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Psychic Exact Earth Census 5-2005

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posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 07:12 AM
Thank you for your response. How elegant your speech is. Your response was a lot to absorb and yet I followed it through and began the process of wrapping my mind around the intricate process of this understanding.

It appears that this universe as a whole are all levels of hierachy and it also seems that we fall into the middle to lower platform of those levels. Perhaps I am wrong but maybe we as a race have bound ourselves right out of gaining the knowledge that purportedly is ours to take and know.
My question is: Do all other life forms outside ourselves operate on the conscience or the physical? If they operate on the physical then are they too trying to achieve a realm of knowing?
Is man so tied to his physical self that we obstruct our view of actually "seeing"?
How does one go about reaching that level of conscience?

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 01:38 PM
You ask how psychic talents can be developed. In a sense they can be self-realized much on their own. If you are good at fixing cars, you will naturally find yourself at some point, working with cars. The same is true of the psychic nature in my experience. It is very helpful to learn to avoid negativity in your reactions to life, and to consider whatever your talents may be in the psychic area, that they be used for the good of service to others. This creates a positive energy around you and your intentions and brings forward those innate talents that sense beyond our five senses.

You should also realize, like all talents, there are different areas they develop in. Car fixers are rarely Picasso’s and vice versa. So it is with the psychic area. Some people with this development can infer information about another without batting an eye, while these same people may not have ever experienced discussions with celestial beings. So it is important to first learn about yourself and what it is you are drawn to in the psychic field, and then to align yourself with the forces of good, and ask not only of yourself to allow development, but also ask the Creator, however you may define him or her, to help you become all you can be in the service to others.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 01:41 PM
A: I appreciate what you have said. I also appreciate your mind is quite an instrument. These questions you ask go to the heart of the matter like a knife to the bone. Let me respond as best I can to you, and I know you understand these answers are my opinion and not set in stone.

It appears that this universe as a whole are all levels of hierarchy and it also seems that we fall into the middle to lower platform of those levels.

A: That is a fact although that is just one way to look at the universe. For instance it is equally true that the universe can be viewed as the vehicle through which we reach destiny. It is the platform, and a platform has no hierarchy. But let me address and characterize, in a brief way, the pecking order of reality for you.

Reality consists of three different systems of organization in the universe we call mind, matter, and spirit, and personality is potentially the coordinating mechanism of reality through the mediation of spirit. Personality is a pattern that arranges reality, so whatever else it is, it is the co-ordinator of the conscious universe:

1)Matter is the most abundant energy of the universe and is subordinated by mind.

2) Mind subordinates matter. In man this is through his knowledge and manipulation of the universe laws about the behavior of matter– science. Deity inherently is able to manipulate matter through mind.

3)Spirit eventually becomes directive of mind in the evolutionary worlds.
In the evolutionary superuniverses energy-matter is dominant except in personality, where spirit through the mediation of mind is struggling for the mastery. The goal of the evolutionary universes is the subjugation of energy-matter by mind, the co-ordination of mind with spirit, and all of this by virtue of the creative and unifying presence of personality. Thus, in relation to personality, do physical systems become subordinate; mind systems, co-ordinate; and spirit systems, directive.

This is why mind is so important on a sphere like ours. All the coordination of all the experiences we have eventually have a meaning when those experiences are evaluated by mind with the values of spirit which indwells the mind of man. Drugs and many other substances attack the structure of the brain system in such a way, that mind does not always fully encircuit as it should. Mental abnormalities can develop when the coordination between mind and spirit are disrupted by what are really acts of terrorism to the brain functions that support mind. I am not blaming a single soul for their practices, but providing insight into the effects of overuse of any substance.

And there are many other examples of an order in the universe, briefly such as the following:
1 -The finite (evolutionary time and space) is preceded by
2 -The transcendental universe (no time but with space)
3 -The existential universe (spaceless, timeless) embraces both the finites and the transcendentals.

Man is a finite being born at the bottom of the universe life that can recognize the existence of God. We represent the last in a series of a large order of beings in the universe called sons of God because of our mind ability to recognize spiritual values and presence of the divine.

