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Milton William Cooper

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posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 10:40 AM
I didnt know where else to put this but here because it has to do with MJ-12 and the alien conspiracy and all. Just wondering, how reliable a sourse is Milton William Cooper? I read this whole thing he wrote about Alternatives 1,2 and 3 and all and all this other stuff and that the planet is gonna self-destruct in a few years, if not months or whatever, and that there already are bases on the moon and mars and all that and all, I just recently learned about Mr. Cooper and his writings, so can anyone verify, to the best of their abilities? A lot of it makes sense, and all of it is pretty damn freaky. heres the link:
so yeah read that and if you could tell me what you think, please do

(fixed link)

[edit on 9/14/2005 by Amorymeltzer]

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 01:23 PM
Oh dont worry, people have been predicting the end of the world for ages now. Besides last i heard was that the Earth will undergo some sort of change in 2012.
I wont be losing any sleep over it ! When you gotta go, you gotta go !


posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:05 PM
The William Cooper story is very interesting and ends sadly.

I read his book "Behold A Pale Horse" roughly three years ago and from time to time refer back to it. For those of you who don't know who Will Cooper is, he was an ex United States Intelligence Briefing Team Member in the 70's.

His Book covers a variety of information he claims he came into contact with while working for the agency. Among the topics are:

- Secret Treatys
- New World Order
- US Gov Drug Envovlvement
- UFO's
- Area 51
- Alien Implants
- Etc.

Now, his book BAPH is jam packed with recovered documents, his personal accounts, etc supporting his claims to some extent. Its a large book and there are too many stories to really go into detail. Id reccomend checking it out.

But alas, William Cooper was shot and killed here in Arizona by Sheriffs. Reports say that he was harrasing someone and when the sheriffs showed up he fired first requiring them to put him down.


[edit on 12-9-2005 by SFC]

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:34 PM
Good 'ol Bill Cooper... The book mentioned is pretty much a must have for any conspiracy buff, but I wouldn't put to much stock in it personally. If you're an NWO fan, you'll probably find more of substance to that end than UFOs in the book though....though the subject is mentioned.

I did come across an interesting tidbit though once, in the appendixes, there's a document from the FBIS (Foreign Broadcast Information Service), a little known division of the CIA (and the one I was going to join a long, long time ago
). Anyhoo, it covers increasing newspaper mentions of UFOs in the Soviet bloc, and is fairly interesting....but mostly because of own sentiments there, hehe...

By all means though, get the book...

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 05:45 PM
I have always thought that Bill Cooper fell into a trap that lurks out there for all of us if we loose our way. He discovered some information, realized some truth, but when what he found was not enough to start the revolution he wanted, he went over to the dark side.

It is an old story, and a tragic one because in the end he invalidated everything he ever did by manufacturing 'evidence' to prove a case that was indeed true. By doing so he makes it impossible to make proper use of the actual material he did really discover. When a few fake documents were not enough, he went ever farther.

What I am about to say is not 'Bush Bashing' it is the truth as far as has been reported in the National Media.

Consider the documents about the President's National Guard service. They have been proven to be forgeries, but the story they tell seems to be mostly true. But since the documents were fake, the story no longer matters. I sat and listened to the woman who was the one who typed up the actual documents that the fakes were based on. She confirmed the essence of the story but also that those docs were fake.

Personally I feel the documents were created to accomplish just what they did, to put to rest forever the story of what actually happened. But if they were indeed created to hurt the President then the people who forged them did not do the Truth any favors. You cannot spread the Truth by lying.

Bill Cooper did exactly that.


posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:50 AM
So what would you say, of what he wrote, is truthful and all. That websit I posted happend in the late 70s, early 80s and all. Do you think that all that stuff with Alternatives 2 and 3 and all are true? or that the grays or EBE's as they call them really are here and all that stuff about MJ-12 is true and all? basicall what im asking is what parts of what he wrote would you say is the false data he put out?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 10:05 AM

I have always thought that Bill Cooper fell into a trap that lurks out there for all of us if we loose our way. He discovered some information, realized some truth, but when what he found was not enough to start the revolution he wanted, he went over to the dark side.

