posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 09:14 AM
Thank you for posting this. Very informative site on the symptoms of this VERY VERY (full lip V) scary disease.
In the first week of August, here in Oklahoma, two people died in the same weekend of this. A man and a woman. They were from different parts of the
state, and there has been no connection found between the two of them.
That same weekend we took the kids on a vacation and I had a lapse of sanity which allowed me to spend 2 full hours sliding down a waterslide with my
kids like I was a teenager.
Result...I wore a pretty good raw spot on my backside. I get home from the vacation and read the news articles in
the Daily Oklahoman of these two deaths. No need for details, but I went through GREAT machinations to make damned sure my butt didn't fall off.
This is WAY scary stuff.