Death Adder
Snake number two in my snakes of the week, keeping with AUSTRALIA's snakes then moving west. Australia has some of the most deadly animals of the
world and with a name like death adder it can only mean on thing.
Death adders are the most distinguishable snakes in Australia. They have the habit of burying themselves in sand or leaf litter, with just their head
and tail exposed whilst they lie in wait for potential prey. When a small bird, lizard or small mammal approaches, they twitch their tail rapidly
like a grub to attract their prey. If the prey approaches close enough, the rapid strike rarely misses its mark.
Prior to antivenom being available, death adders accounted for a 50% mortality rate in bite victims." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
Death adders are found throughout most of Australia, . Three major species have been identified; A. praelongus, the northern death adder (north of
the Tropic of Capricorn), A, pyrrhus, inhabiting desert regions of central and Western Australia, and A. antarcticus, covering the rest of Australia,
except Victoria and Tasmania. They are ambush predators, concealing themselves in leaves, sand or gravel and twitching the ends of their tails to
attract prey. Prey consists of frogs, birds, lizards, mice and rats. It is mainly active at night. Unlike most snakes, the death adder will not
necessarily retreat from humans and may therefore be more easily trodden upon or disturbed by the unwary. They are said to be less likely to strike
unless actually touched than other venomous snakes, but great caution is still advised.
Death adders are readily identified by their short squat appearance. The head is broad and triangular, like that of a viper, the body short and thick
and the tail thinner and distinct from the body. Coloration is variable from region to region, and most death adders are banded to some degree. The
pupil is elliptical. Average length is approximately 0.65m, and the maximum recorded length is 1.1m. The fangs are of death adder are quite long
(6-8mm) and are more mobile than those of other Australian venomous snakes, again resembling those of the vipers.
Average venom output is around 85mg, and the maximum recorded venom output 235mg. Its venom contains a post-synaptic neurotoxin, with negligible
coagulant or myolytic activity. Effective bites result in paralysis, and prior tot he introduction of antivenom, around 50% of death adder
envenomations were fatal
to 75cm
body stocky, head arrowed-shaped. Tail tapers rapidly and bears a spur-like scale at tip. Back any shade of grey to reddish-brown, usually with
lighter bands; belly greyish to cream.
Scale Counts:
midbody scale rows 21-23; ventrals 110-135; anal single; subcaudals, mostly single, some divided at tail -tip 35-60.
wet and dry eucalypt forests, woodlands and coastal heaths.
eastern Australia (excluding far north and south) and southern SA and WA.
rare or insufficiently known; declining.
encountered both day and night; usually motionless, concealed in leaf-litter.
live-bearer (up to 42 young); average sount-vent length of new-borns 12cm.
Main Prey:
frogs, Cane Toads (with fatal results), small reptiles, birds and mammals.
strongly neurotoxic.
potentially dangerous; apply first aid and seek urgent medical attention for all suspected bites; responsible for human deaths
[edit on 10-9-2005 by SpittinCobra]
[edit on 10-9-2005 by SpittinCobra]
[edit on 10-9-2005 by SpittinCobra]