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Life-changing ghost experiences?

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posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:53 AM
So I'm interested - I've read literally thousands of accounts of ghost sightings from all around the world and across a good part of recorded history. Most people (incredibly) seem to just take them in stride, without much fear or gained insight.

Has anyone had their life utterly changed, belief system shattered or whatever by a ghost experience? Known someone who had psychiatric treatment because of ghost sightings?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:33 AM
I apologize if this is the opposite reply to what you want from your post...

But I am frustrated that so far I have had nothing to show me there is something else than 'this life' which we experience now.

Angry almost.

- Nazgarn

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 07:03 AM
I agree nazgarn. But I think for now I would rather experience nothing, than have something absolutely scare the crap out of me. You might want to try Astral Projection though if you just want 'something more to life'. I have tried looking for UFOs, ghosts, and trying out psychic powers and nothing has ever succeeded for me. But if you try practicing AP, you will probably feel something (even if you don't make it Out of Body).

As for the ghosts...I would count people leaving their newly bought houses because they are haunted as "life changing". There are quite a few cases of that. I've heard quite a few hardcore skeptics change their mind when they actually saw a ghost as well. Me, I'm still not quite sure I believe in ghosts. But I don't really want to meet one either. If I ever saw a ghost or alien in person, I would just have a heart attack and die on the spot I think

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by SevenBizzos
So I'm interested - I've read literally thousands of accounts of ghost sightings from all around the world and across a good part of recorded history. Most people (incredibly) seem to just take them in stride, without much fear or gained insight.

Has anyone had their life utterly changed, belief system shattered or whatever by a ghost experience? Known someone who had psychiatric treatment because of ghost sightings?

I've not had a ghost experience as such but something happened that will stay with me forever.

In 1994 my nan was diagnosed with cancer. The situation at home for her was pretty awful. Her husband wouldn't take care of her, my other family relatives that were staying with her wouldn't take care of her either.

As the years passed my nan got weaker and unable to put up with the crap that my (now disowned) family would throw at her. They were mean, they would start fights among themselves and blame it on my nan, they'd verbally abuse her and sometimes physically abuse her too.

My mother and I were the only ones who really cared for her. I ended up moving in with her to look after her 24/7. (Her husband had already decided to leave with said family and my nans money).

My nan and I got really close. I was just trying to make her last few months on earth tolerable. Eventually she died in 1998.

Here's the spooky part.

When my mother and I went to visit her in the Chapel of Rest we decided we would go in one at a time to say our goodbyes.
My mum eventually came out and it was my turn to go in.

My nan was dressed all in white and had no expression on her face. She was very cold too (for obvious reasons). I spent a few minutes in there thinking about the hell that she'd been through and how things could've been etc.

When I decided to leave I leant down and hugged her, then I gave her a kiss on her forehead. At that point my mum came in to see if I was ready to go, so we walked to the door and then turned around to say goodbye again and my nan had a very slight smile and a tear rolled down her cheek.

That was the bit that spaced me out. I've worked for over a year as a funeral director and never seen that before. Maybe it was my body heat upsetting the cool temperature of the room, I don't know. I don't care really.
From that point on I "knew" my nan was in a better place and much happier than she's ever been.

As I said, not much of a ghostly experience, but spooky to me nonetheless and it did change the way I am with my other family (I don't talk to the money grabbers

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I just woke up. Take it easy

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:29 PM
No it made sense honest, and thanks for sharing that touching experience.

The treatment of that woman before she said goodbye is inexcusable; it must have been so heart-wrenching to see her go through such abuse, at a time when she needed all the help and love she could get. People are so cruel but you have also proved how loving and caring they can also be.

I can't explain the tear..sounds fascinating. If you don't mind me asking, where you crying as well, as you lent over her? Maybe you didn't realise it at the time. The smile also sounds interesting, as though it was meant for your eyes only. So it should be - I'm sure luck will come you way as well.

