I am very intruiged by this topic, and i am compelled to actually post here. Of course, i am new to this, but bear with me till i am "broken in" so
to speak
I do beleive in past lives, reincarnation, and whatnot.
Several points made here reinforce this, and have led me to the ultimate decision (thanks ladies/gentlemen), that i want to have a regression.
Although i do wish for a good friend close so that it is authentic and not a "suggestive" session.
I too feel a very strong feeling towards a certain time period, the middle ages. I am enamoured with swordplay, i am an avid sword collector, and i
gobble up anything related to it. I am half irish, and i have the unexplicable draw to castles, armor, and medievil romance, nobility, and honor. I am
a very calm person by nature, and have an almost overbearing respect for others, even so to the point that i will walk away after getting punched in
the face (it's happened). I love the sound of bagpipes and celtic music, although i do not actively listen to it. I would very much like to research
my bloodline, and my families history.
I too have very strange dreams, some which are just unexplainable. I can picture them, but putting them into words are just not possible. It's like
watching images and scenes mold into a story with no plot, or even a straight forward sense of reason.
Several years ago, when i was in highschool, late in the summer, i began to have a re-occuring dream. while at the time i didn't make much of it, it
went on for 3 months. --plz don't laugh. I dreamt of wandering through the woods disoriented, looking around, stumbling, and looking down at the snow
on the ground. Later that fall, after the first few snowfalls, i was out in the woods behind our neighbors house with the local kids while they were
riding snowmobiles. One decided to make their own trail, and got stuck. I grabbed the bar on the back, picked it up, and moved it to the side, and
they took off with me still hangin on. while this was fun for a bit, i yelled out that i was gonna let go, as i could hear the other sled behind me,
as i did so, i was struck in the back of the head by the right skid of the snowmobile and it came to rest on top of me. they pulled it off, and i
stood up, experiencing the same blurry, disoriented feeling i had in my dream. I stumbled home, i didn't have a concussion, but after sitting down,
it immedietly came to me about my pre-cognative dream. to this day i still cannot understand why that happened, maybe a clue into what i was doing was
on the right track? i'm unsure.
My brother had a regression done years back, he's two years younger than i, with two kids, now a 5 year old daughter, and a 4 year old son. It was
realized in his regression, that he had died in a fire trying to save his then wife. which it turns out is now his daughter.
I do believe that family spirits are connected, although the physical mother/father/son/daughter aspect is not important, only that they continue what
they sought to acheive together.
As was stated previously, My sister-in law, my brothers wife, according to her and her family, has the ability to connect with spirits....I'm not
sure how exactly and to what extent, but from my experience with her tarot readings of me.....her predictions to questions i never revealed to her
were amazingly accurate. She also says that according to the "spirits" or "spirit guides" that we are all "assigned", that time in the spirit
world is minutes to our years. As would be only a few minutes in their world, would be 100 years here. She also says that the spirit world, while on
another plane, is a few feet higher than our own exsistance, which is why ghostly encounters always appear to be floating, or without feet.
It is unexplicably strange that i am drawn to such a place, as i, in the back of my mind, have always felt a strange connection to medievil times, and
a slight connection to the samauri of japan. Not neccessarily with combat, but just with the social aspects of it. I feel in the back of my emotions
that i was someone important, not super high, but of greater importance than most in feudal times. I am not sure how to go about it, but i would like
to know where to go to get such a regression done without getting scammed or "coerced"
I apologize for such a long post, but i would rather just spit it all out, and i hope to continue posting in such an interesting part of this forum.