I have read and read and read all the book I could on Islam and terror. Most have some pathetic story of the poor Muslims and how the west is the
problem and that we just don't understand the true Muslim. Folsk that was until I read the Quran and studied a bit of Islamic history. Let me start
by saying that I am an Independant and not a Dem or Rep. I do hope and pray for our courty every day, regardless of occupies the seats of government.
That being said, let elaborate. The very word "Islam" means submission. A muslim one who submits.
O you who believe! Obet Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority.
-Surah 4:59 Noble Quran
The Quran is broken into chapter and verse similar to that of any book, they are called Surah. But what most do not know is that it is not in
chronological order. What they may also not be aware of is that there are two very different Qurans. One is out of Saudi Arabia :The Noble Quran and
another translated by Abdullah Yusef Ali. You should be aware of this and know that western version is using the Ali version, as it is more palatable
for conversions. When people make thier first trip to Mecca they learn what real Islam is all about the first time they hear from the Noble Quran.
Here is one of many examples:
Surah 8:39
And fight them on until there is no more tulmult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere.
Ali translation
Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will be for
Allah alone.
Noble Quran
See the difference? Pressing on.
Next we come to the hadith. These are the books that record Muhammad's life from his wives and close friends. These come in a set of six books. They
are referrenced by the author of the book who recorded them.
There are two major groups of Muslims. The sunni and Shiites. The Sunni's claim all of the Hadith as holy while the Shiites claim all but the books
of Muhammads second wife.
You need to be aware of the hadith because it instructs Muslims how they are follow the example of Muhammad.
The last item you should be aware of that is followed by Muslims is the Sharia, which is the Islamic law regarding duty to Allah.
The Quran and hadith are based on what are know as the five pillars of faith. They are:
Statement of belief: i.e There is only one God and his name is Allah and Muhhamad is his prophet
Prayer: They must pray five times a day
Giving Alms: Similar to a tax at the end of the year
Fasting: Done during Ramadan during daylight hours
Pilgrimage: Once in thier lives they must travel to Mecca
Why is it so improtant that Muslims follow to the letter the words of the Quran? Because it is a religion of works. You must earn your way to
Paradise. The only way to bypass this is die in Jihad. I'll prove it:
Then as for him whose balance (of good deads) will be heavy, he will live a pleasant life (in Paradise). But as for him whose balance will be light,
he will have his home in Hawiyah (hell).
-Surah 101:6-9 Noble Q
In other words there is no guarantee of heaven even if you do good. It all depends on Allah.
But...if you die fighting the infidel in Jihad, you are guaranteed a place in Paradise.
Jihad is fighting anybody who stands in the way of spreading Islam. Or fighting anyone who refuses to enter Islam.
-Surah 8:39 Noble Q
Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allah, and whoso fights in the Cause of Allah, and is
killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward.
-Surah 4:74 Noble Q
For them Allah has got ready Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success.
- Surah 9:89 n Noble Q
During a burial procedure the ones who died normally are washed and given a clean robe. Those who in Jihad are kept bloody as a testement of thier
So, dying in Jihad is the only SURE way of reaching heaven. What would you do? Duh, where is the plastic explosive?
The last thing you need to know is that the life of Muhammad was very instrumental in how the Quran is interpreted. Teh early verses say lots of good
things and later on her talks of the sword being the answer to the infidels. The reasons are simple. Just like most dictators who espouse change in
society (in whatever form) lie early on and turn baby killer after the words are not recieved well. He started off in Mecca preaching and trying to
convert folks and when they kicked him out he went to Medina. There he found followers and turn the sword on his countrymen who turned him out. After
that is was all downhill.
Why are telling me this history crap for anyway (some folks are thinking). It is important because lie the early verses he says good things even about
Jews and Christians. Like most of the "Heifer" (read about it) there are 114 verses saying sweet things. What about those? Well here is the deal,
there are great deal of contradictions in the Quran and the way they fix them is take the later part to replace the former part if they are in
contradiction. It is as if they do not exist. Here is an example:
Surah 2:219 compaired to Surah 5:90 (you look them up and stop being ignorant)
When these things happen they are referred to as Naskh, or a later revelation to Muhammad. So it must be more current and therefore more valid.
Example of this Surah 2:62-109 (warm and fuzzy) being cacelled by Surah 9:5:
Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and sieze them, beleager them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they
repent and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them; For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most merciful
This is the verse know as the verse of the sword, and explains why Muslims must fight anyone who chooses not to convert to Islam, inside a Muslim
country or out.
The principle of Jihad is ever present in a muslims life if he read the Quran and just because the Queen of Jordan says it isn't so should look to
the book she is referrinf to. It isn't one of peace but on of war and extremism.
She said women are eual and don't really have to wear the Hijab. well let's just see if she was right.
4:3 2:229 4:11 4:34 33:53 33:33 4:34 33:59 33:35
Hmmmm, not Exactly what she said huh?
But why would she say that the Quran was such a peaceful book and that Islam is such a great religion?
Hello...converts and another way of Jihad is to make converts through lies and softness, fuzzyness and charity.
Here is the thing about people...they are sheep and need a shepherd. They won't look things up for themselves and take what the media pushed as
gospel. People are lazy and want everything handed to them on a silver platter.
I am not going to get all Bible on you guys but if you are in Islam get out. You are going down a road that will lead to either a black nothing (as
agnostics think) coming back as bug (as the Hindu and Buddist think) or hell as Christians think). There will be no heaven for you unless you strap a
bomb on yourself and kill others. Don't be lied to look it up. And when you see it thank me a bit for showing you the light.