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how to get sleep paralysis more often

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posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 02:49 PM
First off, people on this discussion are stating that sp is one of the most terrifying things experienced. When i was younger i would commonly have night terrors, nearly every other day, so trust me, you don't have a clue about terror.
Secondly, now that i'm 18 and my night terrors finally have come to rest, i've begun to have sleep paralysis very often. At first i did not like the feeling one bit, but eventually i decided to face it and see where it goes because i have always been interested the the brains true potential.

Trust me, sleep paralysis is not a mental malfuntion, but something beyond meditation, and once you're in the state of sp, try to understand nothing is there to hurt you, and you will get past the fear feeling and truly see what i mean.

The advice i give to get this is while you are laying on your back, just try to fall asleep as you usually would, but once you stop thinking of regular daily things and began to imagine images as you would while dreaming, tell yourself you wont fall asleep and try to focus on the back of your eyelids. I keep doing this until the sp sets in.
Another tip i'd give was previously stated. Mess up your sleep patterns so much that you trick your mind into sleeping while you're awake.

Hope this helps =D

P.S. Anyone who is saying these experiences are demons inside of you are so wrong they make me laugh because either they're stupid, blind (not talking about eyesight), or jealous

[edit on 19-7-2010 by PatternsOfPerfection]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Try crossing your arms/hands on top of your chest (like the dead) and combined that with crossing your foot too (one on top of the other) when sleeping facing up. I always ended up finding myself in that position after waking up from SP.I can't guarantee it will work but give it a try.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:37 PM
The amount of fear mongering and ignorance on this thread has me in stitches!! Demonic possessions, terror inducing paralysis, hallucinated coyotes OH NOES!!

not only is it perfectly natural, it is a state that many try to attain through meditation, especially eastern religions.

those who have extremely unpleasant episodes are people who either cannot control their own fear, cannot control their own mind, or are negative people.
You have all the power, it is your own brain.

"Demons" and energy sucking entities are mere products of your imagination, it is in your power to "defeat" them through the power of your thought. It is almost like they are "guardians", not allowing those with sufficient mental control to progress further.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by AnotherSage
This is a real annoyence that I can only get it once every four months and I want to get it more often... well as often as I can anyway. Can anyone give me advice to get into it more often. preferably when wakeing up but any medatitions would be nice.

I've been researching this lately. I've found a way to sometimes enhance the effects of sleep paralysis. I read someones comment about why you'd want to experience this. Well, I've had amazing dream while in this state wherein I could control the outcome, fly, do spectacular things. I find that intense self hypnosis while trying to sleep can induce sleep paralysis. I've experienced it many times and increasingly so in the past couple months. Every time I do it successfully, I in-turn get better at it.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by grad_student

Originally posted by AnotherSage
This is a real annoyence that I can only get it once every four months and I want to get it more often... well as often as I can anyway. Can anyone give me advice to get into it more often. preferably when wakeing up but any medatitions would be nice.

Quite simple. Force yourself to only sleep 3 hours a night. Take lots of naps at random times of the day. Get up at a different time of day every day. Anything that really screws up your circadian cycle. Do this for a year or two, and then tell us if you get any sleep paralysis moments.

o.O so that is what causes it.. I always thought it was sleeping too much, but in hind sight yeah that could be the right answer.. /note to self go to sleep on a set schedule-

to OP: I get sleep paralysis so much it doesn't phase me much anymore. It is just a dream like state. If you force yourself to move(good luck with that one) you will just go into a dream state, then wake up. But if you do manage to force yourself to move, if you blink you will end up back where you started. Also don't get panicky or scared. It will only cause you to get a nightmare or something worse while in that state. And that is something you do not want to happen.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:26 PM
i been getting it since i was like 5... i hate it ... scary..... i havent had it though in about a year.... its scary as hell.... cant move, cant talk, tryin to scream but cant... always feels like someones in the room... its crazy.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:38 PM
I´ve had an experience with SP I will describe here, it was when I was 17 years old. Today, 16 years later, I´ve read many books, searched internet, about that issue, but in that time I didnt know what was happening:

I was in a dream where someone was trying to enage in sex with me, but i was not lucid until that moment. It was like I was in a strange state of mind. But in a certain level of the dream I looked at the face of that people for a moment and perceived his facial expression was not normal like in an human, but it was an evil one..
It was in that moment i thought "what does that means?".

Exactly in that moment i got lucid in my dream, as lucid as I am normally during the day, but i saw the dream´s landscape, as a fuzzy and dim color landscape..
All of a sudden, while I was still thinking about what does that mean (you know, to wake up inside a dream), That dream´s landscape was gone, and for one or two seconds, I was in my bed, with my eyes opened, fully conscious and awake, thinking about what happened.

But here things became even more strange:

While I was still, with my eyes opened, lucid, and thinking, I heard a bell singing. I heard it twice, and without understand where that sound came from, I had I kind of a vision:

My vision became as an ambar color screen of a computer´s monitor, and i saw a cursor writhing in another language! But while i was not understanding that strange chars in the screen, i could understand the meaning, it was like a voice inside me, saying that i was doing something wrong!!