The finite universe alone has projected, upon its completion, 70 trillion inhabited planets, all of which are destined to produce evolutionary beings of our order.

Perhaps I am wrong but maybe we as a race have bound ourselves right out of gaining the knowledge that purportedly is ours to take and know.

A: That is to change. And not all of it is our fault. Our planet has a highly unusual history that has caused great problems for balanced growth of the species.

My question is: Do all other life forms outside ourselves operate on the conscience or the physical?

A: No. Physical life which is primarily human life in the universe I would say is probably the most numerous given the projected numbers of planets I show above. They are physical as we are and while they take on various design changes due to planetary conditions, they are a physical being and human.

There is no purely mindal life, for in the evolutionary universes, mind is always associated with either the physical or the spiritual but never purely by itself.

Spiritual orders who are never material abound in the universe. For instance in our own local universe one “army” of seraphic angels has 71,663,616 individuals in it, and there are many armies in this part of space who’s sole function is to minister to universe life, including us.

If they operate on the physical then are they too trying to achieve a realm of knowing?

A: Yes, the human desire for living well, finding spiritual values, knowing God are universal wherever they may be found.

Is man so tied to his physical self that we obstruct our view of actually "seeing"?

A: It is not so much that we are tied to our physical, but we are tied to our thinking. Remember mind coordinates between physical experience and spiritual values (truth, beauty, and goodness), and if we do not enlarge our capacity to absorb with the intellect those changes necessary for our personal growth, then we tend to stagnate and are blissfully unaware of our surroundings. Both science and the church are guilty of this as institutions, and so it will always fall to an individual to make personal changes first and collectively before his institutions can be changed.

How does one go about reaching that level of conscience?

A: How many pages do I have? :-) Let me place the answer in short. Life by itself, if it left alone has the inherent power within the mind and the personality to find these higher levels of consciousness. They do not happen when you are 20, but they should begin to happen when you are 40, and if not, there are a dozen and one ways the mind can be trapped by bad choices or explicit teachers that actually hamper the natural and spiritual inclination of every individual alive.

Personally, some of my discoveries were by accident; some were purposefully gone after; some were asked for and some were given and others not so. Evolution of the spiritual self takes a life time in the physical because we have only the indirection of contact to begin with. The adjutant mind spirits are unconscious, yet we learn to use mind better with them and are wholly unaware of them. Conscious contact with spiritual beings takes some hard work because it requires self-mastery of the mind level of consciousness. It takes the ability to still it and listen. No ceremony is ever needed, but one’s intention to have contact or higher insight is needed, actually required. Informal prayer is quite satisfactory since it really is a petition to spirit of verbalizing one’s intention to be of service. God knows that already, but until YOU become aware of, spirit will not act on your behalf. Nor will any celestial being worth their salt contact somebody that will keep knowledge hidden or never intends to be helpful to another soul. All of these things enter into the picture about what one can develop as higher consciousness such as health, such as mind stability, and such as spiritual capacity.

Thanks again for your questions and comments.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 09:34 PM
I don't really have time to post a fully detailed response to all of this as it is 03.32AM and I promised myself an early night...

However, I would just like to say, this thread is amazingly interesting. I'll definately be following it as it ages. Aronolac, I would like to thank you for all you have shared with us.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 11:30 PM
Is it me or does everyone on prozac fabricate a story the same way?

posted on Sep, 21 2005 @ 08:57 AM

Is it me or does everyone on prozac fabricate a story the same way?

I don't know do they?

Behold the individual with the closed circuit.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 09:18 PM
There is something about this that rings true to me. I am not able to quantify it logicly at this moment. But I am willing to express my support publicly.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 12:22 PM
Yes, it resonates true with me as well.
I have so many questions but cannot formulate them into words.

Ron - if you could share more with us. What are your thoughts then for this earth conscience shift that is said to take place near 2012?
Certainly this would effect all life forces out there.

thank you for your time


posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 03:36 PM
Dear Umbra-saltatar and DDay,

Thanks for your continuing interest in what has to be a disorienting experience sometimes. It is not always obvious to me where I need to place markers to help readers with the equivalent or similar knowledge we may already have. I really do thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to place some of this new information (new to us) in writing.

