posted on Sep, 21 2002 @ 05:53 AM
I don't know, FD, how's your English, is is better than your German?
Remember WWII?
Hitler, being the rascally tyke that he was, kept sending those nasty little rockets and bombs London way, knocking the Hell out of civilian areas.
Churchill said to stop it, but Hitler kept on. So in response, the RAF flew over to Heillbronn, Germany (forgive the mispelling, I haven't been
there or seen the spelling in 17 years) and bombed it into nothing. The only thing left standing was part of a steeple.
Churchill did what had to be done after Chamberlain, not having the guts for war, allowed Hitler the momentum to take over the continent of Europe.
Saph, please crawl out of the dreamworld and try reality. It isn't as pleasant here, but if you're going to talk to sober people you should be the
In order to compromise, the two sides have to be rational and have the good of their people in mind. Or do you ignore history. Once again, for
simplicity's sake, I refer back to Hitler. Compromise got alot of people killed. Action would have saved lives. This needs to be understood.
After the fact, how can you count the lives that have been saved; you can't. That is why it is necessary to understand that being weak kills. So
understanding that, when leaders display a cowardly weak resolve, they are killing. Being a weak coward is murderous.