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Chuck Youngbrandt 2005-2007 prophecies

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posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 07:56 PM
Chuck Youngbrandt Visit link for full article

First year of events (2005)

1. Do not buy an air conditioner - get used to the heat.

2. Do buy gas cans and store white gas. (I assume white gas means propane).

3. Spring rain will be followed by summer heat and gas shortages.

4. The dollar will begin to slide in July. For this reason, crude oil imported to the United States will increase sharply and there will be gold value problems.

5. Temperature rise will begin in early June, (Chuck asked the Lord "when in early June?" Jesus said, "June 9".) and climb in temperature reaching peak temperatures in July and this will hold all through July, August, and September followed by sudden and drastic temperature drop in October.

6. There will be no rain of any significance from mid-June and on.

7. Devestating Hurricane to hit New Orleans in September

8. During that same month, on Sept. 19 an earthquake will hit St. Louis with the affects being felt in Chicago.

9.Devestating earthquake in California (San Francisco) in October.

10. The President will be in serious trouble by December.

*removed excessive quoting*

[edit on 8-9-2005 by dbates]

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by pacman
Chuck Youngbrandt

Witches and homosexuals will hunt Christians for food, cannibalism!

As a Witch, I'm sorry, but I respect the sanctity of my body too much to eat "Junk Food"!

And, despite the fact that I'm sure many of my gay friends posses culinary talents sufficient to make even the toughest, bilious, most venom-filled "Christian" a cripsy-critter crudite; none would ever deign prepare a meal using such inferior ingredients!

Personally, I've always found folk who would ascribe to this "tripe" to be lacking in sustanance and far too bitter to be palatable.

Bon Apitit!

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:38 PM
If a high mag earthquake hits St Louis on Sept 19, (I'll even give him 3 days either way) he's got my attention. Until then, he's in the "make enough predictions your bound to hit SOMETHING" column

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:57 PM
I will be in Chicago on the 19th of September, I will let you all know if I feel anything. Sure hope I don't get stuck in traffic.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 10:12 PM
Well, if # 8, 9 , and 10 come thru, i would say we better listen to this man.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 10:58 PM
Would like to see some other sources of this info.
I read the link: Chuck Youngbrandt which points to:

But I also note that page was created September 7, 2005.
Isn't that today?

No matter I am marking September 19th on the calendar.

[edit on 7-9-2005 by garyo1954]

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 11:59 PM
I found this dated from 2003. It seems to confirm some of the stuff above , then goes off on a wierd tangent that I couldn't follow, but it is kind of late in the evening for me- LOL

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 01:39 AM
Hello to All,

Well, I must say that I was very intrigued by the prophecies listed in this post. I was a bit wary about there being specific dates, as most prophcies do not give them. (Unless of course the date is seen in the vision. After reading the post, I followed the links given to see if the original prophecy was listed, or if a link could be found listing the original prophecy. (Which I understand was shown to Mr. Youngbrandt in 1973)

The link pretty much states what was listed here on the forum, so I did a search to find out some more information. I found this site which lists Mr. Youngbrandt along with other prophets. Here is part of what was listed:

Chuck Youngbrandt was given a prophetic word of warning in 1977. In 1999 he was released to give it. He says that the Lord told him in 1988 "Judgment is set, its time to repent". The church is resistant to praying about these warnings. And that America will be occupied for 7 years, but he only goes into detail on the first two years of the judgment on America.
1st Year:
–Great heat starting in June with no rain from June on. Drastic drop of temperatures in October.
–Gasoline prices go up, shortage.
–Gold prices go down.
–Economic upheavals, job losses.
–Japan and China become friends.
–Church will continue as before, rejecting God's word.
–Disease will start in California and move east. Plague spreads from Georgia, panic and fear grip nation.
–Food riots break out in August.
–Power outages caused by Heat.
–Rioting, troops called out.
2nd Year:
–In January, north Iowa struck by strong tremor – 30 days later a massive earthquake hits Boston (or Washington) area followed by a wave of quakes delivering blows all across the land.
–Prophets will be sent out in late spring.
–Little heat in most American homes.
–Rationing of electrical power – Chicago temperatures fall to -40 to -42 degrees.
–Food lines – economy near collapse.
–Oil imports cut off by most producers.
–Japan becomes China's ally.
–50% of American's will lose jobs.
–Crop failures, rivers and lakes dry up. Temperatures will rise to over 120 degrees by mid May.
–Numerous tornadoes and hurricanes.
–Famine will continue.
–Christians who love God will flourish; food multiplied, dead raised, etc.
–Persecution will increase.
–In September a giant earthquake will strike the midwest (Chicago). 30 days later the Lord sends His angels to warn His people to flee. 7 days later Russia and China attack. Full nuclear attack. Navy and Air Force are dealt death blows. Major cities are destroyed. US responds with hard punch at Russia but in 2 months Russia invades US. Occupation will last 7 years.
–WWIII – Iran attacks Dhahran with nuclear weapons (US military there). North Korea attacks South Korea. Japan shaking. Taiwan invaded by China. The Philippines turn blood red.
–3 volcanoes erupt on the west coast. 1 in Washington and 2 in California.
He backs up at this point and states that 2 years before WWIII a major hurricane enters the gulf in September and there is an accidental nuclear launch in December wherein Russia hits 4 of our cities and we hit 3 of theirs. He goes on to say that Christians praying together in the past have stopped events in the past from happening. He continues with the following additional information: In 1991 a great earthquake 400 miles under central America cracked the baseplate over the earths mantel; a giant fault was discovered running from Washington state to Florida, another running from Chicago to Houston, and another running from Alaska to Washington to California to Mexico.
On February 6th 2001 I spoke with Mr. Youngbrandt concerning some questions I had about this word and its fulfillment. He stated the following:
–The earthquake would be in Iowa. (There was a 4.3 quake in N.E. Ohio in January 2001.)
–We are on a 12 year cycle. We are now paralleling 1977-78. We still have some time yet to go, but we are in the time of judgment. I told him that we are to pray for the Lord's soon return, which is to pray for judgment. He did not respond. (Also there is not a reference to 12 year cycles concerning judgment in the Scriptures.)
–He stated that the Lord told him that George Bush would be president when the accidental attack would come. (There was a near accidental launch from Russia in December of 1999). Russia would launch many missiles, but only 4 would hit US cities. We retaliated with 3 Missiles and hit 3 Russian cities. Mr. Youngbrandt felt that President Bush would develop the missile defense shield and be re-elected. And the attack would come at the end of his term. However he did knot know when the attack would come.
I have some problems with some of what Chuck Youngbrandt says will happen (he is very adamant that all will happen as he was shown), because the prayers of the saints can change things. However, there are some events that happened in 2000 that parallel what he said would happen in the 1st year.

Notice, the years 2005 and 2007 are not mentioned. I believe this date was infered by recent posters of his prophecies. I continued to search for original writings of his prophecies and came across these two sites:
(This site lists pretty much the same information as the first one)
(This site lists his prophecies in the 1000-1989 time span. If you read the ones listed there, notice that no absolute dates are given.)

I discovered that Mr. Youngbrandt does not have a website, but does have a ministry with his wife called "The Staff and Sword Ministy" located in Spokane WA. They also released a video called "The Coming Occupation of America" which I found could be purchased here as video # 956.

I did discover that the sites rumormill news and godlike productions also had threads listing Mr. Youngbrandts prophecies, but they had it listed in a fashion similar to Sherry Shriner. Based on what I found and read, he gave no specific dates concerning when the events he saw would happen. As I read, many people believed that he was speaking of the years 1999 and 2000 when they wrote about him in 2000.

I am an avid reader of prophecies, as it is a great interest of mine. I often find that prophecies from all over the world do not give specific dates, but instead give you clues as to when the even will happen. For me, the jury is still out on this particular prophecy.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 02:22 AM
I would have to say that one thing that caught my eyes was the claim that he said:
Devestating Hurricane to hit New Orleans in September

However since this was posted here yesterday, this could just has been written recently. So I set out to google it

So I found this site:
Americas Last Days
Seems the site removes the link here:

On this page you will find a slightly different version:
"A destructive hurricane will hit the New Orleans area in September"

But this would not help me much since no dates was there to verify when it had been posted there. So I took one of the most wonderful sites on the web in use.
Internet Archive on this site I searched for the above site:*/
(the site removes the link, so you will have to look it up there yourself)

If you read and compare the pages there you will see that they pretty much say the same and that this indeed has been there since 2003 and I would say that the Internet Archive should be reliable...

Ofcource this has been on that site for years and give no years other then Judgment will start in the year 2000
So it will be interesting to see if there indeed is a earthquake in St. Louis the 19th...

If there indeed is a quake...then we should be worried

[edit on 8-9-2005 by cadric]

[edit on 8-9-2005 by cadric]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:07 AM
Thanks Cadric, Sylvrshadow for your extensive material related to the prophecy on this man.

I live in Missouri and was caught by the September 19th earthquake statement. I too will give credit in my mind to him if indeed an earthquake is felt by me this month of September. As I believe the Louisianna happened at the very end of August, not September. (Close enough for a supposedly 70's prophecy) Earthquakes don't happen around here, although scientists were saying 4 years ago, one was due in 10 years.