The year 2012 is curious because of the coincidence it represents.

If we attempt to approach the year 2012 as somehow related to the bestowal of Jesus, then the year 2012 actually falls in 2006.

Let me explain:

Jesus was born, according to the universe revelatory record I have some access to, at noon, 21 August 7 B.C. Simple arithmetic says, well just add 7 to the current year and we have the actual A.D. date.

That would be fine except for an error made when our calendar was set up in the medieval period. The use of the spacer "0" was not known and was a contribution of the invading Moslems into Europe centuries later. As result there is 1 BC and then 1 AD, no zero was used to separate the new era by the monk who did not know zeros (spacer) existed.

Because there was never a year "0" entered by the monk who calculated the Christian calendar, we have to add "6" from the known birth date of Jesus according to the universe records to reach the true Christen era date most of the world uses.

Now the coincidence:

The year 2012 is actually 2006 (2006 + 6 = 2012) when the Christian calendar is corrected. Recent messages which are flooding in to our planet have indicated that the great spiritual hierarchy in this part of the universe, are preparing to welcome another divine Son in our midst by about this date of the current calendar.

From other sources starting on or about September 06, 2005, our planetary administration (our spiritual government) is put on notice that a "brother of Christ", with all the powers that were invested in the one we know as Jesus, is to arrive in the flesh as a full grown male of the realm, shortly to begin his work among the people of earth.

The object of this visit which will likely start in earnest in 2006 and extend to 2011 as the mission gears up and people around the world are brought into the loop as to what is going on, is to end the old 4th epochal revelation dispensation that Jesus declared upon his death on the cross and the 5th era opened. Dispensations are numbered one up from the advent of the first humans to appear on our planet.

This event is of tremendous import.

The fifth epochal dispensation will be declared soon. Its mission is to reorganize the spiritual personalities and their work assignments. Some of the old goals for our planet will be ended. Brand new ones will be put into place. Then begins the education process for all.

From these messages flooding into our planet we learn that this mission is to be called a Magisterial Mission. In addition to what is noted above, the Magisterial Mission is designed to bring the world to justice (its correction and new goals) and to extend the mercy of God to all who shall come. The coming period is unprecedented. It can not be fully be preapared for and thus it becomes necessary to learn to adopt to the new circumstances that are scheduled to take effect, certainly, by 2012.

The Magisterial Son may live and be visible on the planet for as much as one millennium to bring this planet to actualize a divine program called Light and Life. Material bodies for those who incarnate will be refreshed likely through a dual circulation system. I say this so we do not get hung up on the supposed impossibility of maintaining a flesh and blood body for such a length of time. It is completely possible and it will be done.

There will be a staff of 100 that accompanies and who will incarnate with the Magisterial Son. Another group, called the Court of the Magisterial Son, 144 high spiritual beings, will not incarnate to our knowledge. Their work is coordination and preparation for social and cultural changes around the world.

The Magisterial Son has already arrived, but there is a transition process in force, and it has been estimated that the transition to a fully human form will take from 2005-6 to 2010-12. Anyone who has reviewed history will know that dating future events, even based on past events, is tricky, but the celestial side has indicated these are the best time frames to be given.

This Son is of the highest born spirit-personality available to the universes of time and space. There are 36 other inhabited planets within our administrative sector who are approximately ready for the same experience within a couple of decades of what we shall have.

Our planet is of great interest to all in this local universe because it was on our sphere that received the bestowal of Jesus [for different reasons]. Jesus is actually a Creator Son, the Creator of life, in this part of time and space (with exception of the raw material already existing in space in this part of the Milky Way), and only one planet in 10,000,000 can have such an honor. In some respects this may be why we are going to be about the first to undergo the Magisterial Mission in the series of dispensations undertaken on behalf of these planets.

Consequences of what is to be will be enormous. However, that is getting off the subject of your question about the meaning of the year 2012.

By itself, the year has no particular meaning, but there is, depending on your view of coincidence, this remarkable time coming to us almost on the dot of the year you question.

This should give you some insight into what "is up" and the approximate timing that surrounds it.

Thank you once again for your interest and questions.


posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 08:02 PM

Thank you for that post, it was full of wonderful information.

