posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 12:39 AM
What people have said on here is definitely correct. I'm a PA and have worked in Pathology and been doing autopsies for several years both in
hospitals and coroner's offices and I can tell you HIV patients don't worry me that much compared to Hep C or Tuberculosis. This is generally
across the board for people in the death biz (ME, Coroner, funeral directors, etc). HIV is all but gone from a dead person in 24 hrs and is believed
to only be transmissible by direct injection of a rather large dose of that individuals blood, and unless you are being exceedingly careless than
should never happen. Hep C can survive in the body for at least a week and according to what I have read, can survive in extravasated blood (blood
outside the body) for at least that long! I have had a couple suprises with bodies having TB unexpectedly which didn't make me really happy but I
haven't seroconverted yet so that is a good thing.