posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 02:23 AM
Don't worry about what you look like right now, just concentrate on not being a dick. That always helps. You're probably going to end up at least a
little better looking as you get older, but if you're a dick, it doesn't even matter.
Be considerate of others, but don't be a 'nice guy', that is don't roll over for anyone unless you know they're willing to roll over for you
Try picking up an electric guitar and learning to play. Of course, then you have to deal with members of the opposite sex who are willing to hang out
with guitar players, which is mixed to say the least. If you learn to play drums, you'll only get to hang out with guitar players and their skanky
girlfriends, so consider that.
Be confident in yourself, be enthusiastic about the things you do, whether they are things you want to do, or things you have to do. But especially
the things you have to do, because chances are there are others around you who also have to do what you're doing, and that enthusiasm can make an
impression on people.
Last but not least, try not to get too hung up on one girl. You'll just drive yourself crazy, especially if she's not interested. If you find one
that is, go ahead and get hung up, but realize the future pain that they could represent for you, and vice-versa.
Oh, and if you find you can't be honest with someone, you might as well forget about it, 'cause it'll never last.