Glad that you found comfort, and best wishes.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:57 PM
More than one actually.
First, my stepdad died the day after I had declined going to see him in the hospital, cuz work was really hectic, and he'd been in and out of the hospital for six years. He passed away the next day, and I felt horrible. A couple of weeks later I had a dream, and he came to me and told me it was ok, no big deal, etc. I woke that morning feeling like a ton had been lifted off of me. Could have been a dream, I know what my belief is.
This next one is more a sign from a loved one who passed on. It was a very moving experience to have been there.
I used to work with a fellow who's wife died of lung cancer, though she was a nurse who never smoked. After she passed on, he raised their two daughters as a single dad. It was about a year from her diagnosis until she was gone. Around a month before she passed on she told him that she was going to send him some kind of a sign. He is a very honest, family-oriented, devout Catholic, and I honestly cannot see him lying about something this serious. Then, from her hospital bed a week before she passed on, she told him she knew what the sign would be....lightning.
I have only been to one funeral in my life, and it was scheduled for 1 P.M., one Saturday, at a local Catholic Church. After it was over, my friend and a few co workers were standing outside in the parking lot, and he told us about her sign message. Earlier that day, as we arrived for the funeral, it was pouring rain out, really hard, the sky was completely filled by very thick, very low overcast clouds, and it made midday as dark as if it was dusk. We sat down, got settled in, and then boom, thunder, and the lights in the church went out for a couple of minutes. My friend told me that when the thunder struck, he immediately looked at his watch and, by coincidence, it was 1 o'clock on the dot. After the funeral was over we came out to find there wasn't a cloud in the sky; I looked in every direction.
Everything was soaked and dripping, yet the sun was shining. I think I was the only one there that totally believed he was telling the exact truth, I saw skepticism in the eyes and reactions of everyone else. But he knew, and that was the only thing that mattered.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Ross Cross
No it made sense honest, and thanks for sharing that touching experience.

I can't explain the tear..sounds fascinating. If you don't mind me asking, where you crying as well, as you lent over her? Maybe you didn't realise it at the time. The smile also sounds interesting, as though it was meant for your eyes only. So it should be - I'm sure luck will come you way as well.

Glad that you found comfort, and best wishes.

Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated.

It's cool, I don't mind questions.

Ok, i've been brought up in a family where showing sings of emotion means that you are weak (which I don't agree with), so as my mother was there with me the answer is no, I wasn't crying (although I did when I got home)

That's what I meant about my body heat in the temperature controlled room.
Maybe it reacted with the cold and created some type of condensation??!!
It's very well possible, I don't doubt that.

As for the smile, that's a little harder to explain so i'm just going to take it at face value and assume she is happy now and in a much better place


That sounds like it was a very beautiful and humbling experience. His wife must have loved him very much.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:23 PM
I had a ghost slam a door for me once. I was doing some work in a basement and went out the cellar door to get some stuff from the truck. I wedged the inner door open behind a beam -- it was wedged pretty good, not just leaning there, and it didn't have a real strong spring anyway. When I came back inside with my stuff, I closed the outer door but totally didn't think about the inner door at all and WHAM!!! it slammed shut behind me. I don't think I could have slammed it that hard by hand, and I know the spring wasn't enough to do it. I kind of looked around and said "thank you" sort of half sarcastically, and finished my work. When I went to see the homeowner afterwards I said "you know you have a ghost in the house?" and she said "yes, we've seen him. It's the former owner who died in the house." Kind of freaky, but I know there is NO way that door could have closed by itself.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 02:41 PM
My life changing encounter written as a short story. Olivia would be me.

Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever Part 2

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 07:22 PM
i was surfing the net when i came across this...ive never seen so many pics of ghosts/spirits...i know this seems out of place..but i didnt want to create a thread to just post ..~kiliker..acually now that i read some of the posts..i acually have one..or a few..but they arnt that "life-changing" in my opinion..what do you think?....i had my face once slamed into the sink while cleaning my face once..i thought it was my i turned around to find no one there..then realized i was home alone so that wasnt was the fact i feel "them" all the time...and last..was when i was little..i came out of my moms bathroom i had heard my name called if it was right next to my face...then i looked to find a "shadow figure" swipe past my face into the wall..i ran like hell..but i was i guess then it was more tramatizing..anyways yeah those are some otheres...but i would think of them as nothing..~kiliker

