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Zarqawi An Excuse For US Occupation

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posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 11:40 AM
Sheikh Jawad al-Kalesi, the imam of the al-Kazemiya mosque in Baghdad, claims that Zarqawi is dead and has been dead for a long time. Zarqawi's family in Jordan even held a ceremony after his death. The Imam said Zarqawi is an invention by the occupiers to divide the people of Iraq. Jawad al-Kalesi made these claims in an interview with Le Monde.

Middle East Online: Iraqi cleric: Zarqawi an excuse for US occupation

Dead or alive?

Al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is dead but Washington continues to use him as a bogeyman to justify a prolonged military occupation, an Iraqi Shiite cleric said in an interview published here Friday.

Sheikh Jawad al-Kalesi, the imam of the al-Kazemiya mosque in Baghdad, told Le Monde newspaper: "I don't think that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi exists as such. He's simply an invention by the occupiers to divide the people."

Kalesi claimed that Zarqawi was killed in the Kurdish northern region of Iraq at the beginning of the US-led war on the country as he was meeting with members of the Ansar Al-Islam group affiliated to Al-Qaeda.

"His family in Jordan even held a ceremony after his death. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is therefore a ploy used by the Americans, an excuse to continue the occupation. It's a pretext so they don't leave Iraq."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

There has been so many rumours about Zarqawi. Rumours about his death, that he was wounded and so on. I wonder if Zarqawi is real or not. Right now he is said to be Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq and he has "declared an all out war". I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Where is the evidence?

Related News Sources: 'Dead' Zarqawi an excuse for US occupation: Iraqi cleric 'DEAD' ZARQAWI AN EXCUSE FOR US OCCUPATION: IRAQI CLERIC

Related ATS Threads:
WAR: At Least 104 Killed In Baghdad - Car Bomb And Execution-Style Shootings
Al-Zarqawi seriously wounded?
Alert: Zarqawi died !!
Al-Zarqawi Reqruiting Muslims in Denmark

[edit on 2006/4/28 by Hellmutt]

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 12:23 PM
Excellent line of questioning---just like bin Laden, do we really know if he's dead, alive, or captured/injured? Do we know if he even really exists? Let's face it, if the US did not have a Bin Laden or a Zarqawi, it would certainly be in the best interests of those who pursue our foreign and economic policy to create them. If our "intelligence" knows where these guys are even if they do exist, then we are letting them remain free because it is in the government's interest to do so. I for one wonder if the entire "al-qaeda" operation isn't better referred to by the nickname I have heard Alex Jones and others use "al-CIAda." Sounds about right to me.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 10:12 PM
al-CIAda! Haha! Too true!

This is very intersting, and its good to see someone at least asking the questions. It really wouldn't suprise me if this was the case, and it seems to be in the US interest to have people in iraq 'blowing each other up'. It means the US needs to stay..

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 10:33 PM
The CIA gave Bin Laden a code name so they could meet with him during the 80's. Look up "Tim Osman".

When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman

Al-Zarqawi is no different, just another smokescreen.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 03:36 AM
I apologise if this has already been brought up commented on and answerd for..

but that has to be one of the worst doctured photo's ive ever seen.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I apologise if this has already been brought up commented on and answerd for..

but that has to be one of the worst doctured photo's ive ever seen.

Yeah it's from this source video, where ever that is:

I guess a brick wall looks more 'terroristy' than him laughing with someone else like someone just farted.

I'm not sure who did the edit but i think it was an 'official' edit as it was on the all the major press a few months back as the photo of choice for headlines about him. It's a pretty bad job, i dont' see the point in adding detail to a photo? Surely a plain white background as the original is would of been much more logical.

Propaganda can be subtle thou i guess, that's where the art lies.

[edit on 17-9-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 06:09 AM
Sweet thanx for that.

Looking at the photo's you posted... You'd figure someone so sought after, someone so tied up in world terrorism, someone who chops of peoples heads.. wouldnt have that common happy friends laughing at a joke look about them...

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 06:49 AM
It's easier for people to dehumanize their enemy when they believe they are single-mindedly evil, bent on destruction, and devoid of any human qualities.

See: Germany's personification of Jews pre WWII, the Western worlds' treatment of blacks, Tutsi and Hutus in Rwanda, the US perception of Muslims, and Muslims' perception of the US.

My rule of thumb is:

Everyone on the planet is at LEAST as complex as I am. Usually moreso, I'm fairly straightforward.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Looking at the photo's you posted... You'd figure someone so sought after, someone so tied up in world terrorism, someone who chops of peoples heads.. wouldnt have that common happy friends laughing at a joke look about them...

Someone who chops of people's heads? The CIA may claim he was in the Nick Berg video, then again they also claimed Zarqawi only had one leg and that Iraq had WMD beyond any doubt.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 05:41 AM
thats my point.
IF he really was chopping of heads, declaring war..

why does he look like a regular joe having a laugh with a friend..
shouldnt he be lookin a bit more serious, a bit more distrubed.
I mean the strongest military in the world is lookin for you.. how does he find the peace of mind to have a laugh?

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 11:28 AM
Zarqawi An Excuse For US Occupation
Better add the British to that list of "occupiers".....

