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Demolition of WTC - pictures inside!

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posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:26 AM
Well by now, everyone heard about demolition "theory".

But noone bothered to examine the footage.

Clearly, very very clearly you can see floors just below the damaged area getting blown out to hell.

[Edited on 5-9-2003 by Freeman]

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:30 AM
I wonder what the sceptics will come up with.

Ummmmmm ... aaaa coffee machine on the floors below was heated by burning jet fuel and ... and ... exploded!

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:37 AM
When something buckles under great strain from the weight above it,it looks like explosives being set off.
Footage being analysed by people who are not qualified to analyse footage.
The biggest mystery about the whole WTC thing is how the guys knew to hit the buildings where they did,but then if they had hit them farther down,the same thing would have happened and caused a lot more destruction.It may have been that it was too difficult to hit the towers lower because of surrounding buildings,or it may be that the destruction was intentionally limited by hitting them higher up like they did,which doesn't make sense either.
The cat is out the door and they got to have their war....

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:42 AM
Well,I'm a skeptic with an open mind.
The pictures show,and the text says.

"Frame 147 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 79th floor.

Frame 203 shows a row of explosives detonating right across the east face at the 75th floor."

I'd take a closer look if you can find out which companies occupied these offices.

After all if there were explosives planted then they would of been there for some time.

There must be some way you can find out.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:45 AM

The size of explosives could have been size of a chewing gum stick.

Anyone could have hidden it in strategic locations.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:49 AM
Never the less a demolition expert would not have placed the explosives there by choice.They would have been a lot lower.

I think asking who owned those offices is fairly reasonable.

Otherwise I'm just going to believe my own eyes and take it for granted that I saw a plane fly into one of the towers.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:52 AM
They could have placed it on many levels.

On as many as they wanted to.

Then see where the plane hit and push the relevant buttons.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:52 AM
I have to be honest, I can't see anything other than red lines drawn around smoke and if this writer has all this evidence of video footage and such, where is it? I want to see it.
I believe something more than the governments are telling us occured on September the 11th but I on't know what so far.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Freeman
Clearly, very very clearly you can see floors just below the damaged area getting blown out to hell.

This skeptic points out your own statment... "just below the damaged area".

Concrete will "blow out" under intense compression stress... giving the exact effect seen in the photos.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:02 AM
....under great stress.
The thing that gets me is why the towers weren't hit lower,it is clear that the top of the first tower fell sideways,if it were hit lower it would have caused a lot more damage,which would make sense if you were out to make a mess,right?.
But as I stated before,they may have been limited by surrounding structures.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:10 AM
I watched the towers fall live on ABC and CNN both had nearly the same angle of footage and many others did also. The best way to analize this incident would be to gather all possible footage angles and examine them. Not that it takes a genius to see how dang obvious it was that the towers fell by professional implosion techiniques, just look at any demolition of a bilding within city limits, heck even watch a movie with building coming down they
fall the same way. In on them selves instead of over and out onto everything around them. If a building fell naturally it would twist woble lean tilt and fall with out any grace it would simply collapse onto what ever was in its path...not straight down into it self!

Sorry folks, I don't trust our current leader ship...but you all knew that already.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
I Not that it takes a genius to see how dang obvious it was that the towers fell by professional implosion techiniques, just look at any demolition of a bilding within city limits,

Yeah, all you have to do is watch the ending of Fight Club movie and "contrust & compare"

[Edited on 5-9-2003 by Freeman]

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
fall the same way. In on them selves instead of over and out onto everything around them. If a building fell naturally it would twist woble lean tilt and fall with out any grace it would simply collapse onto what ever was in its path...not straight down into it self!

I gotta take issue with you on this Advisor. Your giving a huge building constructed of many small parts the same characteristics as a semi-ridgid structure. Once the top floors fell upon the rest of the structure, the resonate frequency of many of these materials was reached causing them to disintergrate. I can see how it would be difficult to imagine that happening as most of us have never experienced it first hand but gravity insures this type of collapse of such a structure.

As for the row of explosives detonating just below the damage area...well I could draw a red box around any area and claim its this, that, or the other thing bu that don't make it so.

I really have no idea what kind of explaination I have to give to finally get through to you all that no other force was needed to cause such collapses. The engineering marvel is that they stood as long as they did after such impact.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 12:50 PM
Aside from the details everyone gives so much time to,the thing was ALLOWED to happen so they could justify having a war.

The justification was gained through the support of people who have no idea what war is,public opinion polls.

We all know the majority are ignorant.

It seems that opinions are not to be taken too seriously though,unless you want to start a war.
(Gov sez "we take opinions seriously if it suits our purposes")

Funny how you can read in the news NOW that Bin Ladens family was allowed to fly out of the country when the rest of the country was basically locked down.

This country is in a whole heap of trouble,I suspect that there will be martial law declared soon,but that is a defensive maneuver by the government for something completely different.

Since there are now narcoterrorists,cyberterrorists,terrorist ,terrorists,
terrorists of all kinds,that became terrorists just because they changed the legal description of what terrorist means,I suspect that people will call the authorities when you fart in front of their house,and the patriot act makes it legal for them to make you disappear.

This all has very little to do with the middle east.

Just keep it under your hat,otherwise you'll be branded as a terrorist!.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 05:02 PM
Well i see nothing amiss in the pictures - just the effects of stress on concrete from above. Compare the pictures some buildings in Belfast in the early 70s where intentional/terrorist explosives were placed and the picture differs greatly.

Also consult some expolsives experts about the size of an explosive package required to inflict the damage shown - you might be surprised. A 6lb semtex block has enourmous explosive power but im afraid it would do little than blow a car to pieces - and leave the surrounding area in-tact. And its size ? about that of a normal briefcase - now to examine the blast radi again - i dont think someone in one of those offices would have missed a couple of trunks of explosives in those offices.

As I recal from a previous visit to the WTC offices (on similar floors) the floors ran flush to the windows on all four sides so unless someone went to a hell of a lot of trouble geting into crawlspaces between floors - which in my experience very few terrorists have ever botherd to do then Im afriad this conspiracy is flawed from the very start.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 05:39 PM
Here u go, John Bull, from the BBC news site, a diagram of occupants of the twin towers.

See anything noteowrty? I am unfamiliar with most of the tennants. Except well, NY state taxation department.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 05:44 PM
Also, I dont see anything except red boxes and outlines. I dont know what hes trying to point to. its impossible to tell anything, when u got something that big crashing to the ground.

But implosion and demolition most likely, tho not sure exactly yet.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 05:53 PM
This may have been covered by Skadi's link, I also found another source listing tech companies on 79th floor:

Okato Shoji Company, Ltd. - 79th Floor (computer services)
Securant Technologies - 79th Floor (computer services)

[an interesting history on the 79th floor in empire state bldg-coincidence or a natural impact point?]

In 1945, an Army Air Corps B-25, a twin-engine bomber, crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in dense fog.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 11:09 PM
You said there would be pictures, so where are they. I cant find them in the thread.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by anti us gov
You said there would be pictures, so where are they. I cant find them in the thread.

Well, maybe if you asked 4.5 years ago, when this thread was around, he could reply.

Talk about bumping an old thread...

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