Is that what you have just described the second coming of Christ that has been prophesised? I apologise if that is a stupid question but it's very late and I'm tired.

Thanks again.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 09:37 PM
Hello xeroxed88

No. The Second Coming is an entirely different matter although some people may confuse it with such. Christian expectations are focused on a scenario that will not happen this time. That may blind some, but certainly, it will confuse many. The church has no theological instructions and an insufficient cosmology to understand it. History will have to tell us how the western church manages to survive a demonstration of cosmology they could not anticipate from the meager information they have on hand to guide them.

The relationships within the diversity of the divine in time is astounding and mostly unsuspected. That spiritual being, the divine personality we call Jesus, has asked his brother, a Son of God, to step in and bring this planet back to where it should be. Brothers are directly related and so it is with this Magisterial Son and the Creator Son we knew 2,000 years ago.

In truth, this may be the first step in our planet's evolution toward a universal religion. We will not see it because it will take a while, but some day a new kind of church based on the same revelation of God will replace the present sectarian views of him with a greater and larger picture anyone has now. There will always be cultural differences, but the core revelation will be the same.

That core revelation is about to be presented to the world at large, but it is not, by itself, the second coming.

Let me say this also:

This thread concerns itself with the paranormal. To sense these things we have been speaking of requires the insight of senses that we do not understand although we understand other senses have been demonstrated in us and in others.

It does not matter what we call the results of the unusual sensing we lump under the category of the paranormal so long as we recognize that:

1) The mind is not a physical system; it operates on its own universal laws that are common to everyone, high or low, in the universe. How many mind senses are there? I do not know the upper limit, but in the human mind there may be as many as 12. These are not physical senses, they are fact-gathering senses and if one has to take an OBE to gather information, the mind is right there to observe as well.

2) The spirit senses. When we pass over to the next station of life, the combined sensing of the new form is 48. In the flesh we have considerably less in the spiritual sense. The spiritual knowing is inherent in true spiritual beings, but in us we must use mind as the intermediary and to that we have less than 10.

The paranormal is a combination of these three systems to gather intelligence from the environment, and we must begin to de-mystify the category we call the paranormal as something all of us have. We will grow much more rapidly in using these additional sense if we are able to learn they are not conjecture, nor frightening, or overwhelming. They just are and with patience they can be made conscious.

Reality operates 3 functional systems which our minds gather facts about and our personalities coordinate to genuinely "know" without really understanding sometimes how we know.

Many people suspect that in the next few years, reality as we THINK we know it, will be turned upside down. How do they suspect this? Well - generally speaking, those paranormal senses we have been talking about have kicked in on the subliminal areas of our selves and feed back to us what we should become alert to for our own good. In other words when it is really important to know we all share in the paranormal uses to know what we need to.

No one should fear the paranormal. It is our potential. It is to be humanly developed for although we are in our infancy as ascenders to a great spiritual destiny, we must learn to use what creation intended. There is nothing to fear and one ought to be looking forward to this decade of the first years of the 21st century as a great adventure to learn so much from the opportunities about to be given.


posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:01 AM
The nomenclature is evidently from the Urantia Book, and you can read it to further understand "fusion," eg. Fusion with the "thought adjuster," or "Father Fragment." To my knowledge people do not "stay on the earth," after fusion in the Urantia Book.

In my thoughts this book created for me upon continued reading, a "bliss effect." Every time I read it there are good feelings, insights and more. I am not certain how that may relate to the experience of anyone else, however it happened for me. I went on to read the book in study groups, and in all a total of about seven times. The above link may or may not be connected with the original post, however the terms are indicated.

The Jesus Papers are highly interesting and bring understanding to what you may have already read. It would probably be best to read the book from the beginning, and don't let people who have not read it try to make you decide anything.

I had a friend who said that he found out about the book from someone, and decided to read it and that he would put it away if he found anything "goofy."
He is still reading it 30 years later, and stated "it is consistent within itself."

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 07:28 AM

From other sources starting on or about September 06, 2005, our planetary administration (our spiritual government) is put on notice that a "brother of Christ", with all the powers that were invested in the one we know as Jesus, is to arrive in the flesh as a full grown male of the realm, shortly to begin his work among the people of earth.