That's an excellent observation, and applies to far more in the field than just Mr. Cooper....

So what would you say, of what he wrote, is truthful and all.

It's hard to tell when you mix it with assumptions and fantasy....such is the trap.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 01:06 PM
Alot of his stuff is an amalgam of many different theories that were pre-existing. He was considered beligerent in the ufo community by other researchers. I'd take what he says about ufos with a grain of salt, in later years he referred to it as "uFOOLogy".

He was basing his studys on the nwo towards the end before his tragic death, which needs to be brought up by others who know more about it than me. I know he knew the end was near and moved his family out of country. A mysterious death... anyone help, what were the other problems with the police conflict he had?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 05:50 PM

basicall what im asking is what parts of what he wrote would you say is the false data he put out?

I have no idea, because I know that he did indeed manufacture evidence the only logical choice is to throw all of it out. That is what is so tragic about what happened to him, the good work he did originally do is lost to us because we do not know what to trust.

I believe the 3 original MJ-12 Documents are authentic, and I lean heavily towards accepting the SOM-1 manual. I have spent a lot of time on the site and the list of material he provided to them is vast.

In trying to solve the puzzle that is the true story of Alien visitation it is better to reject a document that is true than it is to accept one that is false. The trail is so subtle, the implications so vast, that if you accept even one document as valid that is not, you might never learn the truth.

Personally I reject the whole NWO concept but that relates more to his later work than his original stuff.


posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:24 PM
Having been a Cooper advocate for many years, the list of the Illuminati members? is worth buying Behold a Pale horse.
He also had a tape edited by the Japanese of the uncut Zapruder film that is a real eye-opener.
The reason given by the PTB for killing Bill was resisting arrest?????????
He was NOT a stupid man, he is just another victim those who are putting their lives on the line to OUT the PTB.
But as usual, the U.S. Marshalls story of his death cannot/will not be changed.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:41 AM
This kinda has to do with him, kinda not, but I was lookin on Limewire for stuff on him and i found this MJ-12 stuff someone made, its a list of german scientists that are associated with MJ-12, it could be true it could be fake, I don know but it like says their date/location of birth and death, their social security numbers and their names (oviously). I also found another one that has a list of military personel linked to the UFO phenomenon, it gives their name, some of their social security numbers, date of birth, Service they were in (OSS, CIA, USAF etc), their service #, their title/organization (Maj. General, etc and where they were located such as West Point and etc...) and finally why they're on this paper. IT seems to me its some personal person's list of MJ-12/UFO phenomen personal, I don know. IF anyone's interested, I can post it if someone explains how to add attachments or whatever.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 11:45 AM

heres the link:

That link is broken.

NM, its not https, just http

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Escrotumus]


posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 03:09 PM
Look, Bill Cooper as far as ANY of us know never created evidence.

I challenge anyone to give evidence against that statement.

The the fact is this, he had strange personal accounts in a government agency which lead him to investigate a wide range of subjects. He was not perfect, nor did he ever discover the 'big piece of the puzzel'.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 04:27 PM
Ok, I will take that challenge.

Perhaps many of you are not old enough to have been involved during the BBS days, I am. I monitored information on Paranet and while I was not an active participant I remember most of what is discussed in these links. A lot of people were taken in by his stories, but over time, as the stories changed and expanded, most people got wise.

You know I hate taxes as much as the next guy, but if you wish to be a citizen of this Country that is the price you pay. Anyone who stands up and says they can enjoy what it means to be an American and then ignore the bill is... well words I cannot use here.

Defend him if you wish, that is your right. For the record I think he actually believed much of what he said, and that just makes it all the more tragic.

