posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 09:06 AM
Not sure of your post here Jeremiah_John. Are you saying it's a good thing? A bad thing?
Cuba is currently buying its oil at rock bottom prices courtesy of Chavez. The Caribbean is making a concentrated effort to buy their oil from
Venezuela in exchange for some energy. Ecuador (second biggest South American importer to US) is also renegotiating how and who they will sell their
oil to - in exchange for more social initiatives in their country, like health, literacy and other programmes.
Much change, much movement and new pairings in the world of oil. The partner that you danced with you last year may not want to do it this year.
I've said this before but the US has to be more saavy about who it is manhandling and alienating. Yesterday's enemy may need to be tomorrow's ally.