posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 06:50 PM
That is right,they should be held accountable,but they won't be,by accepting this kind of crap the citizenry of the US is just as guilty as those
doing it.A distraction will divert attention away from it,and there will probably be some kind of accident/test before anyone thinks about it
Our grandparents and their grandparents put this country where it is now because they trusted the bastards in power and their trust was betrayed.
Now anyone who has the balls to stand up and tell these sonsabitches they are onto them is killed or smeared all over their propaganda machine and the
stupid sheoples just eat it up like it's some kinda movie or something.
America may not be an isolationist country,but it is far enough away from the rest of the world to be safer than most,there are preparations being
made to bring this trouble to our shores,9/11 was just a fart in the wind compared to what is going to come in the future.
5% of the population of the US is all it would take to change things back to right,never gonna happen though,people love seeing all the wrong,like
entertainment or something.
This all began in 1812,with the removal of the 13th amendment from the constitution,they will not be held accountable.