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Alien Invasion

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posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by John Nada
They have either already invaded or there is no such thing as EBE's and there never will be an invasion. Seeing as there is, after all this time, NO evidence at all of their existence I'm inclined to believe there will not be an invasion in my lifetime, and probably many more lifetimes, maybe even never.

With the rash of UFO sightings all over the world, one wonders if it has already begun.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 02:12 AM
Very nice poem, it says a lot and then again not too much. I can understand in your mental health career why you don't want to talk about things you have experienced. Once your medical records state that you are seeing and hearing things, your marked for life and in your case, you would probably loose your job.

Right some people are already seeing these other dimensions, even you. I don't know what kind of experiences you've had, but let me ask you this...was it with greys, reptoids or other beings and was it related to a medical exam?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by iconoclast
I don't know what kind of experiences you've had, but let me ask you this...was it with greys, reptoids or other beings and was it related to a medical exam?

...hmmm...must choose my words carefully here...

In some negative experiences there 'appeared' to be a mixture of 'beings' which might be taken as stereotypical Greys and stereotypical Reptoids...also, the experiences most definitely showed human involvement in what was happening. Maybe a collaberation between 'alien' and human...maybe merely Humans being 'influenced' by these beings to carry out their wishes.

I do not directly recall any medical exams as such...I do have 'memories' of medical type facilities/arenas...and some on a larger scale, not just me involved but multiple people there in the same situation as me. Interestingly, it was normally during the negative experiences that Human involvement was noted.

Now...let me clarify something real quick. I don't believe I was abducted...well, not in any way PHYSICALLY. I do believe the greater majority of Alien Abductions are on the level of ones consciousness...psychic/spiritual...the taking of ones mind rather than ET popping in through the bedroom window...
Any physical markings I believe to have been merely a bodily manifestation of what was happening on a 'mental' level...


posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 03:23 AM
hello all. im not new to the boards but i dont post really ever as you can tell by my number of posts. i guess you can say, i like to watch. but i guess since i dont know really anything about anything and this topic is opinions ill start here.
i am completely undecided on this topic because of the lack of information that we have on this subject. we arent supposed to know and thats just the way things are. i guess if it happens it happens if not then we can all sit back on edge waiting for it to happen. either way we will never know till its to late. if there was an invsion why let the people know? they are screwed already anyway. this question is almost like asking somebody if they are going to win the lottery, youd like to say yes but all you can do is speculate. so do i think there will be an invasion? i dont know and i really dont care either way. life is life and theres nothing you can do about it. so lets all break out the beer and wait. hopefully if it does happen well all be to drunk to realize it.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 03:30 AM
On a daily basis doctors tell their doomed patients they have 3-6 months or whatever to live. Rarely do people go completely insane upon hearing this information. If the secret is so awful and doomsday-ish in nature, why do they not just let it out like a doctor does? Give everybody a chance to rethink their last remaining moments of their lives. Would a recently married couple want to bring a child into the world only to know for a fact that it will be dead before it reaches the age of 1, or that if it would surive it would be subjected to basically hell on earth? Or at least allow some of the brave and dumb to stand against an impossibly powerful force with their chins (and guns) held defiantly in the air as death rains down above them? Giving the public a heads up will allow people to make these final choices if indeed it means the end of the world.

Whatever the secret is, I feel a greater tragedy will be had if we are told nothing and the end comes like a theif in the night.

On the opposite side of the coin, if aliens are good and helpful, why keep them a secret if they could lead us into eras of never before seen health and prosperity? Overpopulation would be a thing of the past if we could travel throughout this vast galaxy. Health issues would likely be eradicated as well. I see all points of humanity benefiting from immediate disclosure of the secret. Keeping us in the dark just allows for more people to suffer and die that could have been helped decades ago. Allowing more people in on the discoveries would bring about that much a quicker end to global problems.

The release of religious shattering information like fossils doesn't appear to have destroyed any contemporary religion. Most if not all religions have found a means of connecting scientific revelations that contradict their teachings. The revelation of extraterrestrial contact would prove no different. In my opinion anyway.