Another thing that caught my eye was Lexington Kentucky. I have heard twice about that city possibly getting nuked. Forgive me I cannot find it, but one was somewhere on the net, a woman was claiming a General thwarted a supposed plot of people in his own government (NWO stooges) to drive a boat with nukes on it and set to blow up Lexington Kentucky. What is in that city that the NWO would want that city blown sky high? Is it a Tesla tower(being built some places), certain community of people, or a homebase for something? I guess for the most part on this prophecy, time will tell and in this case pretty quick.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 05:39 AM
i wonder why he does not mention anything about the anti-christ, an obviously major role in the time to come, supposedly.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 11:24 AM
Well, being that I live in St. Louis, I hope he is wrong. California, hit by an earthquake, thats a 50/50 prophecy. St. Louis hit by an earthquake, well, since we sit on a fault line, scientists have been predicting this forever as well, so 50/50 prophecy. Hurricane hitting NO, also a 50/50 prophecy. It just seems to me a lot of the non man made prohpecies are givens.

As far as nuclear strikes, war, famine, etc... Everyone predicts that.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Tripnastic
Well, being that I live in St. Louis, I hope he is wrong. California, hit by an earthquake, thats a 50/50 prophecy. St. Louis hit by an earthquake, well, since we sit on a fault line, scientists have been predicting this forever as well, so 50/50 prophecy. Hurricane hitting NO, also a 50/50 prophecy. It just seems to me a lot of the non man made prohpecies are givens.

As far as nuclear strikes, war, famine, etc... Everyone predicts that.

Yes..but the differents is that we have dates and months here..
and he seem to hit the right month for the "devastating hurricane in NO"
So if he hits the nail on the earthquake on the 19th......

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:39 PM
why didn't we hear about the N.O predictions prior to this article. something is fishy..

well we'll just have to wait till the 19th won't we?

[edit on 8-9-2005 by atlscribe]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by cadric
Yes..but the differents is that we have dates and months here..
and he seem to hit the right month for the "devastating hurricane in NO"
So if he hits the nail on the earthquake on the 19th......

I mean, don't get me wrong, if there is an earthquake on this day in STL, whenever I get my internet access back afterwards I'll come on and take my lumps, but the history of this particular forum seems to be that dates or not, these predictions don't come true. And on a side note, early September, at least I have always seen, is considered peak hurricane season. Thats when I would predict a bad hurricane to that region as well.

[edit on 8-9-2005 by Tripnastic]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 01:07 PM
Point taken

Originally posted by Tripnastic

I mean, don't get me wrong, if there is an earthquake on this day in STL, whenever I get my internet access back afterwards I'll come on and take my lumps, but the history of this particular forum seems to be that dates or not, these predictions don't come true. And on a side note, early September, at least I have always seen, is considered peak hurricane season. Thats when I would predict a bad hurricane to that region as well.

[edit on 8-9-2005 by Tripnastic]


posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 04:05 PM
A few point's i have to say.

-I have not heard of any food riots in the US, during the month of August.

-Didn't the hurricane hit New Orleans in late August.

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 07:31 AM
He likes the NORTH!
I found these curious.

There are 5 safe zones: NE Washington,
North N. Dakota, NE NY State, N. Arkansas and
N. Florida

Most survivalists will tell you that the four corners
area is the best place to be. NE Washington is
rather volcanic. N Arkansas is near/or on a caldera
much like Yellowstone. Florida safe?? I doubt it.
North N. Dakota? There are still bunches of
missile silos that, in a nuclear strike, are prime

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by deaf fences hit
i wonder why he does not mention anything about the anti-christ, an obviously major role in the time to come, supposedly.

Because antichrist is not an entity of flesh and blood but a position of the heart.

Examples of Antichrist:
People that say they seek justice when really it's just a fancy false word for "revenge"
People that worship the word of God rather than God himself. (The so called interminglers, thinking mixing the law of sin and death with the grace of Christ and the cross somehow makes them true followers) Galationism basically (another gospel) You probably have witnessed some of them...."God will love you if"

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by magnito_student

Originally posted by deaf fences hit
i wonder why he does not mention anything about the anti-christ, an obviously major role in the time to come, supposedly.

Because antichrist is not an entity of flesh and blood but
a position of the heart.

I disagree. The way I read it he's definately a real person. But
that's a discussion for a different thread. There could be four
reasons why he didn't mention the antichrist -
1 - the guy is a fraud
2 - the guy is real but he wasn't given a vision the antichrist
3 - there is no such thing as antichrist
4 - there is such a thing as antichrist but the appearance time isn't close

Pick one.

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