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Bush watching first plane hit.

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posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:08 AM
I have searched but have not found anything on this specific topic.

The one thing that really troubles me about this whole 9/11 topic is the actions and behaviour of George W. Bush on the day of the attacks.

As is common knowledge now, Bush states that he SAW the first plane hitting the WTC from a television in a classroom. The first plane hit at 8.46am, Bush was in his motorcade from 8.30am till he arrives at Booker Elementary school at 8.52-8.55am.

"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on" GWB 4/12/01

Did he have a Tv in his car with a live feed of the WTC? In his first speech he states that he saw a plane hitting the WTC and thought it was pilot error. A month later he states that it was the first plane hitting the WTC that he saw on TV that day.

We know that the only footage of the first plane hitting the WTC was the French brothers video, while they were with the NYFD.

We also have seen the video of Bush being told of the second plane hitting the WTC and being told that America was under attack.

" And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack." GWB 4/12/01

My problem is, if Bush meant that he saw the second plane hitting the WTC, why did he assume pilot error? He knew that America was under attack, he knew that planes had been hijacked by the time the second plane hit. He was sitting in the classroom when the second plane hit.

If Bush meant that he HEARD about the plane hitting the WTC, that would make more sense, but why say that he saw the first plane hit. and why say it twice?

If this has been discussed before, I apologise.


Why has this never been brought up in the mainstream media? What else did Bush do that day that was out of the ordinary for the situation?

He didn't order fighters to shoot down the hijacked planes till nearly 10am I think. Why all the false threats to AF1? Was this to keep Bush out of the way till the damage was done? Was Cheney really behind 9/11?

Interesting stuff...or am I just getting carried away?

[edit on 19-9-2005 by celticniall]

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:21 AM
This has been addressed before, I am sure, although I don't know if it has a thread of its own. My own guess is that this is where Bush's being an idiot comes to his defense. He probably got the timeline of events confused in his mind when talking about it. In fairness, just about anyone would probably have a hard time remembering specifics when faced with such an alarming situation.

Then again, I have no problem with the idea that there was, in fact, an unintentional slip of something that shouldn't have been said. I don't think this is a likely avenue for exposing the truth behind 9/11, but it's worth remembering.

-koji K.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:24 AM
It's always hard to remember LIES!!!!

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:32 AM
There was a lot of confusion that day. I think there was one threat made against Air Force One, but standard procedure is to keep moving and have escorts with them when they are airborne. With the in-flight refueling capability they could stay airborne for a long time.

I won't comment on Bush because I think what was said is enough for me. He was just being himself and confused himself.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 08:05 AM
I will first of all admit that I am one of those who truly believes that Bush and/or Cheney played a significant part in the planning and execution of the events of 9/11, but even if one is not of that opinion; how could anyone support a president who is that easily confused and totally inept in the handling of such a crisis
Nothing that Bush did that day makes any sense unless you can believe that he is severely retarded and unfit to serve as president, and/or the other more sinister conclusion. It bewilders and astounds me that anyone could support him in the light of his many blunders before and since 9/11. Does anyone see a pattern here?

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
There was a lot of confusion that day. I think there was one threat made against Air Force One,

From what I remember, there were three distinct threats stating that AF1 was a target...and if that were so, why does it take till almost 11am for a fighter escort for AF1 to arrive. Where are all the planes that are supposed to be guarding the US skies?
Who has control? Bush was meant to be in control...was he that incompetent that he didn't know what was going on?

It scares me that someone so stupid is in control of America's nuclear arsenal and military might.

When news that America was being attacked reached the US secret service, why did they not pull him out of the school and to a secure location? Everyone knew his location as the White House had released his schedule a few days before. Was that not a serious failure of those in charge of security?

I also don't care how much confusion there is, a leader is meant to lead by example....all Bush did was to make people worry, as it was clear that either he crapped his pants when told the news, or he knew exactly what was happening and was deliberately delaying the response.

Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair...where is the people who spent millions of dollars on that case now? Why is there only silence?

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Do you know how many bases had armed fighters ready to launch that day? Or how long it takes to arm fighters and get them ready to launch? Most people seem to think that there were lots of fighters just sitting waiting to take off, with missiles. That's not the case. I never thought I would ever use a page from Joe Vialls but this is a good one.

On the morning of 9/11 there were SEVEN Air National Guard bases with armed fighters waiting to launch, most of them in the North, or ringing the Southern states where they could be used for drug interdiction.

