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actualy, i dont believe God is not powerful at all, i believe in christianity but i think if there is a god, we killed him ,he left us, or he doesnt know how to help us. im not a satanist but i believe the demons have more control over this Earth if all were true, Satan is said to rule the sky and still has somewhat control.
From the book of Tobiah in the Old Testament, the Archangel Raphael reveals himself to Tobiah by saying: "I will not hide from you the mystery, when you were praying, you and Sarah, I was lifting your prayers to the Holy One … and now God sent me to heal your wounds …I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who lift the prayers of the saints and serve the Throne of the Holy One" (Tobiah 12:12-15).
In this passage there is a description of the work of angels, which is mainly to lift the prayers of the saints and help God, and they are sent by God to the humans to help them.
"And of the angels he saith, whom maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire" (Hebrew 1:7).
The word angelos is Greek and means "who is sent" or "messenger." This name is given to them by God because of the function of serving the human race to be saved: "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Hebrews 1:14).
1) Do you believe that Humans are the only Life in the Universe?
2) If not, do you believe we are the only Intelligent life?
3) How old do you think both the Universe and the Earth are?
After the creation of Heaven, the invisible, angelic world, God created out of nothing, by His word alone, earth, that is, the material from which He gradually made our visible, physical world, the visible sky, earth and all that is in them.
God could have created the world in a single instant, but since He wished from the very beginning that this world should live and develop step by step, He created it not in an instant, but over several periods of time, which in the Bible are called "days."
These "days" of creation were not the usual days that we know, consisting of twenty-four hours. Our days depend on the sun. However, during the first three "days" of creation there was no sun yet in existence, which means that the days described in Genesis could not have been the kind of days as we understand them. The Bible was written by the Prophet Moses in the ancient Hebrew language, and in this language both "day" and a period of time are called by the same word Yom. It is impossible for us to know exactly what kind of days these were, even more so since we know that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (II Peter 3:8; Ps. 89:5).
The Holy Fathers of the Church consider the seventh "day" of the world to be continuing even at the present time, and that after the resurrection of the dead there will begin the eighth eternal day, that is, eternal future life. Thus St. John of Damascus (VIII century) writes concerning this: "The seven ages of this world are reckoned from the creation of Heaven and earth to the general conclusion and resurrection of men. For even though there is a personal ending, there is also a general, complete ending when there will be the general resurrection of men. The eighth age is the age to come."
A Clear Definition
Many of the arguments between "evolutionists" and "anti- evolutionists" are useless, for one basic reason: they are usually not arguing about the same thing. Each one of them means one thing when he hears the word "evolution," and the other means something else; and they argue in vain because they are not even talking about the same thing. Therefore, in order to be precise, I will tell you exactly what I mean by the word "evolution," which is the meaning it has in all textbooks of evolution. But first I must show you that in your letter you have used the word "evolution" to mean two entirely different things, but you write as if they were the same thing. You have failed here to distinguish between scientific fact and philosophy.
I do not believe in your 'God', 'Demons' or even that JC existed as a physical being, but even if I did I would still be willing to accept that we are not the only intelligent life. Why does it have to be all or nothing?
Do you realize that by making these sorts of absolute judgements about all non-human life you are eliminating any chance of non-Christians paying any attention at all? I do not think you are even slightly correct, but if there is some sort of grain of truth to what you say is it not more important to reach people rather than issue these blanket pronouncements that only the already faithful will listen to?
The main reason people are turning away is that it does not work for them. People are looking for better answers, for a style of faith that actually helps them to solve their problems in this lifetime. We are growing up, slowly to be sure, painfully, but steadily. More and more of us do not need some mythical Father Figure to guide us.
I/ Yes
2/Yes, as far as intelligence goes, Demons are pretty good at it!
Fooling mankind for sooo long!
3/"one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"
Why are you, willing to accept that we are not the only intelligent life?
What exactly is it that makes you, believe that ALIENS (beings) from another planet want to visit earth?
It cannot be that they are so smart that they keep crashing in their ''space ships''....I mean,how intelligent can that be!
Or that they seem to always be there in actual form, only to scare and cause fear in people.
Or one other thing that they cannot get right is to use speech?
This in itself is nothing out of the ordinary for Early Christians.....Many monks and elders living in the desert had similar scenarios.....actual 'physical contact' with these type of BEINGS which in todays society are called ALIENS.....only these BEINGS are actual DEMONS taking FORM to fit in our society....
You are telling me that in order for someone to have faith in God I ''have to lie'' and let them believe in their OWN mind of what is acceptable to them?
I for many years worshipped ALIENS
Actually making ALIENS a type of religion is not fiction at all......many that have this belief have no real concern for a higher being.
Many follow in occult practice(as I did ) but not all, as I speak of a few...
Esp and the paranormal also becomes an interest.....only to see many people go mad or get hurt (again,depending on the individual)
Does not work for them?
How is it suppose to work?
or could it possibly be true that ETs are actually demons? doesnt satan rule the sky?