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posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:12 AM
My friend was talking to me about Demiurge today. It all started because we began talking about religion and all. I said I think that Satan pretends to be God and that Satan is the god of this world. I am sure many would violently disagree with me, I am not trying to start a flame thread or anything so please keep that in mind. Anyways, I told him that we are made to suffer the moment we are a feteus, that we aren't doing what god intended, and that technology further enslaved us, because we work to buy stuff and work more to buy more. Everyone has their routine, everyone is suppose to be part of the machine, those that don't are considered outcasts, ie junkies, bums, etc.

We talked about how we'd die earlier if we just up and left this world and lived off the land never relying on technology, chance to die from illness, injury whatever. He said we'd probably die quicker now rather than if we were to do this say 3,000 years ago because of pollution and the such.

Anyways I told him that and he said Demiurge... I been looking all over the net for information, only thing I can find is some wicca crap and a catholic encylopedia entry...
it's below, I am wondering if anyone has any additional information they'd like to share with me. I am not sure if I totally believe what I was talking about but I do think about it often.

According to Valentinus the Demiurge was the offspring of a union of Achamoth (he k�ta soph�a or lower wisdom) with matter. And as Achamoth herself was only the daughter of Soph�a the last of the thirty �ons, the Demiurge was distant by many emanations from the Propat�r, or Supreme God. The Demiurge in creating this world out of Chaos was unconsciously influenced for good by Jesus Soter; and the universe, to the surprise even of its Maker, became almost perfect. The Demiurge regretted even its slight imperfection, and as he thought himself the Supreme God, he attempted to remedy this by sending a Messias. To this Messias, however, was actually united Jesus the Saviour, Who redeemed men. These are either huliko�, or pneumatiko�. The first, or carnal men, will return to the grossness of matter and finally be consumed by fire; the second, or psychic men, together with the Demiurge as their master, will enter a middle state, neither heaven (pleroma) nor hell (hyle); the purely spiritual men will be completely freed from the influence of the Demiurge and together with the Saviour and Achamoth, his spouse, will enter the pleroma divested of body (h�le) and soul (psuch�)

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:22 AM
What do you mean "Wicca crap"?
What precisely is wrong with Wicca?

By the way, that entry is Gnostic, not Catholic.


posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:26 AM
wicca crap as in some wikapedia site I did not wish to visit.


atleast it what the website claims at the title on the Internet Explorer window


edit: Did you even click the link?

[Edited on 4-9-2003 by TheReflectingGod]

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by TheReflectingGod
wicca crap as in some wikapedia site I did not wish to visit.


atleast it what the website claims at the title on the Internet Explorer window


edit: Did you even click the link?

[Edited on 4-9-2003 by TheReflectingGod]

Yes I did, it even says on the site that the Demiurge is a common term in Gnosticism and that the entry which you took from it was describing the Gnostic Demiurge.
Why didn't you go to the Wiccan site?

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:47 AM
Yes I know it was gnostic, just when I said a catholic ecyc entry I was reffering to the website itself anyways no reason going on about that. The Wicca site? The first one I went to was some sort of poetry site, I saw a wikapedia but just didn't take the time, as I started to read new advents site i felt it was quite a long read and my attention span is very small lol.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:50 AM
Fair enough.
Yeah, if you want to know more about the Demiurge, read that Gnostic site I linked to, it's a very interesting religion with some very interesting concepts.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:51 AM
actually the site i thought was wicca-ish had nothing to do with it lol just the name, I saw it and thought wicca because of the previous page... Glad I went back and clicked it anyways, here it is, and thanks for the link.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 05:33 PM
"I am totalitarian, I've got abortions in my eyes"

Off topic:

The Reflecting God is my all time favorite song.

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