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Something odd about Ophelia?

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Right now I have the idiot box tuned to the Weather Channel...and apparently Ophelia has been stationary (not moving) for a pretty long time, and it's gained strength in this time.

My question is--is it at all normal for a tropical system to just stand there?

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:07 PM
yes it's normal when there are no dominant steering currents to push it in any given direction.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:08 PM
Yep, we had it years ago (but in the Gulf), with Elena....

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:15 PM
I was wondering if maybe it was being controlled by HAARP and if it'd be allowed to hit when it reached at least a Cat 2 or something.

Maybe I'm a little *too* paranoid....

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:19 PM
maybe just a tad

right now Ophelia has nothing to really influence her movement that is why she is drifting. She'll gain some intensity because wind sheer is weak, if follow these storms regularly you kind of see exactly what influences their movements, but closer to land the more unpredictable it becomes.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:20 PM
Something tells me that there is simply no way in hell we have the power to steer a hurricane.... You have to consider the energy of one of these storms, and what it'd take to steer one....

If we DO have that power, then we are seriously not making good use of it...(i.e. steering it away from New Orleans, the US' most major port, might have been a far better use, no?)

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 08:36 PM
It takes a lot less energy to bump around an existing hurricane than it does to create/strengthen one. It should be possible. Using scalar weapons to direct energy in a certain area can be used to modify the jet stream and cause it to move, if done just right. Think "leverage".

And yes, its clear that anyone who may have the power to change hurricanes certainly isn't putting it to good use! If they were, we'd expect less hurricane problem over time, or better yet an admission that the technology exists and its use then done openly. Imagine the 6pm sheeple news saying "A hurricane is building off the coast of Florida, but NOAA is working to push it harmlessly away into the Atlantic." Why is it that evil people are always interested in hiding what they do?

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:41 AM
Actually, you could drop a large A-bomb of the highest yield into the eye of a standard hurricane, and it'll barely even budge the eyewall clouds... That's the kind of energy we're talking about here, and over dozens of miles... It would take a massive amount of energy to even budge a hurricane, let alone create or steer one. If we were capable now of harnessing such power, there'd be colonies on Mars right now.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by asawa
It takes a lot less energy to bump around an existing hurricane than it does to create/strengthen one. It should be possible. Using scalar weapons to direct energy in a certain area can be used to modify the jet stream and cause it to move, if done just right. Think "leverage".

Yes. Agreed. If there is anyone doing this, it is all about subtle influence.

Think about bending the Ionosphere slightly out towards space just to the left or right of where the hurricane should have gone if left alone. You cannot just pick up a river and move it, but if you chew away at one of its banks or fortify another it WILL change course. Anything can be done.

It is kind of like getting a cat to come sit in your lap. The biggest atomic bomb will not make it happen... but if you clear a path and give it an inviting place to cuddle... it will fall right into place.

In Roman times there was a Jewish fort that was considered impenetrable... over 3 years the Romans gradually moved a mountain to create a ramp up to the cliff that the fort sat upon. When they finally got there the Jews had committed suicide... the ramp can still be seen today. Besides the point yes... but anything is possible.

Sri Oracle

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 07:02 PM
and considering there is a high pressure system over the eastern us, that is keeping it from moving towards land...

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:52 PM
its accually relativly easy to strengthen a hurricane, if its in very warm water, say, high 80 degree, then, you have a strengthened hurricane

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 02:46 AM
Really interesting article about the stronger and stronger hurricanes to come. Katrina was just a taste of whats to come.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 05:15 AM
Ophelia regains strenght and is expectet to make landfall somewhere in Carolinas.

Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Hurricane Ophelia may reach the southeastern U.S. coast later today after the storm regained hurricane strength amid warnings and evacuations along parts of North and South Carolina.


more news:CBS News

This hurricane is totaly unpredicted - what will it do next???

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:02 PM
It is now pounding the NC coast. I live in the affected area. It hasn't done much damage, just the typical minor things, some trees and power lines are down and some minor flooding. There are currently 25,000 people without power. I drove around town in it for a couple hours this morning. I noticed something very strange about the storm when I was walking around. It was like big burst of heat hitting me, kind of like the sheets of rain that blow through but it was hot air. I've been through many hurricanes and never noticed anything like this. Anyone know what would cause this?
Here are some pics of the damage so far.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by HrdCorHillbilly]

[edit on 14-9-2005 by HrdCorHillbilly]


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