At the height of the Cold War, U.S. warplanes used to stand ready at 90 to 100 sites across the nation, there to intercept a Soviet bomber coming down from Alaska, and later to ward off intercontinental ballistic missile attacks.

When the Soviet Union fell, nearly all of those readiness patrols were eliminated. Before the attack, the number of alert bases had dropped to just seven sites around the country, mostly ringing the coast in the South and West for drug interdiction and other purposes.

Once the word got out about what was happening, most of thse fighters anywhere near NY or Washington would have been scrambled for a Combat Air Patrol, or to intercept any planes with an emergency, or that they werent' sure who they were. They would have clown with them until they landed, then gone off to refuel and be ready for the next intercept. Once word got out to have fighters escort AF1, it would have taken at MINIMUM one hour to get the missiles out of the weapons storage facility, and to the planes, and have them armed. A little known fact is that all planes with an Intercial Navigation System have to run engines for 45 minutes to 1 hour to align the system properly. Once the system is aligned then you have to repeat this process every 24-48 hours. Bases with alert fighters are the only ones that keep the system aligned. Even with GPS, you MUST HAVE a working, aligned INS system before you can fly. It's a safety regulation that is unbreakable. If your GPS goes down, you MUST HAVE a working, accurate backup system.

So you are already looking at two hours, if they were able to respond immediately, and begin arming the fighters the minute they got word they were needed. That would put us up to after 10am already. And I can almost guarantee that there was some delay after the word was received that they fighters were needed, due to sheer shock. Then on top of that there was the flight time required to arrive at the point where AF1 WAS so they could escort them.

As far as getting him to a secure location, they DID get him to one. AF1 is about as secure as you can get until you figure out what is happening, and the base they flew him to in Omaha is one of the most secure places in the US outside of Cheyenne Mountain itself.

[edit on 19-9-2005 by Zaphod58]

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 11:39 AM
Firstly, the video of the first plane hitting the tower was not shown on TV until later that day. It wasn't like the French brothers had a live feed into the news channels and we saw that live. No one saw that live on TV.

When Bush says he saw the first plane hit the tower, he's either lying or he actually meant the second plane, in which case, the thought of 'bad pilot' wouldn't occur.

It's all a lie

Originally posted by celticniall
When news that America was being attacked reached the US secret service, why did they not pull him out of the school and to a secure location? Everyone knew his location as the White House had released his schedule a few days before. Was that not a serious failure of those in charge of security?

This is the most revealing evidence to me that something was up.
The dog that did NOT bark.
If the president was told that the country was under attack and his whereabouts were known AND Bush knew nothing about it, he would have been immediately whisked away, children's fear be damned. Instead, he sat there like a turd in the headlights.

If the events of 9-11 were really a surprise to the United States Government, then there is no way that the Secret Service could know there wasn't a hijacked or stolen plane headed towards Booker Elementary School that very second.

But they knew. They knew the president was safe sitting right there reading The Pet Goat. Because they knew there were no planes heading for the school.

If you haven't already, deny a little ignorance and watch the excerpt video on the page linked above and ask yourself if this is a president who thinks he might be under attack by an unknown number of hijacked planes or if it's someone who knows exactly what's going on and knows that he, himself is safe.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Firstly, the video of the first plane hitting the tower was not shown on TV until later that day. It wasn't like the French brothers had a live feed into the news channels and we saw that live. No one saw that live on TV.

When Bush says he saw the first plane hit the tower, he's either lying or he actually meant the second plane, in which case, the thought of 'bad pilot' wouldn't occur.

It's all a lie

Bush actually knew about the first plane before he started reading, he could have seen it, he wasn't in that school at the time.
And if they did orchestrate 9/11, then what's an extra camera? It's not like it would be the only thing they held back.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 04:29 AM
I have a suspicion that there were cameras in WTB building 7.

I reckon there was multiple cameras in that building recording the whole incident, even the collapse of the towers.

It is in a perfect place to view everything, it recently had one particular floor upgraded with bomb and bullet proof windows, it's own air and water supply....this seems too suspicious to me.

Then we have the story of two small fires caused the building to be "collapse"..

..convienent if you ask me.

I believe this is where the live feed from the first plane hitting the tower came from. Bush watched this footage from his car as he was on his way to Booker.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 04:31 AM
Actually, I found several NYPD photos that show extensive damage to one side of WTC 7. Just go to and put it in. You'll have to look through a few of them, but they're there.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by celticniall
I believe this is where the live feed from the first plane hitting the tower came from. Bush watched this footage from his car as he was on his way to Booker.

