posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:10 AM
I'm sorry Shadow, but as i read your initial post i couldn't help but think with each point you made "So what? Is global warming worth discovering
that?".... ask yourself that with each of those points.
Even if we discovered something so fantastic about our past as to completely change the way we think about ourselves and our place in the universe, so
what? Is it worth all the death and destruction (to all the men, women, children, animals and plant life on this fragile planet)? You ever stop to ask
yourself that maybe we wont be in a position to benifit from any of that knowledge? What if the process of global warming once started, never ends
until the world itself dies... forever. Ever think about the implications of those what ifs?
Its exactly that sort of self centered ways of thinking that is destroying that which is sacred on our planet, both now and throughout human
"Lets ruin the planet and see what we find out, maybe we will find some bones, or ooohhhh better yet, altantis or a UFO". You should be ashamed of