Ron, wouldn't this imply then that this coming of this man would be what we understand to be the antichrist?
I don't really want to bring up the religious aspect of beliefs as they are but this confuses me.
As we have come to understand, the antichrist will do just that. Bring peace and prosperity to mankind thus mankind falls victim to the antichrist with exception of the Christians or any of God's people.

Perhaps I will read that book Skip recommended for better understanding.
This is where is breaks down for me. I support your ideas and your thoughts as they are very thought provoking for me in my search of a better understanding and unity however, there are still conflicting ideas that confuse the issue and I only seek to make the right choice.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 09:53 AM
Hi SkipShipman (William)

Thank you for giving that reference. Indeed the book you show was meant to prepare people for what we are about to experience. There are many different kinds of reactions to the text and I am happy to hear you got something out of it. I fully endorse your comment one should make up their own mind and not listen to those who would like to persuade readers it is not useful.


People will be claiming something about the antichrist about many things that will be experienced in the next decade. There is no antichrist, but you can not persuade those otherwise who have bought into certain texts that proclaim such will happen. It is a choice to believe in the antichrist just as it is a choice to learn the truth of the goodness of what is coming to our world. It also takes a certain amount of courage to reject the current the mysticism and emotionalism surrounding the whole subject of our religious traditions. The antichrist is a mythology, and like all myths, must someday be replaced with reality.

The purpose of the book Skipshipman recommended was to educate the public about how man and God are related as well as the purpose for why we exist. It lays the truth on the line and in the process destroys many myths we keep alive through ignorance of many things. And more is coming to know.

Please be at ease as much as you can be in the face of so much change. All of us will have ample opportunity to make up our minds when face to face with the choices that will be offered.



posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 11:55 AM
Ive just spend a couple of hours reading that Urantia book... its very interesting. To me, this carries as much credibility as the bible, its sources are as credible as the bibles. I dont believe it all, yet I dont disbelieve it all. I think I will read more of it and more into it.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 12:30 PM
I'd be remiss if I didn't throw this out there-

Quote- "The records show that shortly before The URANTIA Book was published, the CIA began an extensive search for, and development of exceptionally-gifted persons exhibiting perfect esp performance (1952), and the following year MKULTRA planted at least one “very specialized observer” at seances, seeking a “broad surveillance of all individuals attending meetings”. In studying the literature they would have undoubtedly encountered Dr. Sadler, who might be characterized as the "midwife" of The URANTIA Book had previously published writings debunking spiritualism. From them MKULTRA's analysts would have learned about the "contact personality" and might have been very interested.

In 1958 MKULTRA '___' supplier and running dog, Al Hubbard contacted Urantia movement inner circle habitué, Meredith Sprunger, for information about The URANTIA Book and the Urantia movement. Sprunger, however, does not remembers the outcome if any. He was, however, impressed with Hubbard's credentials and associates, among whom were some of the elite of the psychedelic drug fraternity.

More at Link-

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
I'd be remiss if I didn't throw this out there-

Quote- "The records show that shortly before The URANTIA Book was published, the CIA began an extensive search for, and development of exceptionally-gifted persons exhibiting perfect esp performance (1952), and the following year MKULTRA planted at least one “very specialized observer” at seances, seeking a “broad surveillance of all individuals attending meetings”. In studying the literature they would have undoubtedly encountered Dr. Sadler, who might be characterized as the "midwife" of The URANTIA Book had previously published writings debunking spiritualism. From them MKULTRA's analysts would have learned about the "contact personality" and might have been very interested.

More at Link-

The timeline is not consistent with the Urantia Book development, if I am to think that you would suggest the papers came into being in the 1950s. It is clear from readings about it over the years, the papers came vocally and were typed. Later one paper at a time was shared during the 1930s in study groups until publication of the book. People today all over the country read the book in groups, all of them independently, and not pontificated over by ministers andl interpreters.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by SkipShipman
The timeline is not consistent with the Urantia Book development, if I am to think that you would suggest the papers came into being in the 1950s. It is clear from readings about it over the years, the papers came vocally and were typed. Later one paper at a time was shared during the 1930s in study groups until publication of the book. People today all over the country read the book in groups, all of them independently, and not pontificated over by ministers andl interpreters.

