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How would Al-Qaeda get a weapon onto US soil?

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posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:18 AM
I've seen a thread about perhaps using a ship but I wonder what other ways?

I watched a discovery wings documentary about cargo aircraft. It said that cargo was only inspected before reaching and after leaving the jet...yeah thats cool, just as long as the cargo gets from jet to x-ray machine. Could Osama hire a rogue handler to perhaps get a nuke aboard an aircraft? Then, over US airspace, it could be detonated, not only triggering massive destruction but an EMP pulse over a much larger area?!? (EMP because I heard someone that if a nuke was detonated in the atmosphere it would create an EMP that could fry all US comms)

It could be smuggled through Mexico because the borders are wide open. Hell, they can get people across, women and kids, which isnt an easy task when you have to walk hours in the heat, so a nuke shouldnt be a problem, just wheel it along

But seriously? I think from other threads that many of us agree terrorists are planning another attack, of which is most probably going to be nuclear...

[edit on 16-9-2005 by Mudja]

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Mudja
I've seen a thread about perhaps using a ship but I wonder what other ways?

so, you think that a nuke coming over on a ship is blaise....

i noticed your location is Dubai
which sparked my imagination...

what if it wasn't just any cargo ship,
But a Oil Super-Tanker, which became the modern day 'Trojan Horse'...

How Ironic would that be??

It could be technology possible for the trained-in-nuclear-technology
perps. to insert a nuke (possibly a nuke torpedo procured from renegade
& disgrunted former Soviet submariners), and under the cover of an unassuming oil delivery, the device was sent thru the offshore pipeline
to the land based storage facility ....a torpedos warhead would fit easily in the pipeline and the flow of the oil would be the delivery method...

the Jihadists would still be several miles off shore, if it really mattered to they could signal a detonation or just be watchful as the timer counted down to T-minus-Zero


posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 06:01 AM
Yeah Dubai is where I live

As for the pipeline, nah...I think it would be too risky on the parts of the jihadists. They would be taking a risk, if it got stuck inside the pipe it would be a waste of a nuke, and they dont grow on trees!

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Mudja
I've seen a thread about perhaps using a ship but I wonder what other ways?

I watched a discovery wings documentary about cargo aircraft. It said that cargo was only inspected before reaching and after leaving the jet...yeah thats cool, just as long as the cargo gets from jet to x-ray machine. Could Osama hire a rogue handler to perhaps get a nuke aboard an aircraft?

I personally do see this as a major threat but not a possibility. Firstly Osama (if he's alive) would have to spend possibly hundreds of millions to get the project started then in some way shape or form will have to get nuclear physicists and bomb experts not to mention the materials, this is not forgetting that to do this he would be exposing Al-Q as I can almost guarantee every nuclear physicist and explosive expert is watched closely by intelligence agencies worldwide therefore if they are approached by unknown figures it would raise a red flag.

Then, over US airspace, it could be detonated, not only triggering massive destruction but an EMP pulse over a much larger area?!? (EMP because I heard someone that if a nuke was detonated in the atmosphere it would create an EMP that could fry all US comms)

Yes you are correct in thinking that an EMP would destroy almost all (Some components will be protected from such detonations) electronics in a given radius all dependant on how far in the atmosphere and how powerful the device was also it does have an effect even if detonated on or under the ground.

It could be smuggled through Mexico because the borders are wide open. Hell, they can get people across, women and kids, which isnt an easy task when you have to walk hours in the heat, so a nuke shouldnt be a problem, just wheel it along

But seriously? I think from other threads that many of us agree terrorists are planning another attack, of which is most probably going to be nuclear...

I really do not believe a nuclear threat is imminent. Biological weapons simply is just too difficult, time consuming and does not cause significant damage. The only other major WMD Al-Q could use is a chemical weapon but again Al-Q would have to find and buy the chemicals (enough to kill a city is ALOT) without raising red flags and hire bomb making experts again without raising red flags.

So in regards to your original question I would say via the open borders seeing as there is currently little or no protection.

Even so I think your getting yourself hyped-up over the whole nuclear thing. I highly recommend you watch (if you havn't already) "The Power of Nightmares."