And I just have to add, to see someone who uses the emblem of Star Fleet Command defend this guy is more than a little disturbing.


posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:50 PM
>'And I just have to add, to see someone who uses the emblem of Star Fleet Command defend this guy is more than a little disturbing.'

You DO know that Star Fleet is a fictiotious organization right?

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:17 PM

You DO know that Star Fleet is a fictiotious organization right?

What!? You mean Star Trek was not a Documentary series?

Seriously though, while fiction the ideals are quite real, and have become a part of modern mythology. What you will find, usually, in those who are considered fans of the show is not just a love of all the wiz-bang stuff but also what it said. A Russian as a major character on an American TV show in the 60s. Universal tolerance, respect for diversity, and most importantly of all, the idea that humanity can indeed someday grow up.

And I do realize also that what I said about Cooper's approach to taxes is not directly connected to his UFO material. But to me it shows that the notion of right and wrong was something he had problems with. There is a right way to protest unfair taxes, and the right way does not involve a gun.

If you feel any Law is unfair then join a citizens group, fight for change that way. Get someone elected who shares your views on the matter. If none of these things work for you, then get the hell out of my Country.


posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 05:49 PM
I haven't read Behold a Pale Horse yet except for a few pages but I've been meaning to get it. The more I read about William Cooper the more I like him. He seemed like a solid,everyday guy who just happened to know some very important things. Unlike many others of his calling who seem to have traded in some of their sanity in exchange for their secret information.

posted on Sep, 16 2005 @ 11:53 PM
It is interesting how two different people can look at the same evidence and come to totally opposite conclusions.

I see Cooper as someone who could not handle what he learned. His research magnified his feelings of paranoia and distrust of the government to the point where he took some very abnormal actions. Most people who commit the crime of tax evasion try to keep it a secret, he announced it in public. Not only that he made it clear he had no intention of surrendering to the authorities when they, as he knew they would, eventually showed up.

So I really have a hard time seeing him as a 'solid, everyday guy' as you do Loungerist.

I do feel sorry for him, what happened to him is tragic, but he made his choices and died because of them. The only reason I responded to this Thread at all was to attempt to help another in their search for the Truth. Cooper himself announced that much of he material he had gathered was not reliable, 'It's all disinformation' as quoted in the links I posted, his own words not mine.

Now personally I see that as an attempt to cover for his own wrong doings in manufacturing evidence. But either way, when the both the Source disowns much of his work, and others believe it is false, that is a pretty solid case to me.


posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Alexander Tau
It is interesting how two different people can look at the same evidence and come to totally opposite conclusions.

I don't think we've looked at the same evidence though. My opinion of Cooper only comes from a snippet here and a snippet there about him alongside a few pages from his book so I could be easily mistaken. It is only that to date,everything I've read about him I've liked. I didn't even know he'd been killed until I saw this thread.

I do feel sorry for him, what happened to him is tragic, but he made his choices and died because of them. The only reason I responded to this Thread at all was to attempt to help another in their search for the Truth. Cooper himself announced that much of he material he had gathered was not reliable, 'It's all disinformation' as quoted in the links I posted, his own words not mine.

Now personally I see that as an attempt to cover for his own wrong doings in manufacturing evidence. But either way, when the both the Source disowns much of his work, and others believe it is false, that is a pretty solid case to me.

In these cases I tend to go the first account over the last. I pretty much expect 3 things to happen to anyone crazy/dumb enough to use their real name when exposing the government and their work become popular:

1. They will eventually backtrack on their work if they have a family. If not then they will eventually be driven to suicide(or possibly have it commited for them) or insanity.

2. They will eventually be villified or framed for things that discredit their work. The more influential the work the worse the smear.

3. They will eventually be taken to task for things not happening that they said would. Likely due in no small part to the plans changing upon being revealed to the public.

My first exposure to William Cooper came from book I was reading a few months ago that made several referrences to Cooper's work. After about the third referrence the very first thought that popped into my head was "Wow. I wonder what cemetary or psych ward this Cooper guy's in now.".

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