In the final of the the writings, it started to write in my own language, and it was meaning:

If you do not care yourself, you will ... .. .. ..

on that dots, while that chars continued writing, my eyes was unable to continue to read, and all of sudden i felt an incridible and strong electrical shock in my body, and I was unable to get rid of it,
I knew instinctively that it was a kind of force, trying to pull out my spirit apart from my body, and I could felt my spirit almost setting apart from my body. In fact, my spirit was shaking up and down, but just my head was sticked in my body´s head. I struggled with al my force, to not be set apart from my body, but for almost 1 minute I strugled and became very tired, to a point when i knew it would be impossible to remain in my body.

In that moment i started trying to yell and invoke Jesus Christ, but i was unable; I tried, tried, hard, while my spiritual body was constantly shaking, and i was almost being set apart from my physical body, then suddenly I woked yelling: "Jesus Christ!!!" sitting fast in terror in the bed, in the same time i woked!!

Imediatelly i looked at the window behind me, and it was exactly as when I heard the bells, when i was still seeing my bedroom.

I dont know how could I knew that it was my spirit that was to be set apart.

I´ve had it just one time, but it was very, very scary. Today, after reading about it, Lucid dreaming, OOBE, SP, and so on, I realized what I had.


posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:59 PM
I had my first tango with sp last week. I don't know what I expected (to be honest, I never thought I would ever have sp, it's not something I was that interested in) but I was lying on my side when I woke up. I always thought sp happened to people lying flat out on their backs, shows what I know.

My head was at an angle where I could see over my shoulder, and my eyes were darting around the room like crazy. I was freaking out, and usually if I wake up like that I'll crawl right under the covers and retreat to the upper corner of the bed nearest the wall, but I was unable to do this. I couldn't even move my face. It was disturbing. I was panicking more because I had an intense fear of massive clawed hands enveloping the entire bed with me in it, so I was obviously having a nightmare before my eyes flashed open.

I have to say, as a sufferer of twitchy legs when I try to meditate, the state my body was in with sp would come in handy, minus the freaking out of course.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by AnotherSage

Why would you want to??? It happened to me one time, one time was enough for me to never, ever fall asleep on my back. Oh, my gosh- I woke up,couldn't move or speak and my four year old was sleeping next to me and my baby boy was in his crib and I could NOT move. If there had been a fire I would not have been able to save them! I don't think you've really experienced this because if you truly had you would surely not wish it upon yourself again.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by grad_student

Originally posted by AnotherSage
This is a real annoyence that I can only get it once every four months and I want to get it more often... well as often as I can anyway. Can anyone give me advice to get into it more often. preferably when wakeing up but any medatitions would be nice.

Quite simple. Force yourself to only sleep 3 hours a night. Take lots of naps at random times of the day. Get up at a different time of day every day. Anything that really screws up your circadian cycle. Do this for a year or two, and then tell us if you get any sleep paralysis moments.

LOL whats funny is that is completely true. Sleep paralysis, which really makes it very simple to have out of body experiences happen rarely at night (but it does happen). And often during the day during naps when your body is off any kind of sleep schedule.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by sceptik
I don't know if any of this helps but I had an unbelievably terrifying experience that most people who visit this forum say is sleep paralyisis. Maybe you should take a look at my thread and see if anything stands out (Scarriest thing ever, please help.). I'm amazed that you want to have these experiences. If you make some breakthough please let me know. Good Luck.

[edit on 6-9-2006 by sceptik]

Well, your ultimate goal when you have sleep paralysis is to have an OBE. There is no point being stuck inbetween your conscious leaving your body for it is very uncomfortable.

Most people dont search for sleep paralysis/an OBE and it just happens. 99% of the people on earth experience fear, therefore fear things they dont understand or have never experienced before.

During sleep paralysis if you have fear into what you are experiencing your conscious will create fearful situations. In reality, you are creating what you experience when you have these experiences. If you dont fear it, you can simply have your conscious "fly" anywhere in the world or universe you choose. Time will not be factor because you can travel the universe in seconds of earthly time.

Try to not fear things you dont understand. Because if you do, you will never have a pleasant experience when it comes to sleep paralysis or go further into an out of body experience/astral travel.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:24 PM
You guys are getting it wrong.

Sleep Paralysis is the feeling you get JUST before your conscious leaves your physical body.

When your conscious leaves your body (you can move around your room etc) you are no longer in sleep paralysis, you are beyond that point.

Sleep Paralysis is uncomfortable. When you wake up during sleep paralysis or you are still in your body, but you cannot move or talk you must just let go and not give into fear because it can be scary and you might feel like you cannot breath and are dying.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:35 PM
AND yes you CAN die during sleep paralysis, if you panic enough and cannot wake your physical body up. Most people who die "peacefully" in their sleep without a known cause...experience that.

Be careful..and ALWAYS REMEMBER....

Let go.

Do NOT fear.

You create your reality.

If you think you see a ghost you will manifest ghosts.

If you think you are dying, you will manifest your death.


If you just experience without bias. Experience something that you have never experienced before with open arms . Like being on a new planet where everything is new and everything is beautiful and you want to understand it, beautiful things will happen. Do not go to another planet and be fearful of everything you see because you never saw it before.

Just do not "try" or "search" for sleep paralysis or OBE if you constantly fear things in the "real world". If you fear ghosts, scary movies or the black guy with his pants down low that is walking towards you. If this is you, just let it happen naturally.

If you live out of love and can see that there is nothing to be fearful of because we are multidimensional beings that even after we leave our physical body we continue to live through our consciousness, THATS when you can search for sleep paralysis.

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