On a side note, DR we arnt in our current ice age the glaciers of NZ are reminents of the last ice age and we are actually 10000+ years over due
for the next one. Posted by Seedy Sid
In geological terms, any conditions where ice is solid for a year round period anywhere on the surface of the planet under natural conditions is
termed Ice House. We currently have a "permanent" ice cap at both poles, therefore, we are in Ice House conditions now.
Indeed, when we are in Hot House conditions, all water on the planet is liquid, and sea levels would rise dramatically. The geological evidence we
have for this is that due to biological processes, whenever we have a high stand of sea level, micro organisms (reef builders and others) build
carbonate rock right up to the current sea level. Now consider how all the limestone showed up in say, the mountains of Kentucky? THAT was sea level
at one time...
Also, we can determine the climatological conditions through the minerology of the limestone... for a reason we still dont completely understand,
during Hot House conditions, limestone is usually the Dolomite variety, having a very high concentration of magnesium. During Ice House conditions,
the limestone formed is normal Calcite, or low magnesium limestone.
As far as the normal cycles that control our climate over these wide ranges, it is a system called the Milakonvich Cycle:
In the last fifty years, global warming has become an issue of concern for scientists, industrialists, and virtually everyone who has some stake in
the future of the Earth. Most of the attention of the public has been focused upon how greenhouse gases affect the atmosphere and how consumers can
help the environment. In addition to these factors, however, global warming includes some external causes which scientists continue to research with
hopes that the global warming process is more naturally occurring than was previously determined. The two main sources of external control of the
Earth's climate are the Milankovitch cycle and the output of radiation by the sun.
The Milankovitch theory involves three aspects of the Earth's rotation around the sun--the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the obliquity of the
Earth's axis, and the precession of the Earth's axis. The shape of the Earth's orbit varies from a circular path to a more elliptical path, while
the orbital axis about which the Earth rotates precesses with a frequency of 21,000 years. The inclination of the axis can also change by up to three
degrees. The distribution of incoming solar radiation, therefore, is greatly affected by these variances, and certainly these factors may drive cyclic
climatic changes on Earth. The Milankovitch theory has been justified by the extraction of sediment layers that vary in carbonate material, indicating
a cycle of warming and cooling trends.
In addition to orbital variations, the total solar radiation output of the sun may be an external control of the Earth's climate. Beginning in 1980,
researchers have been studying sunspots to measure the total solar output. Between 1980 and 1985, solar output decreased by 0.1 percent, but in 1987
it increased again. Such measurements did not relate to the warming trend of the Earth's climate during those years, however, some correlations have
been made between sunspot frequency and climate. Because research on sunspots is fairly recent, assessment of long-term climate changes due to these
factors is difficult.
The external controls of the Earth's climate can be summed up in the list below:
External Factor How Climate is Affected
Milankovitch Cycle The amount of solar radiation
*Eccentricity of orbit entering atmosphere varies
*Obliquity of axis with change of Earth's position
*Precession of axis
Total Solar Output The amount of solar radiation
leaving the sun varies