posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 12:41 PM
Aren't people ment to help eachother instead of killing, torturing, commanding
abusing, indoctrinate etc etc eachother. I guess I won't be able to see this with
my own eyes, maybe from above... My greatest wish is a peacefull planet without
criminals, racists, terrorist etc etc. Will this ever be realised? How more people
have to suffer before we can realise this? And will it eventually happen or is it
just a imagination? I'm starting to lose more and more confidence this will even
happen. I also think people are more voilent these days, that's loathens me.
I really have faith that people CAN live in peace with eachother sadly that
image is slipping away further every day, helping eachother
out would be far better then killing everybody to achief your goal. But hey this
is just me....
Any feedback?