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 03:07 AM
Yeah me. Sometimes I wish I didn't receive this gift, but other times, it's a blessing

posted on Sep, 22 2005 @ 12:31 AM
I have only really had two people extremely close to me pass away so far and both have come back to visit me in dreams, my GreatGrandmother came to me and we stood in the entrance of her house the same way we had stood for years and years when we would say goodbye to each other. I was dressed as I am now but she was dressed as I had my fondest memories of her. I asked her was death was like and said it was no big deal that once she left her body her soul was put into many bodies of love (which I interpret to be from all of the love given to her and all the love she gave throughout her life) To be honest it was very brief and quite unexpected we hugged each other and I gave her a kiss on each cheek as I had done so many times before. But this time I not only recognized that I was dreaming and that it was the physical world that this was occuring in when I hugged her the feeling was so real I can still remember it like it just happened a minute ago. MY grandfather also came to me, he had a on average pretty short struggle with Cancer and what tore me up inside the most was that this man who was always so big and strong was reduced to being so weak he had to ask for help to go to the bathroom. Many days I left more angry than sad that this was happening to a man who was so so so good througout his life and would have given up his hospital bed if someone asked for it. Anyway he came in a dream as well exactly as I had remembered him in his Prime of being my PAPA and I remember him specifically telling me DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. That has meant alot to me. Even to this day just remembering that and life works out.

So for me it was really Ying and Yang I had this great spiritual experience with my GreatGrandmother who lived a long life and was just an angel here as I'm sure she is now in the real sense. And on the other hand I went everyday and watched my Grandfather on his deathbed so doped up with morphine and in so much pain it truely tore me up inside. But both of their experiences that I had meant so much to me.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 11:09 PM
I was never a believer in ghosts throughout my life. I would and still do consider myself a skeptic who looks for logical answers in everything I see that cannot be easily explained. I also consider myself a strong guy, mentally and physically. I normally don't get scared very easily in everyday situations. But I did experience some things over the last two years that I still cannot explain and cannot find any logical answers to that frightened me more than anything else has in my life. In fact, I would consider them very much "life-changing".

One night in August 2005 while sleeping in my bed, I awoke from my slumber and looked over towards our open bedroom door. It was dark and I don't know why I focused at this area, but as I did I saw what I believed to be a small figure standing there looking in at my wife and I in bed. It was so real that I screamed at the top of my lungs at first glimpse. Of course, once I screamed and looked back towards the figure, it was gone. That experienced passed and nothing out of the ordinary happened again after that until April 2006 when one night while sleeping in the same bed I awoke again in the middle of the night and happened to glance over to the door way. This had turned into somewhat of a habit since my experience months before (an act where I forced myself to look hoping not to see anything), and luckily I hadn't seen anything since. This time, once again, I didn't see anything. But, after looking towards the doorway, I rolled over to lie on my other side when I caught a glimpse, and then a full view of an apparition at the foot of our bed. It was either very tall or floating above the ground. It almost touched the ceiling. My first impression was that it was a female, but it had no real features that I could make out other than the shape of its body and head with what seemed to be long hair. It was a faint greyish white in color and slightly transparent. Once again I screamed at the top of my lungs (like a little girl) and my wife instantly woke up. And once again, the apparition was gone. This time though, as I frightfully explained what I saw to my wife, we both experienced something. It was still dark in the room and as I described to her what I had just seen, the fan (a tall oscillating floor-standing type) that was at the foot of our bed, near where I saw this thing, made an odd whirring noise (that I can only describe as sounding like a power surge), it then bumped against the wall behind it (which could have only been pushed with some considerable force) and then it turned off. No lie. To say that we both weren't frightened out of our minds is an understatement. I immediately got out of bed, turned on pretty much every light in the house and looked around to try and calm myself. I went back into our bedroom, turned the fan back on and it worked fine. Nothing was found out of the ordinary throughout the house that night and no more extreme experiences have occurred since then (other than an occasional bump in the night). But to be honest, I still glance several times as I wake throughout the night to see if anything is there even though we now live in a new house out of state. My experiences were life-changing.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:31 PM
Can't say i have had a life altering experience with ghosts, other than after having experienced them and knowing that they do in fact exist now. Personally they give me the heebeee's, not that anything bad ever happened as a result of them, more oftne than not quite the opposite. I just dont like having them around me to be honest about it.

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