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The ancestors of King David and Pharaoh Psusennes II

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posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 03:38 AM

Dear All,

This is a comparison between the ancestors of Pharaoh Psusennes II and the ancestors of King David - as given by the classical historical record and the Torah. Does anyone think that the similarities that can be seen are significant?

B Ez- -ron,
H Esses- -ram (Ramesses X),

B Ram,
H Ram- -esses (Ramesses XI),

B Ammin- ..............-nad -dab,
H Amen- -Nes -ba -neb -djed,

B .................Nah- -shon,
H Amenem -Ne -shu,

B S- -almon,
H Si- -amun,

B B-.....-Oaz,
H Bas- -Uas- -orkon,

B .................Obed,
H Amenem- -Opet,

B David,
H Psusennes.

Admittedly, there is not much of a similarity between David and Psusennes, however Psusennes was known as the 'star' and the 'city'. Similarly, King David was known for the Star of David and the City of David.

Might this be significant? Considering the fact (according to classical history) that Psusennes II and King David reigned at precisely the same time, might one monarch be apeing the other? Or, more provocatively, might Psusennes II and King David be the same person??

Any thoughts?

Ralph Ellis


posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 07:55 PM
I seriously doubt it. You're really stretching things--from the spark of your own imagination. I think that a little more research and less daydreaming would pay off big time.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 08:54 PM
taking in consideration that the people of Israel spend so much time exile in Egypt, is very posible that they copy many myth and lore from them and incorporated the stories into their own accounts.

I would not be surprise that they where one and the same.

Occurs any bible follower will disagree.

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 11:30 PM
Probably as a generalization, you're correct, Marq. However, I'm not your average bible thumper (I've never thumped a bible! JK). I've actually read and researched many ancient sacred and not-so-sacred texts--not in order to prove or disprove the bible, but just to investigate and learn. There are many ties between ancient Egypt and Israel, and I've always had a fascination with Egyptian history, which is, in many ways, very enigmatic.

So I'm not criticizing Mr. Ellis' theory upon the basis of it not being 'biblical'--my criticism comes from the fact that it's not sound, as far as ancient history in general is concerned. It's not even a sound conspiracy theory. It's not unrealistic to think there are hidden things from the Hebrews in Egyptian history--but, the kings of Israel were not the Pharoahs--archeological finds and ancient texts contradict such an idea. The closest any of them came to being Pharoah was Joseph who was the vizier to Dsojer, more commonly known as Imhotep, and then Moses, as adopted son to a later Pharoah--perhaps one of the Thutmoses (or perhaps later, but not as late as the Ramses as is popularly assumed by general bible scholars).

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:17 AM
Let me be certain I get this straight: You are telling one of the leading Eygptian authorities, a bestselling author on the subject of ancient Egypt, that HE needs to do "research."

Goodness, I'll bet your face is red, queenie.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:30 AM
Unlike you, Mr. Ellis uses written, historical examples to back up his "theories."

Like the fact both The Star Pharaoh and "King David" both had a daughter with the exact same name.

That the written records show him to be called "Seba" for short. That one of the words for star in Egyptian was Djuat

The bible says Solomon married an EGYPTIAN princess.

Siamun was the name the Egyptians gave the King of Babylonia that had conquered them at that time.

Siamun (the ones the Jewish faith later called "Solomon") married Seba's daughter.

The Queen of Seba.

Too bad you aren't quite as well versed in ancient history as you like to think. But hey, if the stolen myths comfort you, go ahead and believe any old thing you want, I mean, what's the big deal about FACTS?

There is NO RECORD in archeology of ANY King David or King Solomon in the area the Jewish faith's myths place them. Nor anywhere else. Because they are a myth.

Sorry for the slightly harsh comments, I think maybe you are very young and not well read on this subject, but you asked for it by criticizing something you had no business commenting upon.

Telling Ellis HE needs to do research, good grief.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 11:24 AM
Did anyone forget David's grandmother Ruth wasn't an Israelite? That might be something to look at in this.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by alupang
Unlike you, Mr. Ellis uses written, historical examples to back up his "theories."

Like the fact both The Star Pharaoh and "King David" both had a daughter with the exact same name.

That the written records show him to be called "Seba" for short. That one of the words for star in Egyptian was Djuat

The bible says Solomon married an EGYPTIAN princess.

Siamun was the name the Egyptians gave the King of Babylonia that had conquered them at that time.

Siamun (the ones the Jewish faith later called "Solomon") married Seba's daughter.

The Queen of Seba.

Too bad you aren't quite as well versed in ancient history as you like to think. But hey, if the stolen myths comfort you, go ahead and believe any old thing you want, I mean, what's the big deal about FACTS?

There is NO RECORD in archeology of ANY King David or King Solomon in the area the Jewish faith's myths place them. Nor anywhere else. Because they are a myth.

Sorry for the slightly harsh comments, I think maybe you are very young and not well read on this subject, but you asked for it by criticizing something you had no business commenting upon.

Telling Ellis HE needs to do research, good grief.

No record of David? What?

and even mentioned by one Pharoah

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