posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 01:01 AM
Biotechnology has emerged with bio electronics which is bio molecules with electronics. Scientist are developing to create remote controlled killer
insects. These deadly insects could do unimaginable secret explorations.
Battles of the future will be fought by controlled bio bugs and they will be able to float, crawl, stick, swim and fly as well.....
Just think...this will start a SMALL international arms race.. lol
The crazy thing is nano technological weapons can be made very quickly. It will have a significant destabilizing effect in the future.
Lets hope no
InanoRobot doesn't get loose.. lol
I read some where on that scientist are working on ways of stacking nano-batteries together to make them even more powerful, and that
you may be able to use them for up to twenty years. Battery power is not a problem anymore... I think in about 2 to 3 years these batteries will be
available to the public.
Then there is micro-engines that will have over 100's of times the energy than a common battery, much lighter and much smaller.... these engines
could replace batteries some day soon!
And finally, batteries that run off of bio molecules from genetically engineered insects. I wonder if they will be on Fear Factor?
hmmm... bio insects, just makes my skin crawl........where is my NAV swatter
I wonder who will be DARPAs potential program participants in this?...... probably house flies!!!!