Those with the darkest fears became the most powerful.
-- Which inevitably means when you and I are hesitating or worrying about these fears we are inadvertainly putting more wood on the fire, so to speak

Power of nightmares - Baby It's Cold Outside
Power of nightmares - The Phantom Victory
Power of nightmares - The Shadows In The Cave

~Peace :cool~

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 09:35 AM
anyone watch godzilla?
when the person ask's how the french got so many weapons into the US
the reply was

this is america you can buy anything if you have the right contacts and enough money

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 09:43 AM
I have read the latest info which says
that your very own MS13 has already got Nukes onto US soil

Goggle it many many reports from various intel :
They have the nukes but not sure if the reports they are on US soil is valid.

But they have them Money can buy most things - Not love though
But i guess they aren't looking for love.........

De- Population - Its the only way to survive - Yes i think you will get hit again but no-where near as hard as your gonna hit back...........
De- Poplulation

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 01:43 PM
they dont have nukes anyway so it doenst matter....there are just way way to many variables to consider when it comes to setting off a nuke within this country.

Keeping things as simple as possible is the best way to succeed, therefore the simplest way would to find the supposed "barried Soviet" nukes already deposited within the country. I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that this has been done or will be done.

I dont know but to me it just seems highly improbable that a group of terrorists can somehow obtain a nuclear device, tranfer it accross the sea to mexico, smuggle it over the boarder, transport it throughout the country, with out somthing occuring to get them caught.

in the end, i strongly feel there are NO nukes in the hands of terrorist inside or outside of america. Like i continue to say it isnt some small backyard pipebomb, its a dam WMD.

Worry about iran, china, russia, N Korea growing a set of balls and starting a Nuke war before terrorist bringing them onto our soil.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 02:19 PM
Think of all the ways drugs and illegals are brought into America. It really is not so difficult. The main concerned would be that it would have to be a one time deal, meaning that if the bomb is detected and intercepted then, the terrorist probably would not have the resources to attempt it a second time. With our open borders with Mexico and Canada, the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coast, we really can not stop anyone determined to do it. All we can do is threaten to retaliate. I know, that opens a hornets nest but it is all the leverage we have.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 03:19 PM
again, drugs are not weapons of mass destruction. I tend to think people higher up will pay more attention, use more resources, and constantly monitor anyone involved in any way shape or form with a nuclear weapon.

its not like people growing pot or manufacturing cocain in their backyard, its a device capable of killing millions upon millions of people, and altering the way the world works.

face it, if a nuke goes off in this country, the world will take sides and nothin, NOTHiNG will stop the process of entering one of the worst wars ever fought. The world will not be the same as we Know it. those who do not see that need to open their eyes. A nuclear attack on our soil will never be tolerated, the public will want retaliation, and every country will in some way become involved, which is probally al qedia's intentions.

anyway there are NO nukes in the hands of terrorists withing this country and there wont be anytime soon. Just to many variables, it has to be kinda hard to keep a dam nuclear weapon under raps with so many people who would have to be involved with the procedure. They knew where the people involved in 9/11 were the whole time, the gov just did not act upon it. what do you think they would do when they see people handling a friggen weapon the creator reffered to as "the end of mandkind as we know it"

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 03:41 PM
Al Qaeda is a ficticious group that already resides within the Defense Dept,(USA, UK, Israel, Russia, and now Iraq)

Think of Al Qaeda being a sort of goon squad for the ones in ()

Just think if you were to change it to El Qaeda you would have a lovely mexican dish.

So its not a matter of how to get into the USA so much it is, how do the ones calling the shots not get busted especially after the holes they left behind on 911, Madrid, and UK. Basically the weapons are already here.

[edit on 16-9-2005 by magnito_student]

[edit on 16-9-2005 by magnito_student]

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:10 PM
ok... maybe im gullable but i highly doubt the government would risk killing 3000+ americans outside of war, in order to start a war.

i dont believe it and personally i think those who do believe it should be ashamed of themselves for thinking it as well.

I still find it funny that people believe there were explosives set off underneath the loby when the planes flew into the building.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:24 PM
While I do believe Al-Queda is a fictitious group, at best created by the US government, the question of the thread I believe, is how would one smuggle a nuke into the US...

That is the problem right there...The belief that a functioning weapon needs to be smuggled in...