I'm not suggesting, nor is the link suggesting, the papers came into being in the '50s. I offered the link for additional info, not that the CIA or MKUltra had a hand in creating the Urantia papers. There is a much larger issue here. Organizations, movements, are created independently. Doesn't mean that they can't be manipulated for another purpose. Draw your own conclusions, which I'm confident you can.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:23 PM
Aronolac, this is certainly a lot 'to wrap one's head around', as some of the others have already mentioned. I also would like to hear more. I would be very interested in learning the method to become receptive, as did the young man you mentioned in the begining of this thread.

I have read part of the Urantia book site, and have found some information about the coming of a 'Magisterial Son' on this site: The Correcting Time's Teaching Mission Archives, where they even mention a name........

It was Jesus then who worked the crowds to have them hear his call to know the Father, and now comes his Brother, Monjoronson for human eyes to see and a human voice to call the people to their Father once again. Jesus and Monjoronson call us back to our spiritual roots, to our beginnings of purpose as living creatures of the Creator-Father, and in this, their missions are the same.

Is this the same one you are speaking of?

DDay has already mentioned two of the questions that came to my mind......the timing to coincide with 2012, and the possibility that this other 'celestial son' would be, or would be mistaken for the antichrist......

Looking forward to more.......

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 07:14 PM
Dear frayed1

You asked:
Is this [Monjoronson] the same one you are speaking of?

A: This is the one, by name, that is already making contact among those of us who can receive.

In the east he is being called "The Wanderer", in some of the capitals of the west, he is being called, "The Beloved One". He is also known by other acronyms according to the culture, but they are all the same person-- the one we call, Monjoronson.

For those who would like to read the words of a recent message to those who can receive [a voice transcription] through the mind broadcasts initiated some years ago, this is what he spoke about concerning preparation for him:


"Greetings, I am one who is known as Monjoronson, and I take this opportunity to communicate with you tonight on the topic of preparation.

"I do not refer to the preparation for my arrival on your world, but rather to the preparation of your souls for being receptive to the divine leading. There are many conjectures as to the import of my presence on your world, and the time of my arrival, but I would ask you to consider where the real importance lies. For my mission is not the mission to make Monjoronson known, but indeed, . . . my mission is to bring awareness of the Fathers' love to a world languishing in spiritual poverty.

"And so I ask you to look at the ways that you can be part of this mission. I do not require that you prepare for me. . . . I am not coming to change the focus of Michael’s mission[Jesus is known as Christ Michael in the universe], but rather am I here to bring Michael’s message to the world in ways that can be enhanced by my arrival. . . . .

"I ask you to recommit to preparing your soul for being the broadest manifestation of truth, beauty, and goodness that you can be. Find the community of the Brotherhood of Men, and yes, realize that the male dominance on your world will diminish in times to come such that brotherhood and mankind are not the dominating aspects of that phrase.

"Institutions will change; cultures will change; governments and politics will change; but that change must come from heavy [i.e. thorough] preparations in your lives and by sharing that truth with those who chance to come in contact with you, whether it be with your group, or with you as an individual [to individual].

"Indeed are we blessed to live in these times, to be available to manifest the mission of our Father to bring light and life, not only to your world, but to a universe. Lift yourselves up to the reality of the increasing connections being developed throughout this universe. . . ."

End of Excerpt

I believe the message is self explanatory.

For those who are interested in the communication process that allows reception of teachers, the Magisterial Son, and even Michael himself, please email me privately ([email protected]) for a discussion on an individual basis. I would say that most people, with a normal mind, and good intentions, can master it, but it takes time and that success will vary from individual to individual. Mind chemistry and mind preparation have to be brought into balance and focus and then practiced until it is a habit. I personally do not know of any other way even though there may be. It certainly brought me into the communication loop.

These communications are courtesy of the mind which does not copyright anything when transmitting celestial teachers or Deity, at least in the program I participate in. What you see and learn above, to put it in terms of our thread, is the paranormal at work.


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