posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 07:04 AM
Interesting tests, but here are my results. For each test I did a "blind", which was allowing the program to run in the background while I was
typing other stuff here on ATS, so that I had no impact on it. On the second test of each one, I tried to cause it to move in the proper way with my
Test One (Bell Curve):
Blind: Final score of 1. Significance of about 0.4875361. (Expected by chance every 2 runs)
Test: Final score of 9. Significance: 0.29763355 (Expected by chance every 3 runs)
Test Two (Visualization): Test doesn't seem to work, resets after I get to #4 to #8:
Blind: 450 (Incomplete test)
Test 1: 750 (Incomplete test)
Test 2: 820 (Incomplete test)
Test Three (Circles):
Blind: Final Score of 1. Significance of 0.47509045. Expected every 2.
Test: Final score of -2. A score of this many misses is expected every 2.
Test 2 (Concentrating on opposite dot of target): Score 3. Expected 2.
Results: Either this test doesn't work at all, or I am not psychic at all. Tests are better than the blinds all but one time, but only by a
reasonable measure of chance. Personally I don't know how you can change the outcome when it happened in the past. Tests where it runs in real-time,
random generating as it happens are better, I think.
I have had excellent results with the tests on and would recommend checking the tests there out.
I would like to see some other people's results. Especially those who claim to be "Psions", or have psychokinetic/telepathic abilities.
[edit on 12-9-2005 by Yarcofin]