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What if??

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posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 08:36 AM
I've been thinking about this for some time now. What if the triangular shapes and hovering discs we see are nothing more then test-flights of new military planes? What if Area51 is indeed the home to a few flying saucers...made by American engeneers?
Is it just a coincidence that the UFO's we see are the standard UFO's presented to us in movies and books? Maybe real aliens come to earth in a pipe-shaped ship made out of steal, or why not have them flying square-shaped planes? Isn't it possible that real aliens are so small we would not even see it when they would visit earth?
I do believe there are extra-terrestrials present 'out there'. And it is very well possible that they visited us.
But isn't it possible that the American goverment uses the technology found in UFO's that crashed on earth (see Roswell for example) to built their own 'spaceships'.
And maybe al we see are just those man-made spaceships going for a test-flight, scaring the sh*t out off people.
Could it be possible?

[edit on 7-9-2005 by NightWish]

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:16 AM
I guess it could be possible that we have the ability to build air craft which can defy gravity. Maybe..... I don't know. I doubt it very much though

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:45 AM
I'd imagine that many tests of UAVs and CAVs are often mistaken for UFOs....or even operational ones, such as in the middle east.

Heck, civilian planes and aircraft are often mistaken for them.

But, ALL of them aren't such mistakes, and if even ONE sighting is an actual extraterrestrial vehicle, then there you go....

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 09:49 AM
That (as usual) is a good point, Gazrok. The attitude that debunkers can't understand is that just because the vast majority of UFO sightings are not likely to be of extraterrestrial origin, the one that is means that we're not alone and their whole art of debunking becomes lost in the annals of "people in history who were wrong".

Unlike us, who history will record as a bunch of kooks that turned out to be right
(just kidding -- history will record that we're wrong too).

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 10:42 AM
To put it very bluntly and shortly..... NO - Impossible.

I don't think I need to present the megatonnes of evidence of UFO existance on these forums......

Anywho, USA does have some oddly shapped craft, and yes Area51 develops some, I should have some links or something.....but can't find them.

In actual fact, they do have many experimental aircraft, which could be extremely easily mistaken as rather stupid people.

These craft are white, very flat and have the NATO sign on them, as opposed to most saucer look spaceships, and other stuff.

If you use your brain, it's quite easy to tell an experimental aircraft from an ET ship.

I think it's more than necessary to look at everything from more than one prospective, and it's important this happens with UFOs, however lets not get cought up, and suggest utterly stupid and non-sense things such as US is responsible for all the pictures, videos, abductions and ect caused by ETs.

[edit on 7-9-2005 by Manincloak]

[edit on 7-9-2005 by Manincloak]

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
But, ALL of them aren't such mistakes, and if even ONE sighting is an actual extraterrestrial vehicle, then there you go....

I completely agree with you. After all, it's almost impossible to think we are the only intelligent life in the whole universe.
It just strikes me as odd that most of the sightings reported are standard discs and triangular shaped crafts... While this is the EXACT image that the media is showing us.
I think there is much more than meets the eye here.
So basically, even if we see an alleged spaceship lets say at night, our own eyes could be fooling us since it could be a goverment test-flight!

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 01:07 PM
Accourding to Blue Book Data, one in five UFO reports is " Unknown".

While it maybe that some people would report a weird lookin aircraft as a UFO, those reports are easily discernable from the reports of the "Unknowns".

Also it is important to note that test crafts are tested on test ranges, not over rural and or populated areas.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
Also it is important to note that test crafts are tested on test ranges, not over rural and or populated areas.

Yes, that seems very logical indeed. Are there no exeptions??

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Manincloak
Anywho, USA does have some oddly shapped craft, and yes Area51 develops some, I should have some links or something.....but can't find them.

In actual fact, they do have many experimental aircraft, which could be extremely easily mistaken as rather stupid people.

That's statement is unreasonable arrogant. Anyone seeing the SR-71 back in the late 60's (or so -- when it was still completely secret) would see that and most reasonably conclude it was of other-wordly origin. There just weren't big, black planes moving around at mach 4 back then. You wouldn't have to be "rather stupid" to mistake such an advanced piece of technology as alien...

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 02:38 PM
Sure there are exceptions, but the point I'm making is that these sightings only represent a few of the sightings reported , and likely none of the "Unknowns".

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 03:13 PM
I think it's highly that a fair percentage of UFO sightings are misidentifications of terrestrial craft. I also think that another fair percentage, especially the black triangles, are human built, possibly reverse engineered from the Roswell craft.

I believe they are probably an advanced stealth jet, they follow such a similar design it seems the most likely conclusion.

Too big to post.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 07:35 PM
is it just me, or has this topic been discussed earlier, like, de ja vu? its a strange feeling, but since theres 40 or 50 some odd pages, i wouldnt discount it

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 07:56 PM
The one and only UFO i have seen in my life passed about 100 feet over my apartment when I was living in an apartment in Venice, California. It was about 3-4am, and some unkown force actually pulled me outside of my house to look up into the sky. I am not lying. So I look straight ahead into the sky, and I see an unusually bright orange light coming in my direction. I stand there staring at it until it passes overhead. I could not believe what I was seeing. After all my interest in UFO's, I was finally seeing one for myself. So as this craft passes over-head, I begin to make out that it actually a perfectly triangular craft with no wings or tail. The thing that really boggled me is that this craft didnt even make a hint of a sound. At 4am, it is completely quiet outside. That was the only airborne craft I have seen in my lifetime that didn't make engine noise. Let alone, that being my first time I had seen such an object. It had 3 orangle lights, at each end, forming a triangle.
Now, I have heard of stealth planes that dont make much noise. But what kind of airplane doesnt have wings? Just a perfect triangle. And what would a stealth plane be doing flying over Venice, California at 4am in the morning?
I believe what I saw to be a true ETV. And I feel lucky to have seen one so close up.

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