[Edited on 8-9-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:05 AM
ok Alien, let me see if I have this right. You have had experiences or memories of being with aliens, some of which you felt were more human. The ones that seemed more human, you also felt inflicted more pain or discomfort. The experiences you had were not physical, atleast you don't believe they were.

Let me go off subject for a minute. Do you have any psychic abilities or able to move objects anything like that? Maybe a illness or accident when you were younger? Are you or any members of your family part of the military?

The manifestations of marks even if you haven't been touched is very possible. I have read stories where they would cut someone and make it sound like blood dripping, but it was only water and they would tell him he is bleeding to death. The person died and only lost a few drops of blood. The mind is powerful. Have you read the superman mind control experiment? Unbelievable

I know talking about these experiences can lead to new ones. Do you find this to be true? Did you have more experiences as a child or as an adult? Are experiences becoming more frequent over the years? How about any sounds coming before or during an experience?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:49 AM
Hi Iconoclast...a number of questions/thoughts there, I will endeavour to answer them as best I can...

...let me see if I have this right. You have had experiences or memories of being with aliens, some of which you felt were more human.

Yes...and No. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the question...anyway: Some experiences had Humans involved. The humans were often just operating as observers...or maybe also seemed to possess some level of 'authority' in what was happening. Like 'over-sees' of what was being done. Also...some experiences included 'beings' that on the surface appeared human, yet 'felt' non-human. Their bodies were indeed human...but their bodies seemed more like a shell, a camoflage of sorts...perhaps to facilitate what was being done, perhaps their 'true form' would have been way too much to handle, I really don't know. Now...I don't know if anyone else will understand this...but perhaps someone has seen someone, caught someones eye on the street...and just seen, just KNOWN, that those eyes looking back at you were not human at all. Similar to that...

The ones that seemed more human, you also felt inflicted more pain or discomfort. The experiences you had were not physical, atleast you don't believe they were.

Yes...the majority of experiences involving human collaberation were negative. There were those that weren't negative as such. Might mention them some other time.

Do you have any psychic abilities or able to move objects anything like that? Maybe a illness or accident when you were younger? Are you or any members of your family part of the military?

I would not say anything I may do, or possess, is in any way special. Sorry, but the whole concept of 'psychic ability' just doesn't sit comfortably...seems many who claim such are viewed (or wish to be viewed) as somehow special...that is not the case with me.

But: As a child I saw things others didn't...spirits and the like. I could feel them, track them, sense purpose from them. At the time my mother was part of a group who would help cleanse 'entities' from areas or this was nothing overly concerning for me or my family...nor my culture. This 'ability' grew through to the onset of puberty where it went ballistic, and became too overwhelming to deal with, so I shut it out. Nowadays however I can deal with more...I still sense, but very rarely see. However my sense of 'entities' is such that for instance I may be able to pin-point where an entity is, if that entity was once human or not, gender, age and appearance prior to their demise etc. Its like an image in my head...a gut feeling. I also sometimes know things before someone tells me. Maybe its a sense of 'intuition'. Examples are: Knowing my friends partner was pregnant, before either of them told me...and they had only just found out that day too. Last week an ex-client of mine committed suicide...I knew that before one of my work colleagues told me. Also seem to be able to 'sense' peoples emotions, which works wonders in this job
'read' them so to speak. There are also other little 'things' as well. Unable to move objects...though things sometimes stop working or break if I'm angry/emotionally overloaded. If anything, I probably get this from my mother...though my fathers lineage also contains interesting people. I come from a small country, as such, yes I have members of my extended family in the Military. My brother is also ex-Military (Navy).

The mind is powerful. Have you read the superman mind control experiment? Unbelievable

I'll have to look into that. I have read a few accounts of people being suggested certain things are happening to them, and they manifest the effects of those things. The mind is indeed a very powerful tool. I've seen people do amazing things physically, simply because they believed they could.

I know talking about these experiences can lead to new ones. Do you find this to be true?

