posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 01:07 PM
Dan Brown's novels are, to be blunt, FLUFF. They are lightweight books without any real scholarship. They are not great pieces of literature
by any stretch of the imagination. To be honest, I am amazed that Dan's work has garnered any interest at all.
For the most part, Dan based his work loosely upon the work of Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln's seminal book 'Holy Blood, Holy
Grail'. When this book came out in the early 80's, it caused a bit of a furor and received a bit of attention but, for the most part, it did
not receive the "critical acclaim" that Dan Brown has received. While I can be happy for Dan's success, I bet that he is just as surprised at the
extent of his success as I am. And I am very very surprised.
Perhaps the theory of the 'dumbing down' of America is true. Because I have never heard such praise and acclaim for any book in recent memory as I
have for Dan's work. Yet, as I said before, it's fluff, lightweight and far from being any great shakes in the literary realm. And most of all, I
am stymied at how people are using his books to attack some of the mysteries of the Church and of secret societies around the Church. These people
are as misguided and misinformed as they were before they ever read the book. These "theories" are based on convolutions of actual theories and
scholarship found in Holy Blood, Holy Grail. If someone wants to actually raise their awareness a notch, this is where they should begin.