Dear List,
I am surprised - you guys actually are kind even if some find it a hard sell to believe such a thing is possible. I am relieved you are able to
discuss it on mundane levels which I am prepared to do if you wish a discussion.
DigitalGrl -
A fair question even if you are doubtful. His mission is to set the planet back on track. Perhaps you do not see the need for a reset for earth, but
according to those high above, they are not judging so much as going to set an example as to how to do some of these things for a better life that
have eluded us for millennia. That's for starters. I'll save some for later questions. For now, just remember the name Monjoronson - set it back
in the memory banks when it is necessary to recall you heard that name somewhere.
Maybe a spiritual event is just what this planet needs?
//A: One like this happens only every few millennia//
How will we know when this event is starting?
//A: It gets started just like you are experiencing. It is going to take a few moments to ramp up to speed, especially where so many are involved.
Monjoronson will make use of our modern technology to help. You are reading with the help of such technology about the story to soon unfold//
I sure hope that there isn't going to be a judgement. Most folks aren't quite ready for that yet. I know I'm not.
//A: This is a mission of mercy. None will be denied.//
What is the ultimate purpose of this event? Just a wake up call before the BIG event.
//A: The ultimate purpose of this event is not only to correct problems here on earth, but to bring earth into something the universe refers to as
"Light and Life" - the opening to a high spiritual era. At the moment we are far from it.//
Hey, wait - the change is going to take a thousand years?? And I was excited for a minute . . .
A: It begins now, but if it takes as long as they are predicting to get ol' mother earth young again, it could take a millennium.
Vector J
So how do people acheieve this 'opening' that allows communication, or messages from the celestials?...
A: If I am understanding the talk around the celestial water cooler, the process wil be taught en masse when Monjoronson arrives. I could go into it
and bore the list out of its mind, so I will let the experts take it up when the time comes. You will find it is refreshing and soul satisfying while
learning a great deal.
Mercury 19
Perhaps you are the great deceiver cast down from heaven, that red dragon, ready to wreak havok on the earth in the name of peace..not so?
Explain, then- If you're the real thing you'll not be offended if we try the spirit(s)
A: That's not my job description and I sure do not wear red well. I am not the least offended by what you believe. Spirit is ready to work with
anyone and will be happy to help you understand the significance of what is being offered to all of us.
Should this post be in the prophecies and predictions section of the forum? Just curious. I also would like to know what this fellow is going to bring
A: I considered it, but what held me back was two things:
1 - The post does not allow for prophecies from the one posting;
2 - I am not sure this constitutes prophecy. To me it is no prediction.
Hi Mr. Wuppy,
A:I'll let the depressing story go, but then you say:
Mr W: I would find this revelation to be most interesting if I believed that the creator of all things needed a middle man. I don't. If I can't
learn something on my own then i figure theres a good reason for that, namely i'm not ready for it.
A: Actually the Original Creator does need a time-space spokesman since if he were to enter directly into it, he'd converted to unqualified infinity.
Now that is not a good way to treat the guys in time space who depend on growth to get where they are going. So He doesn't do it, but creates
beings like Monjoronson to speak for the Father and other Deity that can not enter the time-space regions without consequences.
You did not know you asked a really important question did you? Well, you did.
Mr. W:Still, good luck with the new Guru thats a comin'. i wonder which network will sign him up first
A: I am sure Monjoronson has noted your best wishes for a successful incarnation. He may return the favor someday to you and wish you a most
successful ascension to the very Paradise he hails from.
Thank you all for giving me what's on your mind.