Why risk smuggling in a weapon when it is ten times easier to build the weapon once already here? That way the only thing one really need to worry about is the procurement of radioactive material.

It's much easier to sneak into a country and build a device then it is to attempt to bring the whole device into the country. Perhaps supplies could be bought from pre-existing Russian sleeper cells that have been here since the 50's.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:33 PM
Magneto-student- You seem to be the only one who gets it-congrats. Some people find it more comfortable to live with their heads the put it nicely.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 10:14 AM
Bush believes Iran has WMD. In an order, the administration removed the need for being attacked by another state as a pretext to use nuclear weapons. He could go ahead and nuke Iran tomorrow. He has one thing left:

Convincing the american people the use of nuclear weapons is justified.

Joe Bloggs will of course say 'NUCLEAR weapon? You mad Mr president?'. Unless Joe bloggs gets attacked by one.

People were ready to accept nuclear war with the soviet union provided the sovs struck first. The pieces fit. Iran "has" WMD, not just any wmd NUCLEAR BOMB, and wudnt it be convienient for the "WMD" to be used by "Iran" as an act of war???

That is why I asked this question. Its not a question of IF, but when and how....

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 06:01 AM
One of my favourite movies - the sum of all fears.
corney acting, and well who can stand Affleck.. but it made a good point.

What is stoppnig a country from secretly building a bomb, away from its documented factilities and using it?....


But on the other hand.. I dont think terrorists would need to sneak a WMD into the country.


The finatical muslim terrorists dont need to smuggle a bomb in.. The real WHITEHOUSE terrorists have plenty on hand for them.

Its that simple!

I beleive that if u have evidence a country is building illegia lweapons, and has the desire to use them, regardless of the global effects then you have every right under the sun to remove that threat, I think your OBLIGATED to.

But george bush stuffed that right up by going into IRAQ, using the context of there being a threat to the USA.
He had his one chance, and he stuffed it up. not just for the US but for the world.
No one will stand by and listen to the USA go on again about a world threat, and WMD's... he used it once and has bee ncaught out a LIAR.
now the WORLD has to wait until IRAN makes the first move...
IF.. IF iran does bomb say Israel, or the US when they manage to get the bomb I blame that entirely on GW Bush.

He used up his one lifeline by invading IRAQ, when he should of realised where the real threat is.. rather than follow his greedy sub ordinates.

[edit on 18-9-2005 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Mudja
How would Al-Qaeda get a weapon onto US soil?

Diplomatic baggage.

Everyone gets checked except the diplomats.

They have immunity from arrest.

This is so stupid.

They can easily slip in chemical or biological weapons thru the customs. Airpost officers are ordered not to open the luggage of diplomats.

Can you believe this **** !!!!

Didn't you see Lethal Weapon 2 ?

Anyone who actually hates, or pretends to love, the United States, or for that matter any western nation, can smuggle in a small nuke, set it off, and blame it on "the terrorists", or the some "rogue regimes".

Then it would be perfect time for another regime change.

[edit on 18-9-2005 by mr conspiracy]

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 12:32 PM
In a secret manner only Homeland Security knows about for now. Do we really want to suggest how it might be done?


posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 03:00 PM
Why try to smuggle a "nuke" into the US?

Don't you think its highly likely that there are certain factions operating within the US/UK, that have US/UK citizenship, or have lived there all their lives?
They could (stress the word "could") have contact with people that actually work within the nuclear industry.

I'm not saying this is so, but if that person was offered a large amount of money etc, then who knows?
I understand that it would not be easy to accomplish, but "where there is a will, there is way".

It should go without saying that we have, (UK) and you have (US) individuals that work against our relevant governments and security, actually working among us. Its just that they have yet to be found of working against us.

Importing a "nuke" from elsewhere is very doubtful. I don't think a nuke attack would be the way for the terrorists to go.

IED's or suicide bombers seem to be the main weapon against the western world. They cause the most destruction that these individuals want. It makes for great media coverage for them. That is what they thrive on. "Nuking" the UK or the US would stop any media coverage for them. OK, it would happen just the once, but who would cover it if the UK or the US was non existent anymore? Al-Jazeera?

I sincerely doubt that a nuclear attack would actually happen. More suicide bombings seem to be the more likely scenario.

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