I am unsure if I understand your question here...but one of the reasons I may say things, but hide finer details, is sometimes things happen if I just outright say everything.

Did you have more experiences as a child or as an adult? Are experiences becoming more frequent over the years? How about any sounds coming before or during an experience?

Probably more as a child. However, experiences started again in my late teens, early twenties. Now they are reasonably rare. Dreams however can contain messages...and dreams are what I find to be increasing more over the if there is an urgency to them.

Sounds is interesting. I can't really recall sounds before any experiences...its almost like my memories of any experiences don't seem to have a 'beginning' to them as such, none that I can recall...what I can recall is almost like its 'midway' through an experience. But sound does have a part to play. There is a sound that seems to affect me deeply, it chills me for some unexplained reason...and thats the sound of Street Cleaner trucks...those trucks that cruise up city streets, with large vaccums and spinning 'brooms' cleaning the streets. The sound some of them make...the high pitched whine of the 'broom' motors combined with a loss bassy resonance of the vaccums...that freaks me out. Now...I'm a big guy, a strong guy, I've seen and dealt with a whole lot in life, so there is little in this world that scares me...but this sound does. Somehow I think its connected.

*editted to add more info on the sound issue* The sound of those Trucks still freaks me a little, but I can bear it more now...maybe because I have heard them more often...slightly de-sensitised perhaps. highlight how much effect the sound used to have: I grew up in a small town, as such we didn't have any of them large trucks, heck, we were privelaged to have streets
When I moved to a city I first became exposed to them. I was walking down a city street one day and heard one, heard that sound...and it chilled me, like fully stopped me in my tracks, frozen with anxiety/fear...all I knew was I had to hide, had to get away from it. funny/sad as this may sound, I ducked into the doorway of a shop and sorta stood hard up against the wall...peering out at this truck, watching it as it went past. I stayed 'hidden' until this truck had long gone. Afterwards I couldn't believe such a thing would have such an effect, thought I was going nuts or something. There were also occasions where one of these trucks would be cleaning the streets in front of my house...and I would kinda duck down in my chair if I was in the lounge (lounge window overlooked the street) so as not to be seen or was wierd in the extreme.


[Edited on 8-9-2003 by alien]

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:58 AM
There will never be a invasion, it is more likely that if humans ever find some ET:s "homeworld".. we will invade there and destroy/enslave them.. that is what humans are like..

Hell, most humans dont get along with a people that "look" (Black-White..) or "sound" (Moslems-Westerns..) different.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 11:34 PM
Alien, thank you for sharing your experiences. I know these experiences are hard to understand and sometimes people feel as if they are loosing it. All we can do is continually gather information and teach others.



posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 11:42 PM
Iconoclast, I once had a good friend (who unfortunately passed away recently) that helped me find some understanding, some peace of mind/spirit. She constructed a website within which she shared her stories...and her understanding of them...might be worth passing an eye over sometime: RELATED IMAGES


posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 11:46 PM
I just have one question: What would be here on this planet that any aliens would want bad enough to overcome enormous distance and time, expend huge amounts of energy getting here, and then have to deal with a warlike population?

What do they get out of it?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 11:48 PM
Hmm alien invasion?

Why choose humans of all the possible races out there, I am sure there are some that would make a better soldier to fight these "reptoids" ?

I can't think that aliens are demons/angels whatever...

Perhaps they are and I am totally wrong.

back to the invasion...

Why us then?
Aren't the draconis supposedly mentally and physically superior to us? If the greys are slaves to them, how could they posses superior weapons or technology?

Are they just hoping our violent ape like ancestory will help us defeat the lizardmen? lol I am trying to stay serious but it's hard.

I think we really know nothing.

You can't believe everything you read on the internet.

I mean.. god just look at david ickes reptilian agenda crap... all those accounts are true?

I can't buy it, I have hard time believing the bible...

So many lies upon lies, its hard to tell the real deal from another lie.

If an Invasion is going to happen, I think it's already happen, if these reptoids can shape shift then I would assume they already control every govt and have for a very long time...

