posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 05:21 PM
Whenever a question is about a large number of people, in this case all the people, there is never a single answer. Instead there is always a list of
factors that affect different people to various degrees.
I agree with many of the comments already made, except 2 in particular.
The increased awareness of Paranormal activity based on occult studies is not a fad. What I see is that acceptance of things of this sort has been
increasing. There was a time when if you openly proclaimed your belief in say Wicca you put yourself at risk. Not just from those misguided religious
folks who want to 'save' you but at your place of work, or when you wished to rent a home.
Those days, in most places, are thankfully over. What we are learning is tolerance, the ability to accept differences in others without leaping to
unwarrented conclusions. This will not fade and can only lead to more people asking questions about their own beliefs and then looking for someone
like me to explore other possibilities.
It seems as though occult practicioners may be unleashing hell on Earth...literally. Wouldn't that explain all the paranormal activity?
Anyone who spends any time at all in the study of the occult learns a few things that have immediate, and positive, effects on their everyday actions.
It is one thing to be told 'If you act bad you will be punished when you die' but it is quite another to see the consequences of your actions in
this life, today, now.
So in my experience the very best people have indeed been those who study various occult belief systems. Wiccans teach their 'Rule of 3' and that
same idea is echoed across the board. Study of these sorts of things makes for better people who are more aware of the feelings of others around them.
More importantly any serious occult study leads you to a much greater sense of your responsibility for your own actions, something that most humans
could stand a whole lot more of.
The idea that those who study the occult are in any way "unleashing hell on Earth" is not just wrong, it is the total opposite of the actual
[edit on 9/7/05 by Alexander Tau]