posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 10:55 AM
Affirmative Reaction:
"YOUR analogy is flawed. It smacks of the same anti-American rhetoric that is so pervasive among those who do nothing but complain about what others
do or don't do, while they sit on their azzes doing nothing...."
whine whine whine .... my analogy could easily be applied to any country. it is not specifically anti-american. in fact, i state here and now (once
again, as i've done it before) that the UK is almost as bad as america in these respects.
"You makd it seem that the US is nothing but a greedy gangster, looking to steal a childs lunch money. What an ignorant idea. The US gives more money
in grants and loans to third world nations than most of the rest of the world combined!"
america takes more money from third world nations that any other through the IMF, WTO and the massive third world debt. if i wanted to be ~really~
cynical i could say that the only reason why america gives what she does to the third world is so that they don't go ~completely~ tits up and hence
not be able to repay said debts at all.
"And as far as playing nice, I suppose if Iraq nuked Isriel, you would say, "They were mistreated as children...don't punish them, give them a
hug!" "
nope, if iraq nukes israel - and there was evidence to show that saddam could immediately do it again, i.e. they had another nuke - i would say that
there is reasonable justification for assassinating saddam.
contrary to what you may believe i am not a pacifist. i seem want some common sense, some open discussion of the ~facts~ governments never want to
give the people, and some serious exploration or alternative solutions to the iraqi problem.
"The reason this would is in sucha stare today, with crime on the rise, and children out of control is that boneheads like you think spanking your
children is a crime!"
well, i can't speak for boneheads ~like~ me, but this bonehead does not think that way.
"There have to be concequences for improper actions. Fear of punishment is what keeps honest people honest."
fear or punishment keeps DIShonest people honest. if a person is honest, then he need not fear.
either way, your attitude - if i may draw a comparison - is similar to the christian god "thou shalt do as i say or burn in hell". an attitude i
disagree with. why? because you are talking about 'rule through fear'. it is a recipe for oppression, not freedom.
- qo.