I was doing my usual surfing last night and I found this:
Rally at White House on Sept 15th
Here is the PDF format of their flyer
Get Out of Iraq Now Flyer
This site states that Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey is holding a hearing on strategies for getting out of Iraq. This hearing will be held at Capitol Hill
from 10am-1pm. Groups of organizers are calling for a rally in front of the White House at 5 p.m. in Lafayette Square Park.
There is another march on Washington planned in the month of September.
March on Washington Sept 24th-26th
Plans for this gathering:
Saturday, September 24
Massive March & Rally, Peace and Justice Festival, Operation Ceasefire Concert
Sunday, September 25
Interfaith Service, Training for Grassroots Lobby Day, Training for Mass Nonviolent Civil Disobedience, National Meeting for Counter-Recruitment
Monday, September 26
Grassroots Congressional Lobby Day &
Mass Nonviolent Civil Disobedience at the White House
As far as the rally scheduled for today, I have yet to see a single thing on the mainstream media. There could be a few reasons for this (a)
overshadowed by the Presidential speech this evening (b) it never happened
I was actually surprised not to find this elsewhere on the board. Now
the March on the 24th-26th,
that I am looking forward to seeing. I'm interested in seeing how our gvmnt handles a massive orchestrated civil
disobedience movement
If anyone here on the boards has anymore information, or media coverage on this, please update the thread.
[edit on 15-9-2005 by gangster45]