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I left New Orleans Saturday before Katrina arrived because our government leaders recommended it

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posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 02:50 AM
Thank you - weather forcasters, satellite techs, media & government for warning me, so I could get out of the way in time.

It was all over the papers all over the media & so I left with the first wave of evacuation traffic. While traffic was bumper to bumper I got out more than 24 hours before Katrina arrived.

Am I lucky - Hell no - Paying attention and heeding the warnings of those who know better than I isn’t luck. It's following directions. Call it survival skills or whatever you like, but I call it common sense, that apparently isn't too common with some folks these days. Those who can't understand your culling time will come too.

Though I'm not a resident I was there for business & pleasure and it was difficult not to know what was coming. You could have walked out of the danger zone in just a few hours.

Yes, I feel bad for those who lost everything, and those truly unable to leave, but you know this wasn't like an earthquake or a tornado - WE had been told about Katrina coming many days before she arrived.

Those who didn't leave that were able have nobody to blame but themselves for their own ignorance.

In the past before satellite pictures & modern computerized forecasting there was no warning & people didn't have any choice - now they do.

While you can blame the government for allowing the levies to deteriorate to the point that they would not work with such a storm & thus destroying much of the city, you can't blame them for what is occurring to the people who refuse to listen.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:17 AM
Every one has to have a scapegoat. God forbid someone take responsibility for their own actions so of course they're going to blame the Government.
What part of "Leave the City" didn't you understand? Uhhh how many hurricanes have come up to LA in the past few years? "Ohhh don't worry Jasper, we're only 9ft below sea level that silly little ole hurricane won't do any damage to us. Here have some beads and a beer"

Where's my MRE? Where's my water? Where's my bus? Where's my cruise ship?

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by outsider
Those who didn't leave that were able have nobody to blame but themselves for their own ignorance.

While you can blame the government for allowing the levies to deteriorate to the point that they would not work with such a storm & thus destroying much of the city, you can't blame them for what is occurring to the people who refuse to listen.

Tell that to the people in which the New Orleans government's own estimates states there were about 134,000 residents without cars who could not be evacuated.

You do realise 'means' and 'ignorance' are two different things right?

Glad to see compassion overwhelming America!

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by TheShroudOfMemphis
You do realise 'means' and 'ignorance' are two different things right?

Glad to see compassion overwhelming America!

Life or death situation. You stay you die. You leave you live. The choice is yours. Got two feet? Where's there's a will there's a way.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:39 AM
Half a billion dollars a day buys some responsibility for failures. Some folks just can't up and leave you nut jobs. People expected a hurricane, not a cataclysm. Actually the levees held through the hurricane remarkably well, the headlines read New Orleans spared the next morning, so before you go blaming the victims who couldn't get out of the city, how many of them culpable homless or carless did you manage to pack into your damned vehicle on the way out?

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 03:56 AM
This was a missed opportunity.

Those buses could have been used for those who could not make it on their own. Hindsight is 20-20, I know. I wish someone would have thought of it in time..

I know that a few people thought to use this resource..
Including an 18 year old kid, who is a hero in my book..
He saved many lives..

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 04:17 AM

know that a few people thought to use this resource..
Including an 18 year old kid, who is a hero in my book..
He saved many lives..

Exactly my point. The boy had a will to get the hell outta there and he did it. Yes, the guy is a hero!

Going out on a limb here and may get my pee pee smacked for it but here it goes....
From this mornings headlines. "
News source

There are lots of people still around," "Just because they say we have to evacuate -- because there's no food or water -- we know all that. But we don't want to be told we have to leave."

"I know the grounds. I know the low ground and the high ground. That's why I sit on the high ground," she said waving toward the Mississippi River.

"I'm an individualist, and that's it," she said. "Martial law cannot make me a prisoner."

Can you say stubborn? Can you say ignorant? If you want to live in toxic waste, misquito infested, soon to be desease ridden enviornment then more power to you.

More headlines:

“Experts caution that it is too soon to clearly predict the long-term impact of the devastation of New Orleans, a city of less than half a million people more than two-thirds of whom are black.”

"You've got 300,000, 400,000 people, many of them low income without a lot of means, who are not going to have the ability to wait out a year or two or three years for the region to rebuild," said Barack Obama, the only black member of the U.S. Senate.”

So, you have over 267,000 (using 400,000 as the population number) poor blacks who refused to leave who are now demanding food and water, gangs of teenage boys shooting people, raping women and wondering why the Government isn’t taking care of them.

Tell me that this is not going to enduce further racism?

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 04:31 AM
You don't have poor people where you are from?!?
I don't know about the town you are from, but here we have a a good deal of people that we call homeless, or poor. They generally don't have a cadillac to load up and drive off in, and as I said before this was a hurricane they were prepared for, not a cataclysm. Now what sickness in your mind allows you to blame poor, or homless people for their lack of mobility in the face of disaster?? You think Nursing Home Patients, or people who don't own a vehicle are to blame as well? Most of these people don't have a half a billion dollars to buy buses to evacuate with. How in the hell can you say it's these people's faults?

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 04:38 AM
What about those in that Charity hospitol that didn't get evacuated like the private hospitols? What about the families not wanting to leave loved ones not able to leave? What about the homeless who don't have access to real time weather reports?

Glad the rich and spoiled got out though
Who cares that the various agencies were playing politics while people died. Yay America!

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 07:55 AM
Yes Virginia Louisiana is to blame for the brunt of the deaths because they have known for years this would happen and instead allowed there corrupt politicians to spend levy money lineing there own pockets. Also the City did try to get the homeless and the others to get on free buses and get out but they chose not to for whatever reason. ( That is a quote from the governor of LA )
I am also so sick of the sideline quarterbacks that think they could do any better rescuing thousands and thousands of people over about a thousand square mile area and thats not including Mississippi. I will guarantee that every man and woman from the top down was doing everything they could do to get there and help those people and may anyone who even suggest that race was any kind of factor burn in hell. You people have no clue what a rescuer goes through when they can not save someone but maybe if you could share their nightmares with them you would understand better.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 08:51 AM

They were warned by the same newpaper that is now calling out the government and blaming Bush. Full responsibility falls on the shoulders of the mayor of New Orleans.

Before residents had ever heard the words "Hurricane Katrina," the New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE ran a story warning residents: If you stay behind during a big storm, you'll be on your own!

The mayor is a hypocrite for knowing there was nothing to do for the poor, not fighting harder to get more funding and telling them they were all on there won if they did not leave.

TIMES-PICAYUNE published a story on July 24, 2005 stating: City, state and federal emergency officials are preparing to give a historically blunt message: "In the event of a major hurricane, you're on your own."

PS- Kanye West hates white people.....


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