posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 12:21 PM
Why is it that Iran, Iraq and North Korea keep getting pressed about their WMD yet not one word is mentioned to Israel, who have broke countless UN
VIENNA, Austria, Sept. 8 � The U.N. nuclear agency�s chief on Monday pressed Iran to come clean with �full transparency� on uranium enrichment and
other evidence that could point to a covert atomic weapons program.
IN A STATEMENT to the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei said Iran has been showing increased cooperation, but that
his experts still don�t have enough information to determine the nature of Tehran�s nuclear activities.
�I would urge Iran in the coming weeks to show proactive and accelerated cooperation, and to demonstrate full transparency by providing the
agency with a complete and accurate declaration of all its nuclear activities,� ElBaradei said.