If the invasion is coming in the future, I await it, I could use some excitement in my life, rather than being part of this economic machine.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 12:12 AM
Alien, thank you for the url, I have been there before but dont remember if I looked threw the whole site. That sure is a beautiful picture with the tree in front of the moon.

Dragonrider, you think like a scientist

The aliens are the biblical fallen angels, they want your soul, the soul is within your blood. They don't travel great distances for your blood and soul, they have been here on earth just pretending to travel in UFO's, to fool the masses.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 12:31 AM
My opinion of the situation is thus:

1. Extraterrestrials are likely not spiritual. If they were of a spiritual nature, they would have far less dealings with the governments of man. I also don't see how a spiritual creature could "crash" a vehicle and die. A spiritual entity would be impervious to all such things. We could be dealing with massive amounts of different creatures, some spiritual, some not. I'm leaning towards no true spiritual beings.

2. Extraterrestrials are here to not so benignly conduct research and experiements on a much more primitive race. Either playing a role in the development of man, or see if anything we do is unpredictable or unwanted according to their likely thorough research. They don't want to see us all killed off or they would have already done so.

3. Governments (mostly the U.S.) have recovered and slightly reverse engineered some alien technology. For probable purposes of some small defense, but used primarily as a tool against uncooperative governments/civilians.

4. The invasion will be man-made and induce enough terror to make all civilians hand over what little freedoms they have. The New World Order will be born under the guise of defense against hostile extraterrestrials. The reverse engineered craft and other devices will be used as an attempt to keep true extraterrestrials out of New World Order affairs and quickly eradicate all dissident thought on this planet.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 01:01 AM

My opinion of the situation is thus:

Keep in mind that there are different ones, some are spiritual, physical, interdimensional, good, bad. I am guessing the ones that fly around in UFO's are the demonic ones. Which may or may not be using some kind of physical body to get around in. If that is the case, it is possible that the physical body may die and the spiritual body would just find a new physical body.

[Edited on 9-9-2003 by iconoclast]

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by iconoclast
Keep in mind that there are different ones, some are spiritual, physical, interdimensional, good, bad.


I am guessing the ones that fly around in UFO's are the demonic ones.

What better way to have people looking outwards and/or upwards...when inwards is where the action is...

Which may or may not be using some kind of physical body to get around in. If that is the case, it is possible that the physical body may die and the spiritual body would just find a new physical body.

May be a possible reason why some report seeing 'gestation chambers/incubators', cloning, hybrids etc...bodies need to come from somewhere sometime...

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by iconoclast
Keep in mind that there are different ones, some are spiritual, physical, interdimensional, good, bad. I am guessing the ones that fly around in UFO's are the demonic ones. Which may or may not be using some kind of physical body to get around in. If that is the case, it is possible that the physical body may die and the spiritual body would just find a new physical body.

I always have an open mind on this subject because none of it is solid fact yet. I do like to draw early conclusions though. Clifford Stone, who is part of The Disclosure Project, states that he catalogued 57 alien types. Most humanoid in appearance and at least one type that looked exactly like us. They very well could be spiritual in nature. I don't know if he is legit, but I do like his stories.

Anyway, if a spiritual being could die, it would be the same as one of us mortal humans if indeed we humans have souls. Which I am unsure of as well. In any case, a mortal spiritual creature is just a standard creature.

[Edited on 9-9-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 02:05 AM
Why would aliens want to invade earth? We are destroying the enviorment and if a war with aliens happened even more of the enviorment would be destroyed. There would probably be nothing left that would be useful the aliens.

Alien you said you can sense things around you. Can you sense when there is an alien around you?

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider
I just have one question: What would be here on this planet that any aliens would want bad enough to overcome enormous distance and time, expend huge amounts of energy getting here, and then have to deal with a warlike population?

What do they get out of it?

~Resources? A nice planet to annex with their own planet(s)? Who knows.


posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 10:42 PM
I would like your opinions on this url and we still need more votes.

This explains a lot, some of it makes a lot of sense, some of it has to be bull. What parts do you think are close to the truth? What parts are far away.

This is how it starts...

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