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Bush administration to build bioweapons facilities

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posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 12:43 AM
Mixing bugs and bombs
By Marylia Kelley & Jay Coghlan

Siting advanced bioweapons germ research at secretive nuclear labs could be a serious mistake, especially given Energy�s poor security, safety, and environmental records.

For months, U.S. and coalition forces have scoured Iraq searching for biological weapons and the labs that might have made them; the possibility of these labs� existence led broadcasts around the world.

Meanwhile, in the United States, with very little media attention or public discussion, the Bush administration is quietly pursuing plans to build biowarfare agent facilities of its own. The new labs will handle, modify, and experiment with some of the most harmful agents known to humanity, including live anthrax, plague, Q fever, and botulism.


posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 01:06 AM

Making America a safer place!

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 04:56 PM
How can they justify themselve's saying another nation NOT under USA control can't have bioweps, then we turn around and do this? This country is nothing more than a big #ing joke!

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by e-nonymous
How can they justify themselve's saying another nation NOT under USA control can't have bioweps, then we turn around and do this? This country is nothing more than a big #ing joke!

Yes, that's the spirit and totally correct.

They've already had biological and chemical weapons arsenal. Who do you think equipped the big bad rootin' tootin' Saddam in the 80s? That's right! America!

Hypocritical con artists.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 05:10 PM
Can't say this surprises me. I'm so sick and tired of the government right now. Hypocrisy, and Lies are their two major courses of action. One of these days, the normal, common, whitebread, honky-ass, wal-mart shopping american populace is going to wake up, and decide that the government is a bad idea...I can just feel it.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 06:36 PM
The way i look at it is that every nation which is capable of developing weapons will do so. Its when the nation shows intentions of using these weapons that the world communities must act. The American gov't presented their case very poorly (as usual) for political reasons. Arms treatys are a joke no one honors them, "with great power comes great responsibility" and when somone has any intention of abusing thier power they should be held accountable. Is the issue complicated and unfare and warrants discussion of course, but this isnt the forum or thread for it.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 06:43 PM
The original article from the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists is definitely posted in the right Forum.

The fact that it is politically loaded is further demonstration that there is no such thing as value-free science.

I think anything coming out of that article remains pertinent here.

[Edited on 4-9-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 06:50 PM
That is right,they should be held accountable,but they won't be,by accepting this kind of crap the citizenry of the US is just as guilty as those doing it.A distraction will divert attention away from it,and there will probably be some kind of accident/test before anyone thinks about it again.
Our grandparents and their grandparents put this country where it is now because they trusted the bastards in power and their trust was betrayed.
Now anyone who has the balls to stand up and tell these sonsabitches they are onto them is killed or smeared all over their propaganda machine and the stupid sheoples just eat it up like it's some kinda movie or something.
America may not be an isolationist country,but it is far enough away from the rest of the world to be safer than most,there are preparations being made to bring this trouble to our shores,9/11 was just a fart in the wind compared to what is going to come in the future.
5% of the population of the US is all it would take to change things back to right,never gonna happen though,people love seeing all the wrong,like entertainment or something.
This all began in 1812,with the removal of the 13th amendment from the constitution,they will not be held accountable.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 06:53 PM
does this surprise anyone? throw it on the pile of hypocracy the bush administration is based apon, how else will they kill massive amounts of "terrorists" *cough* civilians*cough cough* if they can't use nukes they gotta be able to use chems on ppl cuz how can they know who the enemy is in a residential area, it'd be far more efficient to just killl all them cuz then atleast no americans die

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 07:03 PM
these weapons are the wave of the future,nukes are good for scaring populations,but their effectiveness is wearing off and people are beginning to realise that they probably will never be used because what would the point be of nuking some place?,there would be no spoils to reap.
Why would those in power want to destroy the entire planet for years to come?,they would have to live underground for years if nuclear weapons were used,and there would be very little left for them to do afterwards since most everything would be destroyed.
They just want to kill people,not the environment.
I wonder where SARS went?,or is it still here?.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 07:13 PM
Blaming politics will never end wars, or cease violence. Politics is a function of society, especialy in a Democracy, it will not be till a few good men change the views of society that the world well be at peace. I'm affraid it will take people all over the world to reshape the simple global notion of Humanity. Will it happen in our lifetime no, but does it have the potential of happening? Yes. We may never be albe to solve all problems, but by understanding and compromising our views, but not our principals we will be as close to peace as humanly possible. This view is the teaching of nearly every religion and great men such as Gahndi and King.

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