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Sylvia Browne: Psychic Guru or Quack?

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posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 01:20 AM
Is Sylvia Browne for real? Seen her on Montel and she does her thing? convincing? sometimes.... do you believe in her abilities?

Psychic Guru or Quack?

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:10 AM
At first I thought perhaps that she could be legit, but there are certain things that she does and says that are quite unconvincing. If you look at her predictions from the past (on her website) not much of it had come true. And claiming to be religious (christianity) it seems to me that she is using her so called gifts for a unreligious way, charging people for advice and counseling, as well as promoting books in order to make a quick buck. It's understandable that she needs to make a living, but what is stopping her from getting a real career, much like those that have same gift.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:58 AM
Sylvia Browne is not legit. She is a fraud.

A quack: maybe.

Legit: No.

Dishonest: Most definitely.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:33 AM
I'm not very familiar with Sylvia, but I'm certainly not convinced. I believe she is 'grossly' overrated and compensated. However, I don't think James Randi is an 'angel' either. IMO, he's as big of a fraud as she is. His 'million dollar challenge' is hardly attainable due to the guidelines and most of all, Randi's influence. No one will ever win that money...damn gimmicks.


posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:36 AM
She tried to jump on the "End of the World" bandwagon by saying that she couldn't see anything in the future past 2003.

Whatever, lady.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 08:45 AM
Fraud...she's a good cold reader. I know of NO true psychics, who can get impressions over the phone of a total stranger....

Here's an excellent illustration of her fraud, from that article...

"The caller said the problem was a severe brain hemorrhage. A clot is just the opposite of a hemorrhage." Bingo! We have a winner. Yet, the caller got off the phone and genuinely felt Sylvia was right on....

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 12:01 PM
I think it was past the next 100 years that she couldn't see anything.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 12:18 PM
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck........

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 12:52 PM
background music playing....'Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves'

i venture to say the 'family' is engrossed/immersed in the occultism realms.
At one time, 'Sylvia' was probably wholesome & charitable, and a 'rough slide' has resulted in the current characterization of 'Sylvia' as a profit driven enterprise.
She has the 'psychic-connection', not necessarily a
meta-physical phenom, but rather a psychological &
scientific M.O....a learned craft... a practiced art...

It's such a shame, for people to squander & waste
their talents, while causing harm in the 'spiritual realms'

(kinda like the scientists at Los Alamos, et al)??

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 04:54 AM
She is legit but:

she is starting her own religion, bad idea,

she is trying to make too much money,

she is trying to do things she cannot, like make hard and fast predictions involving time.

she has credibility and most of all a good feel for what is going on,

but my greatest criticism of her is that I think she knows of dark things this way commeth and she keeps it too herself,

in other words she is a touchy feely psychic that keeps it light while possibly not telling us what would give us the heebee jeebees!

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 10:40 AM

If she's really a psychic then:

1.) Why do I have to give my name if I call her? Shouldn't she know it already? And my credit card number too?

2.) Why is it you never see the headline; "PSYCHIC WINS LOTTERY"

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Hillbilly

If she's really a psychic then:

1.) Why do I have to give my name if I call her? Shouldn't she know it already? And my credit card number too?

2.) Why is it you never see the headline; "PSYCHIC WINS LOTTERY"

Im going to have to agree with the Hill Billy on this one. Anyone who studies psychology can give the same type of answers. At the core all you need to know is that all people need and want the same things.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 06:37 PM
This is not about psychology it is about spirituality.

Spirituality is much higher than just the study of the mind.

Remote viewers need a point of reference,

any psychic needs a point of reference to do anything,

you cannot know where you are without a point of reference.

everyone needs to make a living, that is a a fact of reality.

now the bottom line:

if you are service to self you can get the winning lottery numbers from an evil entity but that entity does not answer to god and thus is really not able to give the answer to any question posed because they are not really in control.

even if they knew the winning numbers the demand far outstrips the supply so they decide who is most needy of the insight,

thus it is an auction, who will do more for it?

now we have the other side,

the good guys, service to others that cannot overtly interfere in what happens here nor can they favour one over the other,

they could tell you the winning lottery numbers and trust me they know what they are but they will not do it,

for if they did they would be breaking the rules and thus would be expelled from where they are,

furthermore if someone wins the lottery and they are good,

chances are that is awarded to them for some reason.

does any of this make any sense?

forget about psychology,

mans attempt to understand the mind,

when it is obviously so inadequate.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
This is not about psychology it is about spirituality.

Spirituality is much higher than just the study of the mind.