So, if this was the case, if Bush was watching the WTC7 feed in his car, waiting for the first plane to hit, that would prove foreknowledge. Yes, that's possible. That's why he would have the image in his mind and be 'dim-witted' enough to say he saw it in the hallway of the school.

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Actually, I found several NYPD photos that show extensive damage to one side of WTC 7. Just go to and put it in. You'll have to look through a few of them, but they're there.

If there was extensive damage to one side, all the more reason for it to 'topple' over, instead of collapsing right in its own footprint.

This 'official story' of 9/11 has more holes than the plot of a really bad novel...

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 03:34 AM

It scares me that someone so stupid is in control of America's nuclear arsenal and military might.

He's not in control. Lodge 322 is in control.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 04:05 AM
My kids were in school when the plane hit the Pentagon. And yes I did see the second plane hit WTC live on CNN. I was working at Freddie Mac and we shut down early but Fairfax County VA kept our kids in school. As far as the President is concerned they on AF1 did exactly what they were supposed to do. Keep POTUS out of DC and land at Barksdale.

I don't care who you voted for nor whether you Like George Bush. You should respect the office of the President, not the man. Respect the office.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot
My kids were in school when the plane hit the Pentagon. And yes I did see the second plane hit WTC live on CNN. I was working at Freddie Mac and we shut down early but Fairfax County VA kept our kids in school. As far as the President is concerned they on AF1 did exactly what they were supposed to do. Keep POTUS out of DC and land at Barksdale.

I don't care who you voted for nor whether you Like George Bush. You should respect the office of the President, not the man. Respect the office.

I absolutely do NOT have to respect anyone that LIES, CHEATS, and FUMBLES their way through a crisis, whether they be the president or not! BTW, I am not American, so do not have to respect anyone or any position in the corrupt US government.

As for the Secret Service doing everything right, why did they not evac Bush from Booker school after the second plane hit? Why let him go ahead with the engagement when they knew that the first plane had hit the WTC, and knew that planes were hijacked? Everyone knew Bush's whereabouts on that day, as I have stated above, the White House released his agenda a few days before.

Maybe AF1 kept out of DC was right, but what I am asking, and if you read my posts properly you would have understood, is why were there mulitple threats on AF1 and Bush from the outset, but the Secret Service did not follow procedure and evac Bush immediately? Why the false threats to AF1 from Cheney? He knew it would keep Bush out of the way.? There were no threats to AF1.

There are too many unanswered questions!

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 05:45 PM
Bush failed us then, and is failing us again as we speak. End of Story.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 06:01 PM
Hi there. I feel Mr Bush knows alot more about flight 93 than he's admitted. I feel the flight was shot down. And I sent a question to then Chief CNN , Bureau Chief in Washington at the time (verbal message). One of the engines landed a mile away from the impact sight and reporters and their camera men/woman who first got to the scene were arrested after failing to remove themselves from the scene after being told to and refusing.


EDIT: The CNN Washinton Chief then was Frank Sesno. That's who I sent the verbal message to.

[edit on 23-9-2005 by Dallas]

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 06:05 PM
alot of politicians are out to make themselves look good. If they were to admit they were wrong on every screw-up, they wouldn't be voted in again in their eyes. I would rather vote for an honest hard working politician than a man i know is lying. We need to change the way people portray themselves on tv, and in other means of information. I wish they would be honest and not hide behind lies. The government thinks we are stupid, and we are if we let them think that.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 07:28 PM
Some four years later now I have come to the conclusion that the man at the Booker Elementary School was not the President of the United States of America. I think that was a look-alike, a double. This is the only explanation for that person - after being told America is under attack - could not act immediately as Commander-in-Chief. That person could not call upon all the military forces at his disposal without the authorization of Congress because that person was not Geoge W. Bush.

posted on Sep, 23 2005 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by menes
Some four years later now I have come to the conclusion that the man at the Booker Elementary School was not the President of the United States of America. I think that was a look-alike, a double. This is the only explanation for that person - after being told America is under attack - could not act immediately as Commander-in-Chief. That person could not call upon all the military forces at his disposal without the authorization of Congress because that person was not Geoge W. Bush.
It was GWB, its hard to fake that kind of stupidity.

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