posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 02:48 PM
discussing the pros and cons of the " blacked out building " syndrome this aft , and like all our achahol lubed discussions - it went down hill fast
thier view was :
10 years ago we had nothing even approaching the internet as it stands today , so even a " nerfed " app like google earth is still a fabulous tool -
and free
my view - is that its a total waste of time [ blanking out buildings ]
yup - but the end we were at quite crossed puropses , but thats how it goes sometimes
but IMHO - the stated reasons [ security ] is a waste of time and effort , that only inconveniences the honest
a hypothetical terrorist who wishes to plan an attack on NYC can use a variaty of apps / resources to replace the blanked data on google , flight sim
games still have MS flight sim 2000 pro , etc have very realistic urban landscapes and are availiable on ebay , etc etc
and even restricting yourself to google earth - if you ` memorise ` the profiles of the buildings - just from shape - you have a much better idea of
the topography
i have no illusions that google will " see sense " but we can hope