Remote viewers need a point of reference,

any psychic needs a point of reference to do anything,

you cannot know where you are without a point of reference.

everyone needs to make a living, that is a a fact of reality.

now the bottom line:

if you are service to self you can get the winning lottery numbers from an evil entity but that entity does not answer to god and thus is really not able to give the answer to any question posed because they are not really in control.

even if they knew the winning numbers the demand far outstrips the supply so they decide who is most needy of the insight,

thus it is an auction, who will do more for it?

now we have the other side,

the good guys, service to others that cannot overtly interfere in what happens here nor can they favour one over the other,

they could tell you the winning lottery numbers and trust me they know what they are but they will not do it,

for if they did they would be breaking the rules and thus would be expelled from where they are,

furthermore if someone wins the lottery and they are good,

chances are that is awarded to them for some reason.

does any of this make any sense?

forget about psychology,

mans attempt to understand the mind,

when it is obviously so inadequate.

Interesting thought I had... WOULD the good guys be expelled if they gave you the numbers? Because, the good guys don't have a hiarchy, they have no "leaders" or system of government, they are service to others and do not need to be "controlled" nor are they. So WHO would have the power to kick them out?

I think the only outcome would be that their frequency resonance vibration would alter, or they'd get karma for violating free will AND hindering someone's progress by allowing them to descend into STS... they wouldn't be kicked out.. they might naturally begin to vibrate at a different frequency, and probably no longer be ABLE to be in companionship or what not with the other "Service to Others people".

Maybe, just a thought... cuz I don't see how anyone could boot them out... and if they did get kicked out, where would they go? What if it's just one mistake, and everything else they do is STO, why would they need to just "leave" and go somewhere (not sure where they'd go exactly either). See what I mean?

[Edited on 24-1-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 05:29 PM
She's a freak-daddy wanna-be... who maybe got lucky making a few educated guesses.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 05:36 PM

there is a heirachy on the good guys side though.

the idea is that they cannot do things just for individual good without good case for the greater good.

so it is possible that they would gift' someone something if it could serve a greater good, but not just because you want it or need it.

there are fallen angels thus indicating that there are rules and that there are penalties for breaking them,

the spiritual world is not chaos although it respects free choice and responsibility it does represent order,

evil on the other hand likes chaos that is what it worships.

I am not sure If I have answered your questions or added to your comments sufficiently or not?

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:26 AM
Here is why I think that she is nothing more than a cold reader and doesn't have any real "special powers". She has not claimed the 1 million dollar Randi prize. now before you go saying that not everyone cares about $$$ and all that hold on. I know that there are people out there who really don't care about money, winning a prize etc... but those people don't go on TV and go around touting their special powers. She has started her own relgion which is for profit!!!!! She charges outlandish prices for books, classes etc.. scientology anyone???

She doesn't seem to have a problem with charging people lots of money for a reading" or whatever she calls them. I remember hearing that she charges something like $500 or $1000 for an hour or something. Well she could go get the Randi million dollar prize and save herself a few thousand readings. If she wasn't about the money she could always donate it to charity. If she wasn't a fraud then she could claim the Randi prize for a million dollars, and then go charge 100 times what she does now with no problems as well as have a very long line of people ready to buy her books, take classes, attend her church etc... and that is why I think she is nothing more than a fraud or

The one thing that makes me wonder, and I don't know much about it is how she finds missing people's bodies etc... I don't know whether Sylvia has actually assisted police or the details of it and would like to hear what others know. I could swear I remember her claiming to have found missing people childrem specifically but stopped because its to hard for her emotionally or something along those lines.

[edit on 5-8-2005 by warpboost]

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Hillbilly
2.) Why is it you never see the headline; "PSYCHIC WINS LOTTERY"

Where she gets her infomation is the same place you will be going when you die.

These people dont do this for kicks, its something that comes natral to them... Kinda like a 5 yr old who knows how to play a piano, or whoop a math matitians ass in math skills.

They are here doing spiritul work to better themselves and others. The place the get this info isnt about how much money you can make, but what info you can share with less fortunate people like yourself.

Next time try to research before you make a claim like this.. It dont look to good on your part.

posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 01:45 AM
Chain Smoker. Worse than me. Heard the Lady on CtoC and I had the feeling answers were done after invisible interrogation?


posted on Aug, 5 2005 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Originally posted by Hillbilly
2.) Why is it you never see the headline; "PSYCHIC WINS LOTTERY"

Where she gets her infomation is the same place you will be going when you die.

These people dont do this for kicks, its something that comes natral to them... Kinda like a 5 yr old who knows how to play a piano, or whoop a math matitians ass in math skills.

They are here doing spiritul work to better themselves and others. The place the get this info isnt about how much money you can make, but what info you can share with less fortunate people like yourself.

Next time try to research before you make a claim like this.. It dont look to good on your part.

BUt what about how she goes on TV to show everyone she is supposedly psyhic and charges people lots of money for her products but won't claim the Randi prize

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