of important issues going on around us. At
it's core though, it is the refusal of ignorance. An enlightment if you will.
So what happens when these voices speak but are not heard? To use the falling tree in the forest analogy, are the voices even saying anything if no
one is listening?
I leave you with this question to move on to my next leading question.
There are a few members on ATS, I won't mention any names, who are not aware, either by self-deception or some unconscious desire for not wanting to
know the truth, who are very much like these trees in the forest. They aren't aware they may be thread killing, or maybe they don't want to know.
They just keep posting and killing threads day by day, unaware - happy perhaps even in the non-knowledge that anyone is listening or cares.
So my point is this: Are *we* TKAers dangerous and evil? We *know* we threadkill. We revel and relish in the fact of our cult or club. We cannot feign
ignorance, and thus innocence. We are guilty of knowledge and the subsequent power of manipulating that knowledge to our advantage.
For those of you who stopped listening or caring long ago, I will recap my points:
Knowledge is power, perhaps engenders evil
TKAers have knowledge (may or may not be evil)
Will we eventually be shut down for fostering dangerous thoughts among our followers, I mean members?
Why are devilled eggs from the devil? Surely paprika isn't *evil*
Final questions I would like you to ponder on:
Say on a thread there is a person who is unwittingly posting seemingly by themselves and you say to them, 'hey you are a thread killer.' And they
say, 'no, no, I"m not. I different than you people. I get responses.' But the truth is they don't. They are as deadly as you or I, but they don't
know it (or want to know it).
Do we:
A. Nod our heads and then secretly, behind their backs, analyse their posts and use their resistence as research. Evil level 8 (from 1 to 10 with 10
being the most evil)
B. Laugh at them and nominate them for Killer post of the day? Evil level 8.5
C. Hand them our link and show them the 13 step programme to enlightement and betterment. Evil level 1
D. Take them aside privately and gently explain they have a 'problem'. Evil level 0. Stupidity factor 10. No one WANTS to know they are irrelevant.
No one wants to believe it. They have to accept before they understand. UNtil then they will go around posting useless posts that no one will read.
Final, final point: Deception and denial are just as dangerous as knowledge. More so, some would claim.
This has been Press Secretary of Swishy Hair and Shoes (hearby known as PSHS) bringing you the 'Deep' Thought of the day.