London: A recent upsurge in violence in Iraq has prompted Britain's government to shelve plans to reduce the number of its troops serving in the country, a report said.
There was now no official target date for British soldiers to leave Iraq amid fears it is heading into full-scale civil war, The Sunday Telegraph newspaper said.

The original plan, never announced by Defence Secretary John Reid, would have seen thousands of British troops returned home by next month, with the remainder home by mid-2006, the paper said.

Planned Cut For British Troop Numbers In Iraq Postponed: Report


posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 06:55 AM
With all the evidence i have gathered about how Zarqawi is a big fat myth.

I'll give you a taste.
But be sure to read the article when it comes out.

First I go into the contradictions in the official story, and then i talk about how the iraqi people and the iraqi resistance, the people who are meant to be seeing this guy all the time, don't belive in him and have never seen him.

US military intelligence agents in Iraq have revealed a series of botched and often tawdry dealings with unreliable sources who, in the words of one source, "told us what we wanted to hear".

"We were basically paying up to $10,000 a time to opportunists, criminals and chancers who passed off fiction and supposition about Zarqawi as cast-iron fact, making him out as the linchpin of just about every attack in Iraq," the agent said.

"Back home this stuff was gratefully received and formed the basis of policy decisions. We needed a villain, someone identifiable for the public to latch on to, and we got one."

Asked if he thought al-Zarqawi escaped during last month's U.S. assault on Fallujah, Majid smiled, took a drag on his cigarette and said, "Who knows that al-Zarqawi was ever in Fallujah?"

Shroud of memphis

LOL about the fart comment.

So if Zarqawi doesn't exist, then who is doing all these bombings in iraq?

Here is the answer


Also a recent article has come out just yesterday.

Who's Blowing up Iraq?

by Mike Whitney

In more than two years since the United States initiated hostilities against Iraq, there has never been a positive identification of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist; it simply suggests that prudent people will challenge the official version until his whereabouts and significance in the conflict can be verified.
At present, much of the rationale for maintaining the occupation depends on this elusive and, perhaps, illusory figure. It’s odd how Al-Zarqawi appears at the precise coordinates of America’s bombing-raids, and then, miraculously vanishes unscathed from the scene of the wreckage. This would be a remarkable feat for anyone, but especially for someone who only has one leg.
Al-Zarqawi may simply be a fantasy dreamed up by Pentagon planners to put a threatening face on the Iraqi resistance

Sheikh Jawad al-Kalesi, the imam of the al-Kadhimiyah mosque in Baghdad, told France's Le Monde newspaper on Friday: "I don't think that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi exists as such. He's simply an invention by the occupiers to divide the people."

[edit on 21-9-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:04 AM
If Zarqawi doesn't exist. (which he doesn't) AND is a US government invention.

And if "Osama Bin Ladin" Called him his 'amir' (prince) in iraq.

Then we can only conclude that OBL and the whole "al qaeda" are also an invention or atleast run by the real terrorist, UK/US government.

ANd if that is the case, then we all know who was behind september 11.

Reichstag fire, 1939. If history repeated, would we notice?

[edit on 21-9-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:08 AM
BUt look at the two photographs.

IN the brick wall photo, the mans smile seems to be altered. His eyes look shifty, the smile is evil or even non existant.

In the other photo the smile is more natural or sincere. Less like an evil blood thirsty vampire.

Is my mind telling me that because of the brick wall, or is this really what it is?

[edit on 21-9-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:10 AM
Did anyone notice the more suspicious edit on that picture then some change of background?

Anyone happen to blow up the picture to fullscreen and notice something peculiar right trough the middle of his upper lip, right cheek and right side of his forhead?

To me it looks like his face was cut out of another photo and pasted straight onto this one.

Not to mention that the alignment crosshair for face recognition points is actualy still on the picture.

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister

Reichstag fire, 1939. If history repeated, would we notice?

I agree, would we notice? good question. Exept that the Reichtag fire happened February 27th, 1933. The fire helped Hitler come to power, it didn`t start WWII...

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 07:35 AM
I guess we wouldn't notice! Since i can't even remember when it happened LOL

Sorry it's late here, i studied WW2 history so i guess that excuse is just not good enough though

Silly mistake, thanks for setting the record straight.


Read my post right above yours

looking at the images more closely, i can see that they actually widened his shoulders, is that because in the original his shoulders where slumped and submisive? in the brick wall photo the shoulders make him look more intimdating.

[edit on 21-9-2005 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 09:11 PM
$10 Million clams and no one can even produce evidence that he exists let alone is the ring-leader of an international terror organisation taking the blame for operations in which the SAS aren't caught red handed.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 03:42 AM
Of course his family will say he's dead.

U.S.: Knock Knock.

Family: Who is there?

U.S.: The Army, we are here for your brother / son / uncle who killed hundreds of people and is one of the most wanted terrorists alive.

Family: Oh, he's dead.

U.S.: Sorry, thanks for your time. Let's go home boys! They say he's dead.

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 04:01 AM
Not sure if he's dead?, let's assume he's not. Want him caught, sent to Saudi Arabia - his family sent over by the most rough riding Camel and witness to the loss of his fingers one-by-one. The the harsh but slow removal of his genitalia.

Then American victims families do the rest. As for his family well, what ever is reward for having a head cutter for a Son.


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