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posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
But it would have to be moving away from you or toward you for the illusion to work. Because it only works if the directional movement is not noticeable.

As the thing moves towards earth and back, it does get smaller and smaller, so i think this indicates that it is moving away from the camera.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 04:23 AM
It does appear to move toward the Earth.

That is why its reversal in direction is so abnormal.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 05:56 AM
This is a pic with earth on the background:

Its a weird movement but i think its possible.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 07:39 AM
I was under the impression that any meteor or any other space debris would be caught in the earths gravitational pull and be burnt up in the atmosphere maybe if an object came past at a very shallow angle it might skip of the earths atmosphere, but to me the object in the video comes in at a very steep angle and then heads of in the completely opposite direction to what it would do if it did skip of the atmosphere would still like to see a higher resolution copy of this footage!

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 09:36 AM

I don't think this is a meteor. It is a UFO. The reason it does that U-turn like maneuver is cause apparently it is following the other UFO that flew out of the earth’s atmosphere. It's like if it's chasing the other UFOs track.

Weird thing to say, I know, but if you notice at 1:38 you will see a UFO that appears to come out from the earth and flies into space. Seconds after this occurs the brighter UFO rushes in and goes to the same spot where the other UFO was first seen. It then retracts as in search of this other UFO.

A bit freaky.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 09:45 AM
Good Catch Cabanman !

That's the funny thing about UFOs..they seem to pull off Right Angle turns so easy. They also never follow a straight line when close to say the Shuttle. They Bob and weave in incremental STRAIGHT lines till they get to where they want to be..


posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 10:02 AM
I just saw something really odd with the first UFO at 1m 53seconds.
Does anyone else see it?
There is also a third UFO, which appears just as the large one has turned around.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 03:21 PM
Actually there is some more objects moving there.
The best way to spot them is to grab the slider (play position thing) and move it fast (in normal speed is not noticable).
It could be anything.
But the bigger/brigther one is for sure some tripulated aircraft.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 12:25 PM
also look at 2:37 in the movie

Look right in the middle of the shot, there is a very faint pulsating light that moves to the 2 o'clock position of the screen

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by noslenwerd
also look at 2:37 in the movie

Look right in the middle of the shot, there is a very faint pulsating light that moves to the 2 o'clock position of the screen

Yes... I saw it! This UFO also appears to come out from the earth. What the hell is going on here? The whole video is incriminating, UFOs chasing other UFOs and then the camera deliberately changes it's view and clouds itself so that what is occurring can not be visible. Gosh- dam NASA, they know! I am so pissed at them. I will never again spend a dime at Kennedy space center for al long as I live

I bet that this bad boy will make it to the new UFO specials.

[edit on 19-9-2005 by Cabanman]

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Cabanman

The whole video is incriminating, UFOs chasing other UFOs and then the camera deliberately changes it's view and clouds itself so that what is occurring can not be visible. Gosh- dam NASA, they know! I am so pissed at them. I will never again spend a dime at Kennedy space center for al long as I live

Check out my NASA Anomalies thread, and you will find that Camera manipulation is a common occurrence anytime something strange happens to be in view. Either that or they just cut the feed and substitute stock footage.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 05:47 PM
Much better than the ice crystal pics...
those were explained with some success, while this footage seems to leave many questions.

first off? what are all the lights? Hawaii, or other islands, or are they reflections of stars and planets off the ocean?

yes, the major UFO does seem to change angle to chase the other UFO that took off from earth...

this is the third convincing NASA film that indicates that UFO's like to play "tag" and "chase"

is this an indication that there are two species/races that don't like the others interferance?

Or maybe just man made vehicles keeping tabs on what each are doing?
it would presume that the US, and at least one other superpower have orbital vehicles... that can really move.

great find... post others that you come across...

also, remeber that many times, there is a very normal explanation for these things, but NASA wont give it, so that they can keep you guessing (disinfo)

Once saw film of a verifiable tubular craft ignite engines and shift orbit... all from a NASA film... looked totally real, and totally normal...
I presumed it was another countrys rocket, that we just happened to come across... (that is what it looked like) the NASA footage said it was an unknown... why would they say that it was unknown, when any half blind idiot could tell it was a rocket? a very typical rocket that we have used for decades, and other countries are now using.
or maybe NASA knew what it was, but the discovery program wanted to have more "unknowns" to show...

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 11:08 PM
if another form of life is intelligent enough to make it here from the far reaches of space, then maybe these craft are un-manned. and these evasive maneuvers are programed tactics. it would be insane if something other than a machine could pilot at those speeds


posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by enthuziazm
it would be insane if something other than a machine could pilot at those speeds

you see when you have the luxury of anti-gravity vehicles that means you also have the luxury of G-force control. if a craft can negate the effects of gravity ( thus anti-gravity) this means it has the power to negate the effects of Gravitational-force (G-force) also. so If you were to be inside an antigravity vehicle and zig-zagging around you could sit at a table and eat your lunch pouring wine into your glass and all.

and if that is indeed a vehicle it is not certain that if it is man-made or alien-made.

I think that lots of saucers, triangles, cylinders are man-made, Im sure most of you heard that there is something called black-budget and black-science plus there is unbelieveable amounts of money produced by wars, drug traficking and what-not yet the routine budgets (defense, healthcare)are sourced from citizen taxes, so there is big amounts of money which is not accounted for. and the advancing curve of NASA and all other space-exploration projects and technologies are really suspicious, they say now they will go to the moon, again!, after 50 years later then the first, it seems they are selling the same thing over and over again.

and note that the technology which is known and used publicly and the techology which is used and secret has around 30 years inbetween them, so theoretically todays real tech will be know to us 30 years later. but who can say if this timeframe is not upped to 50 or more years. and if we note that the curve of technological advancements get steeper and steeper per decade, so the 50 years of last century is not the 50 years of this one, even in 10 years the speed of advancment is improved greatly so it is really hard to imagine what has actually been developed in this 30-50 years time delay.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 01:12 AM
nice clip

To me it looks like the first object is perhaps under the ocean surface. It looks to pass under two of the brighter lights in its flight path and fades out as it comes around the curvature of Earth.

The second object does seem to go where the first object appears but then goes directly right, skirting the edges of the clouds that are moving in. If the second craft was truly chasing the first, surely they would have much better radar to intercept the craft along its trajectory path, not at its point of origin.

Could be there may be a base there at the origin point or maybe the first object was just laying on the ocean floor until it started moving. I am starting to think the latter of the two. It was laying in wait for cloud cover, it probably can't make a steep ascension to the surface so it makes its way downward to keep in the dark side of the horizon until it can surface. It then reappears as the second, brighter object which returns to its original position and follows the edges of the clouds eastward, towards America's west coast. But this is just a wild guess.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 02:47 PM
Am I looking at this video right?

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 02:53 PM
They seem to have removed all of the data for STS-114. take a look for your self.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by enthuziazm
They seem to have removed all of the data for STS-114. take a look for your self.

Those sons of Bi+ches!! I am so pissed at NASA

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 03:18 PM
this tape is supposedly taking place between their Noguchi exercises (seems to be some form of meditative exercise) and their sleeping period. This is a 4 hour period, are they supposed to be exercising for 4 hours? This must give them some spare time to do other things. Maybe film?

I think if we look into the flight logs of this mission and find out where over earth they were on august 6. at 8:54am and how this video was captured in relation to the mission it will help alot. I am currently trying to find an orbit path over earth, but I can't so far.

[edit on 20-9-2005 by enthuziazm]

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by enthuziazm
Am I looking at this video right?

Yes.. I believe this is so

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